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#Turku #Finland #Full-Stack #Java developers, salary ranges up to 4000 euro/month
Looking for several passionate Java experts to join our fight for simplifying the lives of Java developers all over the world. Preferably you have at least core knowledges in JavaScript and the desire to develop in the Full-Stack direction.

#Turku #Finland #Frontend developers, salary ranges up to 4000 euro/month
Frontend developers of different levels are needed! HTML, CSS, JQuery, Git and any frameworks you prefer.
You have a good understanding of usability and eye for visual design. Our operating market is global and our customers located around the world, so fluency in English is vital for your survival.

#Latvia #iOS #iOSdeveloper #Swift #RxSwift #full-time

Позиция: Senior iOS Developer

Страна и город: Латвия, Рига
Формат работы: офис
Занятость: полная
З/п: 2500 - 3500 EUR Net

Партнер IT Camp - латвийская ИТ-компания, разрабатывающая быстрорастущую социальную сеть с миллионами пользователей со всего мира. Её долгосрочное видение - стать ведущей глобальной социальной сетью для молодых пользователей, которые смогут общаться с уже имеющимися друзьями и заводить новых друзей с помощью визуально привлекательного и развлекательного, но очень личного контента.

В компании работает команда из 25 человек.
Стек технологий: Swift, RxSwift, Core Data, UIKit, JSON
Главный продукт: социальная сеть в мобильном приложении (iOS, Android).
Приглашаем опытного разработчика iOS, готового присоединиться к команде.

- Активно сотрудничать в команде проекта;
- Разрабатывать и поддерживать iOS-приложение используя Swift;
- Следить за последними тенденциями в области технологий iOS и уметь их реализовывать;
- Придумывать новые решения.

📌Требования к опыту и знаниям:
- Более 5 лет опыта создания приложений для iOS;
- Прикладное знание шаблонов проектирования и принципов SOLID;
- Экспертные знания в области разработки на iOS с помощью Swift;
- Хорошие знания и опыт работы с Core Data и RxSwift;
- Опыт использования RESTful API и JSON для мобильных приложений;
- Хорошее знание UIKit, пользовательских переходов и анимации;
- Сильные аналитические навыки и навыки решения проблем;
- Желание узнавать новое;
- Свободное владение английским и русским языками.

Будет рассматриваться как преимущество:
- Опыт работы с Objective-C;
- Прикладные знания TDD и модульного тестирования;
- Опыт работы на руководящей должности;
- Знание архитектуры;
- Наличие одного или нескольких приложений, созданных и опубликованных лично в AppStore.

📌Мы предлагаем:
✈️ Релокацию в Латвию, Рига.
- конкурентную заработную плату 2500-3500 EUR (в зависимости от навыков);
- Возможность работать в динамичной и профессиональной команде в дружеской атмосфере;
- Возможность участвовать и влиять на разработку продукта;
- Возможность профессионального роста;
- Платные конференции и дополнительное образование, оплачиваемые компанией.

telegram: @OlgaDrozdova_007
#Germamy #Berlin #Finland #Helsinki #Python #Linux #Open-source #Full-time #Relocation

📌Position: Senior/Lead Backend Engineer (Python, Linux)

📌Location: Berlin (Germany)/Helsinki (Finland)

📌Salary range € 60 - 80k (Gross Salary)/ Tax calculator (

📌Company: Aiven

We are Aiven — a cloud technology startup launched in 2016. We create managed cloud services from the best open source technologies that take the infrastructure worries away from our customers. Our products are used daily by hundreds of customers across the globe to power their next-gen event streaming and analytics applications with more joining every single day.

Aiven develops DBaaS. We are a company, founded by developers, who started coding at a very early age. We want to keep this focus that programming remains an essential core of our company´s culture. We are looking for motivated team members, who will share our vision and passion for software development and will work together with our Team on the development of the Aiven cloud platform.

📌We are looking for self-driven developers who are enthusiastic about programming and willing to help others. We value analytical problem-solving skills and an openness to new ideas.

