Journey to a Better Life
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NZ C19-Vax Massacre Data [Liz Gunn]
New Zealand Ministry of Death update: NZ Mortality rates per vaccinator and per vaccine centre prove beyond doubt that the vaccines are the cause for the excess deaths. Vaccinator’s may not even know they caused deaths.

See also:
New Zealand Is A Crime Scene [Liz Gunn]
Update: NZ Whistleblower Arrested & Denied Bail
NZ C19-Vax Carnage Data Analysis [Dr Paul Oosterhuis]
Australian Dr. Paul Oosterhaus visited New Zealand to look first-hand at the data from the NZ Whistleblower. This is their video together with Liz Gunn, analyzing the data before the whistleblower’s arrest.
WHO Pushes New “Revaccination” Marketing Campaign For Pregnant Women [4 Dec 2023]
So yeah, just yesterday the World Homicide/HELL Organization posted this to their Facebook page: “If you are pregnant, make sure you get vaccinated against COVID-19. It is recommended in every pregnancy.” I thought it must be satire lol, but apparently they are seriously trying this on the public!
Convid 2024? Don’t Fall For It. [Dr Sam Bailey]
Dr Sam Bailey goes through the similarities between the 2022 Gates-WHO-Hopkins tabletop and the current China pneumonia news stories.
Quick News: Fuellmich (Jail), Fall Of Cabal’s Janet (Missing), & NZ Data (Released)
Quick News in the last couple of days: Reiner Fuellmich has been in jail since October, Fall of Cabal’s Janet Missing (suspected Suicide), NZ Whistleblower released from jail does an interview with Steve Kirsch on Infowars revealing what happened, Kirsch’s MIT speech damning evidence, and did you know Ardern is now at Harvard working on online extremism and AI governance?
[UK] C19 Speeches – Pandemic Consequences
World Leading Experts Testify at UK’s Parliamentary Office hosted by UK MP Andrew Bridgen: Dr David Martin, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Pierre Kory, Prof Angus Dalgleish, Steve Kirsch, Dr Peter McCullough, and Dr Mike Yeadon.
Mike Yeadon’s (Censored) Democide & Digital ID Warning To Croatia [Dec 2023]
Dr Mike Yeadon’s censored recording from “In The Eye Of The Storm: Croatia Parliament Hearing On Where Is The World Headed In 2024?” Dec 2023. All 3 of his recent speeches were censored/not played in UK, Germany, and Croatia.
MIT Exclusive: Record-Level Data From 3 Countries [Kirsch]
Steve Kirsch presents the record-level vaccine-harm data proving the vaccines never helped anyone, only increased harms and deaths.
Journey to a Better Life
MIT Exclusive: Record-Level Data From 3 Countries [Kirsch] Steve Kirsch presents the record-level vaccine-harm data proving the vaccines never helped anyone, only increased harms and deaths.
my website was deleted an hour after i published this, then as I was downloading a backup, my database was deleted again.. it could be 'coincidence' (the host said it had affected every site on the server) , but I barely believe that word anymore, so I do think the powers-that-be / those losing power are terrified of the NZ data getting out.. I'm now looking into where I can host a backup (thinking the decentralized Qortal.. checking it out now)
Paul Ehrlich Wants Us Dead
I typically don’t like or trust YouTube documentaries, but this one is well-researched, good for explaining the start of the anti-human depopulation mindset and agenda’s to those new to it, and kept me engaged the whole way through.
Yes, website is down. :( Not the cabal. :) I didn't pay my bill. Since moving and not really being on the computer much or checking emails, (just settling into new place-new life), Currently thinking about what my options are. Definitely not paying these exorbitant rates with current host anymore, so want to try a cheaper host. Will only lose a few months of research (Jan backup is latest I have). Most of that time I was moving, so was only updating/adding to older posts, so not too dramatic. Will update when website is up again.
Site will go down at some stage today when I change the nameservers to the new website host... and then I'll start figuring out how to fix all the other problems I have lol.. but this migration nightmare is almost over I think
So I moved hosts but the site doesn't work well on the Singapore server (keeps spiking resources), so will move to their USA server this week and upgrade to more resources. So probably another week of touch-and-go website issues.

Anyway, I have a question for any techies that might stumble across this.
I have been in the process of transcribing every video I downloaded during the past 3 years. It's a massive amount of organized data and I'm sure Wordpress will die if I attempt to import them there. I want to put it out there, that I'm hunting for an appropriate database to make a lot of text files instantly searchable. Please don't reply if this isn't your forte with random ideas you find on the internet, trust me, I've spent months searching for the ideal solution already and random ideas just makes me go cross-eyed. I'm hoping that someone who already has achieved or worked on something similar is able to share what they used. (i.e. a lyrics search site, a sermon site, a subtitles database, etc, etc..). If I can find the ideal solution, it will make it so easy to be able to find and share specific evidence that have been recorded over the past 3 years to use in court cases or in the great awakening. Chat room for comments is
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yep site is f*cked after migrating twice.. the new server is pretty awesome compared to all my other servers I've had it on, but the migration failed.. hopefully they can sort it out.. not a good day but not going to focus on the shit going wrong.. will get off the computer and get out in the sun and build a campfire or something and check tomorrow