Keepy Ocool 🌊🏖🐚
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the toxic psychological attacks keep coming... #keepyocool
keeping his promise to America... #keepyocool
Radioactivity becomes the new boogyman (replaces C19) and all the vax adverse events get a built-in excuse. What a load of 💩 that would be... #keepyocool
"To get infected, the amoeba has to get to the ceiling of your nose – way, way up there," the late epidemiologist Raoult Ratard told NPR in 2013, when the amoeba was found for the first time in a city water supply in the U.S.

"At the top of the nose you have a little paper-thin plate made of bone with a bunch of holes, a little bit like a mosquito net," Ratard said. "The holes are for the olfactory nerve. So the amoeba is crawling up the nerve and gets into the brain."

Could this be Pandemic 2? Could the fraudulent PCR test be the cause? Will people buy the fear? They already shut down a beach in Iowa, but is yours or my hometown next? #keepyocool
They keep fantasizing and we keep our cool. They might be doing evil things, calling it research, but always #keepyocool #GodWins
Trust Biden, he also said if you got the shots that you wouldn't get the virus... See how that worked out? #keepyocool
The ears were probably just photoshopped.... right?... #keepyocool
Just the most consequential race in the nation being stolen and the GOP will do nothing because they are more interested in defeating Trump than winning the Senate or the governorship in AZ. #keepyocool
How long before the collapse, or are we watching it in real-time? #keepyocool
Just a note about the "weather" tonight.

It's been very clear to me for about 6 years that the weather in the USA is totally engineered.

Tonight is a horrendous storm from Texas to Wisconsin. Not natural at all. Some might call it climate change, but some are either naive or master manipulators. The agenda is to herd and cull. What kills people quicker than a bogus injection designed to cause cancers and infertility? Ice storms and tornadoes in December. Again, totally engineered.

You might be a little behind and wondering why the agenda would be to herd and cull... It's simple. The plan to exterminate masses of the worldwide population has been set in motion by decades of planning, posturing, and programming.

The programmed are us (in many cases,) and we are being programmed to accept our futility, while simultaneously being programmed to feel guilt for these insane environmental changes, aka climate change. Make it make sense! I'll give up my vehicle for the sake of the environment whenever I don't need to work 7 days a week to barely get by. And no I will not be a proponent of universal income if it comes to the US.

I'm working in the snow removal business, and tonight I'm thinking how fucking dangerous it's going to be to drive to work in the middle of the night in an ice storm. The deck is already pure ice and it's 8:30pm. The plan is to go out at 4am when it snows.

In not the guy in the plow but the guy with a shovel so I basically have to wait for snow to fly before I get to work ... But what happens when there's an inch of ice underneath the snow on the roads and I have to drive 30 miles to work in that? I've thought about not going, but I've made a commitment. I have shitty tires from putting so many miles on them in the three years I've had them. But even good tires don't help when black ice is everywhere. Fuck that. I'm trying to live to die another day.

I'm sending this out in case anything happens, and maybe someone will find it in the future and understand that I don't buy this weather for being natural, and I do not want to risk my life tonight in it. 😮‍💨 Some beach, somewhere . . . 🌊🐚🏖️ #keepyocool
If you stopped by the channel, hit join so you can see future updates. I'll be trying to post weekly or whenever I see clear evidence of geoengineering or craziness. Remember to #keepyocool !!!
This was a couple of weeks ago, but I find it interesting how Europe is having the most mild winter ever while Russia is having their most extreme... This comes as Europe was on the verge of energy crisis+collapse after breaking all trade ties with Russia. So Russia is using huge amounts of energy while Europe is not even below freezing this winter. Curious, if you ask me! #keepyocool
Perhaps the worst thing going on in our highly locallized lives these days, may be that there's a portion of us who are wide awake and have been since before 2020, and there is a majority of the population who does not suspect the depopulation efforts which are currently underway. the hardest thing to do is to get someone to listen, when it goes against what the TV and the news have engrained in our thoughts and memories. let's take this massive discovery of nicotine being non-addictive by Dr. Ardis as an example. There were certainly times in the history of humanity where nicotine was known for its healing properties, but not since at least the 1980's after it was claimed to be addictive, and scheduled as a drug by a corrupt federal drug admin... the regulations and demonization of it, have lead to crazy results. what if though, it wasn't the nicotine that was addictive, but it was the pyrazines added into the tobbaco and vapor... in terms of nicotine alone, it can be found as a nutrient protien in celery and other veggies. you wouln't get addicted to celery. and what if nicotine is the very thing that can topple the plan to depopulate? of course there would have been plans to demonize it for decades leading into "The Great Reset."
now try telling that to people who are on their fifth booster, but understand this isn't funny or a joke. the person who has followed the governmnet recomendations to take the jab five times, are the most helpless bunch, perhaps... even if they declare to always do their own research, they still seem to not be capable of thinking for themselves, which is extremely dangerous. these are people who have sometimes been medicated by the harmful poisons distributed by big pharma for decades. like the so-called, anti-depressants, which, in my own personal experience (i have only witnessed close relatives taking these drugs,) have done zero good to the world. When we could have been exploring how our diets and the chemicals in our food + water effect us, we were too busy concocting more chemical laced drugs which came with hundres, thousands of side effects, while rarely having the desired result.
nowadays, they don't even hide that they put gila monster venom in ozempic and other drugs. if you have not heard the attached podcast, please check it out.
but if you try to tell this to someone who is unreceptive, as most people seem to be, even if it could contain information that could save their life, and even if they are starting to wonder if their life is actually at's frustrating and sad for me to deal with, with my sadness and frustration is nothing in the grand scale of things. i will have to contain my emotions to the best of my ability, and try to never resort to yelling, screaming, or violence. It gets tough to be strong and to keep cool when all of the signs are pointing clearly to an agenda which decimates humanity as we know it, or rather, used to know it. this new normal crap was always biblically stupid. now we have a majority of people who don't know, and some of us know full well. the solutions are getting harder to find, but i think they will always be there, even in the most unlikely scenarios, suchas what we are experiencing today. Thanks for reading. #keepyocool