📌Key requirements for success in this role include:
Excellent development skills in Python
Hands-on experience with some of the following systems: Apache Kafka, Apache Cassandra, PostgreSQL, MySQL and Elasticsearch
Experience on using Linux in development
Fluency in English, verbal and written
What we value:
Experience and interest on infrastructure as code
Good understanding of security (software, networking)
Distributed systems knowledge

📌What we can offer:
A fast growing tech company with plenty of opportunities for everyone to develop and progress your career
Lots of autonomy to be creative and work “your way”
Participation in employee stock option plan
Relocation package
Mobile phone and subscription
Flexible working hours
Cool Office in the centre of Berlin/Helsinki and remote working flexibility
Office snacks, soft drinks, treats and fruits

📌You will be part of a highly-skilled, tight-knit team of around 80 people, learn from our experience and make your contribution essential to what is becoming a great success story.

📌If you are interested - contact me
#чехия #php developer #php #full-time

PHP Developer
Формат: #офис
Локация: #Прага🇨🇿
Занятость: полная
Зарплата: 2500 – 3500 EUR gross
Калькулятор :

Компания: Slotegrator

Технологический стек: PHP/ Yii2/ MySQL(MariaDB)/ Redis/ RabbitMQ/ ElasticSearch/ Jenkins

- уверенное знание языка PHP;
- знание принципов SOLID и паттернов проектирования;
- использование систем контроля версий (Git и др.);
- опыт в написании SQL запросов;
- знание Redis;
- понимание Git flow.

Будет плюсом:
- опыт работы с фреймворками PHP (Symfony, Yii, Slim);
- опыт работы с REST API, использование Guzzle;
- опыт работы с высоконагруженными проектами;
- базовые знания ElasticSearch, опыт использования ELK стека;
- знание Golang.

- полное визовое сопровождение;
- релокационный бонус;
- гибкое начало рабочего дня;
- 25 рабочих дней оплачиваемого отпуска, sick days;
- языковые курсы за счёт компании;
- Multisport карта;
- event мероприятия и тимбилдинги;
- услуги профессионального бизнес-коуча.

Если предложение вам интересно, ждём ваше резюме в тлг @DarinaRecruitment или на
#Germamy #Berlin #Finland #Helsinki #Python #Linux #Opensource #Full-time #Relocation

📌Position: Senior/Lead Backend Engineer (Python, Linux)

📌Location: Berlin (Germany)/Helsinki (Finland)

📌Salary range € 60 - 80k (Gross Salary)/ Tax calculator (

📌Company: Aiven

We are Aiven — a cloud technology startup launched in 2016. We create managed cloud services from the best open source technologies that take the infrastructure worries away from our customers. Our products are used daily by hundreds of customers across the globe to power their next-gen event streaming and analytics applications with more joining every single day.

Aiven develops DBaaS. We are a company, founded by developers, who started coding at a very early age. We want to keep this focus that programming remains an essential core of our company´s culture. We are looking for motivated team members, who will share our vision and passion for software development and will work together with our Team on the development of the Aiven cloud platform.

📌We are looking for self-driven developers who are enthusiastic about programming and willing to help others. We value analytical problem-solving skills and an openness to new ideas.

📌Key requirements for success in this role include:
Excellent development skills in Python
Hands-on experience with some of the following systems: Apache Kafka, Apache Cassandra, PostgreSQL, MySQL and Elasticsearch
Experience on using Linux in development
Fluency in English, verbal and written
What we value:
Experience and interest on infrastructure as code
Good understanding of security (software, networking)
Distributed systems knowledge

📌What we can offer:
A fast growing tech company with plenty of opportunities for everyone to develop and progress your career
Lots of autonomy to be creative and work “your way”
Participation in employee stock option plan
Relocation package
Mobile phone and subscription
Flexible working hours
Cool Office in the centre of Berlin/Helsinki and remote working flexibility
Office snacks, soft drinks, treats and fruits

📌You will be part of a highly-skilled, tight-knit team of around 80 people, learn from our experience and make your contribution essential to what is becoming a great success story.

