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On the day of judgment, “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life” will save no one when God unleashes His wrath on the unrighteous.

Christ alone is our only righteousness.
The Bible is not up for human interpretation.
Suddenly, and without warning, the Rapture of the church will strike like a bolt of lightning, and be over just as quick, literally, in the twinkling of an eye.
March 19: A Merciful Smackdown


Numbers 22:1–41; 1 Corinthians 5:1–6:11; Psalm 19:1–14

Sometimes, we’d rather not be teachable. When it comes to taking advice from people in my church community, it’s easier to keep an emotional distance than it is to listen. If I tread lightly on their sin, maybe they’ll tread lightly on mine. If we keep our problems to ourselves, we can maintain a certain understanding. This type of tolerance has deadly results.

Unrestrained sin and pride doesn’t just hurt the one who is sinning—its waves affect everyone (1 Cor 5:6). This is why Paul takes such a strong stance against it in 1 Cor 5:1–13. In Corinth, believers were using their freedom to commit all sorts of sordid sins. And instead of being broken about their sin, they were filled with pride—they were boasting about their freedom.

Paul knew he had to do something drastic to break through such thought patterns. His statement is startling for those who might practice tolerance for sin: “I have decided to hand over such a person to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, in order that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord” (1 Cor 5:5). This type of judging is not seen as casting someone to the depths of hell; rather, it is casting someone out of the Christian community with the purpose of helping them see their sin for what it is. (For Paul, the realm of Satan was everything outside of Christ; thus, everything outside of the Church was the realm of Satan.)

We aren’t called to judge people who have no claim to following Jesus. Rather, we’re called to hold accountable those who, like us, believe the good news (1 Cor 5:11). Within the bounds of authentic Christian community and trust, we need to be ready to call each other out when sin and pride creep in—and we need to do it with loving intolerance.

How are you reaching out to others who are struggling with sin? How are you making yourself approachable and teachable?#FeelAtJesusFeet

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March 19 - Expecting Verbal Insults


“‘Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me’” (Matthew 5:11).

Beyond physical persecution, Jesus encouraged believers with blessing for having insults cast against them. The Greek word for “insult” carries the idea of reviling, upbraiding, or serious insulting. To insult someone is to throw abusive words in the face of an opponent, to mock viciously.

To be an obedient citizen of the kingdom is to court verbal abuse and reviling. As He stood before the Sanhedrin after His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was spat upon, beaten, and taunted with the words, “Prophesy to us, You Christ; who is the one who hit You?” (Matt. 26:68). As He was being sentenced to crucifixion by Pilate, Jesus was again beaten, spit upon, and mocked, this time by the Roman soldiers (Mark 15:19–20).

Faithfulness to Christ may even cause friends and loved ones to say things that cut and hurt deeply. But remember, it is clear that the hallmark of a blessed person is righteousness. Holy living is what provokes persecution of God’s people. Such persecution because of a righteous life is joyous.

Make sure you are doing all you can to live faithfully for Christ.

Ask Yourself

How would you define the joys and blessings that flow from being misunderstood and mistreated? What do we unwittingly choose to miss by responding to the words, actions, and demeaning looks of persecution with anger, bitterness, hate, retaliation, or any other less-than-godly reaction? ❤️
I will sing the wondrous story, of the Christ who died for me, how He left the realms of glory, for the Cross on calvary.

Francis Rowley
“The Lord commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always.” Deuteronomy 6:24

What God commands is good for us.
For the Christian, hardships and trials are used by God to strengthen our faith, build Christian character, and to prepare for us an eternal weight of glory.
🌊 Ride the waves of uncertainty with the surfboard of faith!

'When you pass through the waters, I will be with you' (Isaiah 43:2). Every swell draws you closer to His shores of promise! #Eschatology #FaithJourney
Forwarded from CHRISTIAN STUDY BIBLE 🆕 (Dr. 🚀 T͜͡I͜͡M͜͡O͜͡T͜͡H͜͡Y͜͡ 📑)
Question 4:
In Mark 15:25-47 ESV, at what hour was Jesus crucified?
Anonymous Quiz
A) The third hour
B) The sixth hour
C) The ninth hour
D) The twelfth hour
By grace and grace alone 💛
🔑 UNLOCK the TREASURES of unity in your MARRIAGE (Ecclesiastes 4:12), for as the days grow dark, together you’ll shine brighter!

Hold each other tightly in love; it’s the key to the Kingdom. #FaithAndLove

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The deepest conversations that most men have are about:


They think deep, emotional conversations are for women.

No, they're not.

It's a level of intimacy most men are missing and it’s having consequences.
Forgive them like Jesus forgave you.
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Two reasons to look forward to heaven:

1. Jesus will be there
2. Sin won’t