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1. #Berlin, #Germany, Sr #Frontend #Developer, up to 70k:

You have:
- 5+ years of JS developemnt
- Expereince with nodejs && angular
- Good knowledge of RESTful backend services
- Agile development
- Automated testing

2. #Berlin, #Germany, Sr #Golang #Developer, up to 80k (work for a startup with offices in Berlin, San Francisco, New York, Singapore and Tokyo).

Our mission is to help app developers maximize user engagement and in-app revenues by providing the world’s most scalable and efficient app retargeting platform.

To achieve this we need to solve a multitude of technical challenges:
- handle hundreds of thousands of requests per second governed by the OpenRTB real-time bidding protocol; respond within sub 100ms of latency;
- process the resulting petabytes of data and make the result accessible to our BI team and our ML stack - in real-time; build intelligent machine learning models on top of our data; keep our globally distributed system in sync and up and running 24/7/365; provide an intuitive interface to our internal teams so they can steer our business; keep our stack lean, maintainable and up to date.

- You will work on our bidding, data processing and machine learning infrastructure - adding new features like a programmatic integration with Facebook, improving our automated A/B testing or refactoring our video transcoding pipeline will be part of your job.

- If you like to crunch numbers you will deep dive into our bidding optimization models, improve our forecasting capabilities and create intelligent dashboards to increase the efficiency of our account management team.

- You are going to work with a variety languages and technologies. At Remerge, you have the chance to learn a lot and also to teach us a lot.

- Picking up a new framework or a language is very likely going to be required, but not a problem for you as you understand the important concepts of software development and computer science.

- You will be accountable for what you build - build it, deploy it, fix it, repeat.

Contacts: @katanatasha,
#вакансия #office #Tallinn #Estonia #Go #Golang #relocation

🚀 Position: Golang Developer

🇪🇪 Location: #Tallinn #Estonia

Company: Major Swedish gambling & media company with Tech office in Tallinn

Company size: 200+

📌 Office languages: Russian & English

📌 Salary range: 2500 - 3700 EUR NET (after taxes)

We are looking for a Golang Developer (full-time, office, relocation) to join our team in Tallinn.

📌 Key Technical Skills:

- Experience in coding 4+ years
- Golang 1+ years
- Spoken and written English intermediate +

Great if you also worked with:
Docker, PostgreSQ, MongoDB

Extra benefits:

- Relocation package
- System of bonuses
- Free gym membership, own volleyball team
- Team lunches
- Flexible working schedule and place of work

📲 If you feel interested - contact me in Telegram @Alina_Tallinna or email
#вакансия Golang developer
#вакансия #работа #кипр #cyprus #fulltime #relocate #релокация #golang #developer #

Компания: TrafficStars
Город: Лимасcол, Кипр
Формат работы: офис
Занятость: полная
Зарплатная вилка: от 2500 до 3500 евро на руки
Языки: русский, английский на уровне свободного чтения технической документации, митинги на русском

Обязанности: Разработка серверной части высоконагруженной рекламной сети на Golang.

Опыт веб-разработки не менее 3 лет;
Знание паттернов программирования MVC, ООП;
Отличное знание Go;
Отличное знание сетевых протоколов;
Опыт работы с реляционными базами данных, хорошее знание SQL;
Опыт работы с NoSQL;
Опыт командной работы (трекеры, знание Git, понимание Git Flow);
Умение разбираться в чужом коде.

Мы приветствуем:
Знание языков C/C++, Python, Java, Erlang, NodeJs;
Опыт работы с высокими нагрузками;
Любовь к деталям и желание делать хорошо свою работу, а не так чтобы “просто работало“;
Умение отстаивать свою позицию, при этом прислушиваться к другим мнениям и сообща находить компромисс;
Желание развиваться и постигать новое;
Ориентацию на результат.

Что у нас есть интересного кроме задач:
Современный новый офис в центре Лимассола;
Отсутствие дресс-кода и бюрократии;
Молодая нескучная команда с горящими глазами;
Профессиональное развитие в быстрорастущем проекте;
Медицинская страховка и мобильная связь;
Бесплатные вкусные обеды;
Уроки и практика английского в офисе;
Билет до Кипра за счёт компании, помощь с переездом семьи;
Первое время помогаем с жильем и транспортом.

Контакты: +35795588440
telegram: sofia_tomashevich
#вакансия DevOps Engineer
#vacancy #job #вакансия #работа #кипр #cyprus #fulltime #relocate #релокация #DevOps #linux #golang #ClickHouse #PostgreSQL #Kafka

Компания: TrafficStars
Город: Лимасcол, Кипр
Формат работы: офис
Занятость: полная
Зарплатная вилка: от 2500 до 3500 евро на руки

Описание вакансии:
DevOps Engineer в кипрскую ad-network компанию TrafficStars, релокация в г. Лимасcол

Наш базовый стек:
* Linux;
* Golang, Python;
* PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Kafka, ELK, Redis;
* Consul.

* Развертывание и поддержка IT-инфраструктуры проекта в ЦОДах Европы, США и Азии;
* Сопровождение кластеров PostgreSQL, ClickHouse и Kafka;
* Автоматизация процессов деплоя конфигурации (Ansible);
* Настройка дев процессов CI на Atlassian стеке (JIRA, Bitbucket, Bamboo) или аналоге;
* Взаимодействие с хостинг-провайдерами (админы в саппорте, тикеты, постановка и контроль задач по серверам).

Большой плюс в опыте:
* Настройка и мониторинг БД и разрабатываемых сервисов;
* Репликация, бекапы, шардинг;
* Установка и настройка среды разработки, тестирования и деплоя;
* Оптимизация всех сервисов под highload (каждые сутки сохраняем более 4 млрд. новых событий);
* Настройка и поддержка DNS, CDN, monitoring и прочих сервисов;
* Опыт работы с контейнеризацией (Docker/LXC/Kubernetes);
* Опыт работы с системами контроля версий.

Что мы предлагаем:
* Полностью белый оклад выше среднего по рынку, рабочая виза;
* Отсутствие дресс-кода и бюрократии;
* Бесплатные обеды и напитки;
* Всегда полные корзины фруктов и всяких вкусняшек в офисе;
* Предоставляем жильё на первый месяц;
* Медицинская страховка и мобильная связь;
* Частичная компенсация затрат на школу;
* Покупка билетов до Кипра за счёт компании;
* Помощь с переездом семьи из любого региона России и Европы;
* Рабочий компьютер\ноутбук на выбор: Mac или PC.

Контакты: +35795588440
telegram: sofia_tomashevich
#vacancy #job #вакансия #работа #кипр #cyprus #fulltime #relocate #релокация #DevOps #linux #golang #ClickHouse #PostgreSQL #Kafka

Город: Лимасол, Кипр
Формат работы: офис
Занятость: полная
Зарплатная вилка: 2800-3000 евро на руки

Позиция: DevOps Engineer
Компания: ad-network компания Trafficstars (холдинг Wisebits), релокация в г. Лимасол

Наш базовый стек:
* Linux;
* Golang, Python;
* PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Kafka, ELK, Redis;
* Consul.

* Развертывание и поддержка IT-инфраструктуры проекта в ЦОДах Европы, США и Азии;
* Сопровождение кластеров PostgreSQL, ClickHouse и Kafka;
* Автоматизация процессов деплоя конфигурации (Ansible);
* Настройка дев процессов CI на Atlassian стеке (JIRA, Bitbucket, Bamboo) или аналоге;
* Взаимодействие с хостинг-провайдерами (админы в саппорте, тикеты, постановка и контроль задач по серверам).

Большой плюс в опыте:
* Настройка и мониторинг БД и разрабатываемых сервисов;
* Репликация, бекапы, шардинг;
* Установка и настройка среды разработки, тестирования и деплоя;
* Оптимизация всех сервисов под highload (каждые сутки сохраняем более 4 млрд. новых событий);
* Настройка и поддержка DNS, CDN, monitoring и прочих сервисов;
* Опыт работы с контейнеризацией (Docker/LXC/Kubernetes);
* Опыт работы с системами контроля версий.

Что мы предлагаем:
* Полностью белый оклад выше среднего по рынку, рабочая виза;
* Отсутствие дресс-кода и бюрократии;
* Бесплатные обеды и напитки;
* Всегда полные корзины фруктов и всяких вкусняшек в офисе;
* Предоставляем жильё на первый месяц;
* Медицинская страховка и мобильная связь;
* Частичная компенсация затрат на школу;
* Покупка билетов до Кипра за счёт компании;
* Помощь с переездом семьи из любого региона России и Европы;
* Рабочий компьютер\ноутбук на выбор: Mac или PC.

Контакты: +35796257609
telegram: @lapteva_darja
#вакансия #office #Budapest #Hungary #Golang #senior #middle #relocation #ios #mobile

Budapest, Hungary

📌 Company: Our client is a startup that created the only truly mobile CAD app. It offers a quick but precise way to create 3D models. Fueled by the same geometric modelling engine as SolidWorks, they bring users the power of MCAD and the ease of Sketchup, right on the iPad. The product is perfect for engineers, industrial designers, jewellery makers, 3D hobbyists, architects.