📌If you are interested - contact me
Senior Java Software Engineer

#Lithuania #Senior #Software #Developer #Java #Relocation #Full-time

Country and city: Lithuania, Vilnius
Working hours: full-time office and/or partly remote
Employment: full-time
Salary range/month: from 3000 to 6000 eur (gross)

Job description:
MegaMatcher ABIS team is looking for a Senior Java developer. MegaMatcher ABIS is a biometric product that utilizes world-class fingerprint, face, iris and palmprint technologies to build identity management solutions. It has been successfully deployed in multiple countries around the world helping to organize legitimate elections, strong border control, fair humanitarian aid delivery.

🔸 Design and implement product features that shall work reliably and efficiently at a large scale;
🔸 Write code that promotes maintainability, extensibility, and the highest quality standards;
🔸 Drive technical improvement initiatives;
🔸 Collaborate with cross-functional teams of engineers, data scientists and operations;
🔸 Mentor fellow engineers and provide leadership in solving technical issues.

Essential to have:
🔹 5+ years' experience of working on a Java Developer position;
🔹 Experience with Java, Spring (Framework, Boot, Data, etc.);
🔹 Web application development experience and RESTful services;
🔹 Experience with SQL databases: at least one of MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle;
🔹 Experience with Linux OS, command-line usage;
🔹 Understanding software development lifecycle, quality assurance concepts and CI/CD;
🔹 Willingness to master new technologies, tools and concepts.

Nice if you have:
🔸 Hands on Kubernetes, Docker or other containerization technologies;
🔸 AWS/Google cloud/other cloud experience;
🔸 Some experience with Elasticsearch, Apache Kafka;
🔸 Experience with microservices architecture.

Company name:
OUR CLIENT - Neurotechnology was founded in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1990 with the key idea of using neural networks for applications such as biometric person identification, computer vision, robotics and artificial intelligence.
Contacts: email -
Senior Android Developer

#Finland #Android #Kotlin #full_time

Country and city: Finland, Helsinki or Oulu
Working hours: full-time office
Employment: full-time
Salary range/month: from 4500 to 5500 EUR gross
Tax calculator:

Job description: You will be working with a diverse team of developers building out the future of end-point protection for customers.

Must-have skills: Kotlin (main language), Java, experience with secure programming practices, CI/CD, interest in test automation for end-to-end systems, fluent in English.

Company name: Our client is developing best-of-class research-led cybersecurity products that outperform the competition - iOS and Android apps (available in the app store and google play) with ID application, browser protection, passport manager, antivirus, VPN, parental control. They have a clear track record of delivering best-in-class applications.

#Armenia #Product Marketing Manager #cybersecurity #Full-time

📍 Relocation to Yerevan (Armenia)
🕖 Office, full-time
💸 $2000-3000 per month, net

Hi everyone! I’m Alina, Head of HR at cybersecurity.
We are hiring Product Marketing Manager to join our international team.

We provide state-of-the-art security services for web3. Our clients are leading web3 companies such as Polygon, API3, Mantissa, Eywa, Coinstats,, LayerSwap, and more. In this role, you will be responsible for marketing campaigns, user acquisition, budgeting and overall product brand image in this role. Despite being a managerial role, we expect you to have comprehensive expertise and skills to do some of team’s day-to-day tasks by yourself.

- Study and develop company’s products
- Customer development to evolve product’s features
- Translate technical specifications into benefits for the user
- Follow and analyze market trends and competitors to position products
- Develop and implement product marketing strategies (pricing, advertising, product launching)
- Craft compelling messages across marketing channels (landing pages, ad campaigns, community management)
- Work with various teams (design, technical, content, product, sales) to implement strategies
- Test marketing product features, releases, and ad copy
- Evaluate projects using relevant KPIs and feedback from existing and prospective customers

- Proven experience as a Product Marketing Manager or other managing marketing positions on international markets
- Experience in market and competitive analysis
- Empathy for knowing your customers and understanding how to reach them

- Opportunity to work alongside industry-leading experts
- Projects with the most innovative and prominent companies in web3
- Open communication culture. Everybody can (and usually does :)) talk directly to the CEO
- Company-organized workations twice a year
- Great work environment and corporate lunches
- Relocation coverage and MacBook included.

📲 Please, apply on the link: