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Israeli Strikes in Syria in 2023

Last year, Israel carried out at least 40 strikes against Iranian targets in Syria, a significant uptick from previous years. #Jusoor_Center_for_Studies examines the dynamics behind this escalation and looks at Israel’s objectives in the Syrian theater.

Five Reasons why the Astana Talks are Back

The Astana process on Syria was thought to be over, but its sponsors in Moscow and Ankara have found reasons to keep it alive. Israel’s war on Gaza, renewed violence in Idlib and the security fears of Syria’s neighbours are just some of the factors that have led to a revival of the Kazakh-hosted talks.

Regime Weaponizes Aid against Suwaida Protests

Months of anti-regime protests in southwestern Syria have prompted the regime to restrict aid deliveries in a bid to calm the situation, but has stopped short of using excessive violence – for now.

Iran Steps up Drone Attacks in Syria

Iran has stepped up its use of drone strikes against opposition-held areas in northwestern Syria and US-occupied areas in the country’s east, threatening the fragile stability of both areas. So what is Iran aiming to achieve?

Could Reviving the Constitutional Committee Shift the Regime’s Behavior?

The UN is stepping up efforts to restart talks between the Syrian regime and the opposition on a new constitution, while Russia is quibbling over the venue. We examine whether reviving the Constitutional Committee has any chance of changing the regime’s behavior.

Has Türkiye Changed Tactics Against the PKK in Syria?

A string of Turkish targeted killings in February against PKK and other Kurdish commanders in north-eastern Syria marks a change of tactics, after a campaign of strikes against oil facilities and PKK economic infrastructure in January. But does this mark a fundamental shift in strategy?

Why has the Syrian Regime Restructured its Security Apparatus?

The Syrian regime has been replacing security chiefs and restructuring its notorious intelligence agencies. But do these changes constitute a genuine attempt at reform, a power play or a PR campaign – and what is the intended message?

Why have joint Turkish-Russian Patrols in NE Syria Been Suspended?

Joint patrols in SDF-controled parts of Syria were a key part of a 2019 Russian-Turkish deal to establish an anti-PKK buffer zone near the Turkish border, but they have been suspended for months. We examine why.

Syria’s Plot to Siphon Small Business Aid

The Syrian regime is moving to overhaul an archaic system for regulating small businesses – but the plans may disguise an effort to redirect aid funds into regime pockets.

HTS Faces an Internal Crisis and Anger on the Streets

A wave of protests in Idlib has posed delicate challenges for de facto ruling power HTS, which is facing both an internal crisis and a potentially explosive situation on the streets. We examine the consequences for the region.

How are Türkiye’s Anti-PKK Strikes Changing NE Syria?

Turkish air strikes on PKK-linked energy and economic infrastructure represent a major escalation against the Kurdish group’s clout in northeastern Syria. So as the specter of a ground offensive looms, how might the PKK maneuver politically to counter this campaign?

IS Extends Attacks in the Syrian Desert: What Next?

A string of Islamic State group attacks in eastern Syria suggest that the group is stepping up its long war of attrition against the regime and other forces in the region.

Is the Autonomous Region Using an Iraqi Decision as Cover for Expulsions?

An odd statement from NE Syria’s autonomous administration appears to suggest it is seeking cover to expel unwanted residents from areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

EU Conference Makes Little Progress on Solutions for Syria

An EU conference to support Syria has shone light on regime attempts to shift the burden of its failures and its political, governmental and economic impotence onto civil society.

Can the Regime Revive Syria’s Manufacturing Sector?

The Syrian regime has been talking up efforts to revive the country’s war-damaged industrial sector. But such efforts are hobbled by a tough economic environment, lack of state finances—and the regime itself.

Has Assad Broken with Baathist Ideology?

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has delivered a major speech to the Baath party, seeking to reassure Arab countries normalizing with his regime and hinting at economic changes ahead.

Arab Summit Exposes Regime’s Continued Isolation

Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad has attended his second Arab summit since his regime was reintegrated at the Arab League—but Damscus is far from being fully accepted back into the region, where governments are irked by its failure to address key issues.

Under Pressure, Autonomous Region Postpones Elections - Again

Authorities in NE Syria have postponed elections once again, reflecting the pressures on the PYD: military pressure from Türkiye and lack of political support from Washington.

Idlib Protestors Struggle to Keep Momentum Against HTS

Northwestern Syria has seen months of protests against its de facto rulers HTS, but the jihadist group’s strategy of crushing demonstrations and fragmenting the movement appears to be working.

Can Arab Normalization Succeed Where Geneva and Astana Failed?

Renewed GCC demands that the Syrian regime implement previous commitments reflect frustration at the lack of progress on key disputes. But can the Arab track succeed where Geneva and Astana failed?