📌 Office language: English

📌 Salary range:
1000000 - 1600000 HUF (before taxes)

📌 Position: Go developer

Must have skills:
- Previous job experience as a software engineer ideally within a highly scalable environment
- Experience with distributed systems
- Metrics-driven approach to decision making, prioritization and continuous deployment.
- Use of methodologies for continuous delivery and improvement
- Proven track record in building high-quality products
- Ability to write high quality, testable, maintainable code
- A humble and hard-working attitude

Nice to have skills:
- Experience with Go (or willingness to learn quickly)
- Experience with AWS (or willingness to learn quickly)

📌 Position: iOS Developer

Must have skills:
- 4+ years of experience in software development
- Experience with Swift
- Product focused mindset
- Basic computer science and math skills (meaning that you are not a mathematician, but eg. you could implement a complex algorithm from a paper, and you know basic linear algebra and geometry)

Nice to have skills:
- Knowledge of modern C++ is a big plus (or at least ready learn one of these)
- Experience in coaching / mentoring people

Benefits (for both positions):

- Relocation support
Stock options, the amount depends on the salary
- All You Can Move sportscard, Medicover and/or other health-related benefits

📲 If you are interested - contact me in Telegram @nenseysurkova or email
#вакансия #go #golang #Netherlands #amsterdam #relocation

Senior Backend developer (Go) - relocation to Amsterdam

Company: Stream

We are looking for a Senior Backend developer (Go) to work on our core API technology as well as designing and building high-performance software.

We are one of the fastest-growing startups in Europe. Our company provides APIs for building activity feeds and chat. Our team is passionate about tackling difficult tech problems at scale and creating reusable components for them.

As a developer at Stream, you will build software that's used by tens of thousands of developers and more than half a billion end-users. Stream's APIs are powered by Go, RocksDB, and Raft - with response times typically measured in single-digit milliseconds.


- Proficiency in Go or you are a Senior backend developer willing and able to learn quickly
- 5+ years as a backend developer
- Experience with high traffic and high performance applications
- Good knowledge of relational databases
- Experience with building HTTP APIs
- Experience managing your own projects and work in a team

Salary range is €60k – €70k gross/year
Tax calculator

To apply please send your CV to @kartseva_hr
#Netherlands #relocation #golang #fulltime #amsterdam

Location: Amsterdam
Position: Senior Go developer
Salary: €5000 - 6000 gross per month
Tax calculator
Relocation package: €2,5K
Company: Stream

Stream is one of the fastest-growing startups in Europe. Our company provides APIs for building activity feeds and chat. Our team is passionate about tackling difficult tech problems at scale and creating reusable components for them.

As a developer at Stream, you will build software that's used by tens of thousands of developers and more than half a billion end-users. Stream's APIs are powered by Go, RocksDB, and Raft - with response times typically measured in single-digit milliseconds.


- Proficiency in Go
- 5+ years as a backend developer
- Experience with high traffic and high performance applications
- Good knowledge of relational databases
- Experience with building HTTP APIs

To apply please send your CV to @kartseva_hr
#Netherlands #relocation #golang #fulltime

Location: Amsterdam
Position: Senior Go developer
Salary: €5000 - 6000 gross per month
Tax calculator
Relocation package: €2,5K
Company: Stream

Stream is one of the fastest-growing startups in Europe. Our company provides APIs for building activity feeds and chat. Our team is passionate about tackling difficult tech problems at scale and creating reusable components for them.

As a developer at Stream, you will build software that's used by tens of thousands of developers and more than half a billion end-users. Stream's APIs are powered by Go, RocksDB, and Raft - with response times typically measured in single-digit milliseconds.


- Proficiency in Go
- 5+ years as a backend developer
- Experience with high traffic and high performance applications
- Good knowledge of relational databases
- Experience with building HTTP APIs

To apply please send your CV to @kartseva_hr
#netherlands #amsterdam #backend #java #golang #go #fulltime

Position: Sr. Back-End Software Engineer (Java/Go)
Location: Amsterdam
Company: APC, a Dutch startup creating and supporting online transactional platforms

Job type: Full-time onsite work

Salary range: 65-80k euro gross per year + relocation assistance (

The role involves designing and developing a highly decoupled microservices system that can handle a complicated business flow and can interact with various 3rd party systems at scale.

Key requirements:

• Senior-level software engineer with 5+ years of experience.
• Your core competence is Golang or Java back-end development.

In this role, you will have the opportunity to:

• Build things from the ground up.
• Be creative in the way you do your work.
• Choose how, when, and where you work your hours (within reasonable limits).
• Play a role in growing the company.

Skype: kalniei
#netherlands #amsterdam #backend #java #python #dotnet #golang #go #fulltime

Position: Senior Backend Software Engineer
Location: Amsterdam
Company: A 50-people strong software consultancy with offices in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden

Job type: Full-time onsite work

Salary range: 64-85k euro gross per year + a relocation bonus (

The role involves designing and building innovative solutions that give large banks and insurers a solid lead in the digital world.

• Senior level Java/Python/.NET/Golang back-end development skills;
• Experience working with Docker, Kafka, and Cloud platforms;
• Experience with different UI frameworks;
• Experience working in an Agile environment;
• CI/CD experience;
• Testing skills;
• Strong communication skills along with the ability to present your ideas;
• Good command of written and spoken English.

If you are looking for a job with lots of room for professional development, this is it! You will have the opportunity to learn, develop yourself, organize events, and even speak at congresses.

Skype: jaine-dp