John F. Kennedy JR
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The "Deep State," also known as "The Cabal," is in charge of not only world governments, but also the banking system, the Catholic Church, the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries, as well as the media and entertainment industries, all of which work around the clock to keep the world's people poor, ignorant, and enslaved.

We must fight and win this battle at any costs !!!!!
Follow this channel and share it with everyone you know to show them how strong we are.

The time has come and the truth will finally be revealed.

Welcome, and let's finish this once and for all
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No matter how much they already have, they still want more.
It's our duty to protect and preserve the beauty of this country.
We love America! This is our home. Join us if you do too and let's make America great again

TRUMP CONFIRMS: HRC Was Executed Years Ago, The Movie Is To Awaken The Public

Trump posted a video of HRC at Gitmo mixed with his debate against her where he said he would appoint a special counsel to investigate her. Trump's text: SHE KNOWS WHERE SHE'S GOING = 276 = CAMP JUSTICE AT GUANTANAMO BAY = The Real HRC Executed Years Ago = Movie For The Public Wake Up.

By posting at 12:04 => 124 = One You See = Body Doubles = Real 1 Executed.

These confirmations from Trump help re-assure those in the High IQ Anon community that there are multiple levels of reality occuring right now. In truth, HRC was likely executed in 2019, but in 'the movie' HRC is alive, will soon be arrested publicly, tried for her crimes & sentenced accordingly.

In truth, Trump is likely still POTUS and we are in Devolution (Shadow Government) and Law Of War. In the movie, Biden is destroying America.

Forwarded from Laboratory of Secrets
Operation "RED OCTOBER"

What will happen on October 8th?

"Cyber attacks ON GOOGLE"

The 8th day of the month has been interesting as of late.

July 8: Shinzo Abe assassinated
Aug 8: Mar a Lago raided by FBI
Sep 8: Queen Elizabeth dies
Oct 8: TBD
Nov 8: Midterm elections

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Yours truly, JasonQ
Forwarded from Laboratory of Secrets
They are a cancerous government that needs to be changed. They lost the respect President Trump gained in such a short period. We must come back stronger, because after all we are the people who truly love and care about our country.

🇺🇸WWG1WGA, we will win.🇺🇸

Yours truly, JasonQ.

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Forwarded from Laboratory of Secrets
Media is too big
“Gutsy” Morons shouldn’t assume they speak for everyone- crawl back in your hole Hillary

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Incredible video for Senator Mastriano

Hundreds of patriots gathered together in the Philadelphia suburbs 🇺🇸

CNN won’t show this

Share PATRIOTS 👉🏼 JasonQ
Forwarded from Laboratory of Secrets
Our grandparents knew how to prepare delicious food that would keep for months, even without refrigeration!

Over time, these methods have been forgotten. Today we pay exorbitant costs for food created by scientists and processed in labs.

The lost superfoods that are revealed in this book can cover your nutritional needs for fat, protein, and calories using a very low budget.

They also come from a time when refrigeration was still a distant dream.

With over 126 easy to follow recipes and tips, this book is so organized that anyone, even people with absolutely no prior cooking experience can take advantage of it.

Some examples are:
The "Doomsday" survival cracker recipe that was intended for our brave soldiers, and on which the government spent millions to invent!

And much, much more!

Want to learn more about these Lost Superfoods?

Get more information here
Forwarded from Alex Berenson Leaks
An internal database from a Chicago-area medical system offers new evidence hospitals are inflating how many unvaccinated people are hospitalized for Covid.

Many patients listed as having “unknown” Covid vaccination status and grouped with the unvaccinated are actually Covid-jabbed, the database suggests.

This error may sound minor and technical. In fact, it is crucial.

As of this morning, the hospitals reported caring for 293 non-Covid patients over 65. Based on the local population averages, only four of those 293 should be unvaccinated.

Yet the internal hospital system database listed 82 of those 293 non-Covid patients over 65 as having “unvaccinated or unknown” Covid vaccine status. In other words, the hospital is reporting about 20 times as many people over 65 as potentially unvaccinated as would be expected from a random sample - 82, compared to four.)

Look out people.

Join and share: Alex Berenson
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The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If they remain inactive for the next 19 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The channel will remain accessible for all users.
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We are Inevitable.

"No one playing the game escapes"

TheRiseofQ47 🇺🇸
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