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Sole sisters: the four Arab shoe designers you'll find in every fashionista's wardrobe

Meet the four women of Arabic heritage who are coming up with dazzling ideas about what we should be wearing on our feet

Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex has designs by Zyne in her collection.

There aren’t many women who launch a fashion brand and then give birth to twins 10 days later. Or who spend the first six months of the launch of their start-up trying to convince male artisans in their homeland of the credibility of their plans to create an international shoe brand.

Four women on three continents share not only their Arabic heritage, but a robust determination to stamp their mark on the fashion world. Much is known about Beirut’s famous couturiers but, so far, flying under the international fashion radar are a group of entrepreneurial ladies with some pretty innovative ideas about what we should be wearing on our feet.

Andrea Wazen. Courtesy Andrea Wazen
Andrea Wazen is leading the way when it comes to Lebanese-designed and produced shoes. Courtesy Andrea Wazen
Andrea Wazen is the most established of the group. She returned to Beirut, from London, in 2013 to launch her eponymous footwear brand, with a desire to fly the flag for Lebanese-designed and produced shoes.

“It seemed a big opportunity because we have a lot of very good footwear manufacturers, which is not common in the Arab world. But they weren’t getting the exposure they deserved because there were no actual shoe designers based here,” Wazen explains over the phone from her Beirut studio. “It’s my way of giving something back to my community.”

Also part of this niche group of footwear designers is the Moroccan duo Zineb Britel and Laura Pujol, of Zyne. They are giving the traditional babouche a glamorous makeover but, along the way, encountering cultural issues as female entrepreneurs. Over in London, Jennifer Chamandi left the world of finance and started a family and a luxury shoe brand at the same time. Both these businesses were founded three years ago, but their experiences are very different.

After studying economics, Jennifer Chamandi studied drawing at Central Saint Martins on weekends. Courtesy Jennifer Chamandi

Chamandi left Beirut at 18 to study economics in London at her parents’ behest, before going into banking, trading in equity derivatives. It was brainy stuff, but deep down, she fostered a childhood dream to create shoes. She had always been at the top of her class at school, but was caught between her love of maths and her love of art – as a child, she studied art at the weekends and drew shoes endlessly. “It was never going to be clothes or bags; shoes are so complex because of their geometry,” she tells me as we sit in her pink suede Mayfair showroom. “I cherished my banking years, but I had this passion and wanted to know if I could do it.”

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Самый Восток: чем привлекает Оман российских туристов

Каковы шансы султаната откусить кусок «туристического пирога» у своих соседей по региону

Оман за последний год запустил прямой рейс в Москву, упростил получение визы и открыл в России представительство министерства по туризму. Усилия властей султаната не напрасны — за полгода рост турпотока из РФ в Оман вырос в четыре раза. Корреспондент «Известий» отправился в Оман, чтобы на месте разобраться, что султанат предлагает своим гостям и чем отличается от более популярных соседей по региону.

В центре Турции: Анкара решила оттянуть туристов с побережья
Зачем ехать в столицу самой популярной у россиян страны
Душный раскаленный воздух Омана окутал нас сразу, как только мы вышли из кондиционированного здания нового терминала аэропорта Маската. Джинсы и майка мгновенно прилипли к телу: влажность в Маскате феноменальная. На двух автомобилях (естественно, японские внедорожники белого цвета — самые популярные авто на Ближнем Востоке) нас встретили Хальфан и русскоязычная девушка Александра.

Хальфан — оманец, в национальном наряде — дишдаше и традиционной шапочке — коме. По-другому оманцы на родине практически не ходят. В этом и основное отличие Омана от соседей — несмотря на нефтедоллары, сыплющиеся на страну уже полвека, султанат сумел сохранить свою самобытность.

Жизнь столичная
Столица Омана — Маскат — настоящий арабский город без небоскребов и гигантских сооружений. Здесь не стремятся удивить мир очередным строением с приставкой «самый большой», скорее наоборот, столица Омана привлекает своей аутентичностью.

Еще полвека назад султанат был практически нищей страной. На всю страну — несколько школ да пара десятков километров асфальтированных дорог. Изменения начались с 1970-го, когда нынешний правитель страны — султан Кабус — сверг своего отца и занял престол. Не все в Омане поначалу одобрили это, но по море того, как Кабус с помощью нефтедолларов преобразовывал страну, любовь к нему росла и кажется, что сейчас стала всеобщей.

Теперь Маскат, протянувшийся на 60 км вдоль Оманского залива, — город с белоснежными зданиями, широкими дорогами и тротуарами, а также со множеством парков.

Наша первая остановка — мечеть Султана Кабуса, построенная по личному распоряжению правителя Омана. На ее сооружение ушло 300 тыс. т песчаника, который доставляли из Индии. Ковер главного зала мечети, который в течение четырех лет в две смены ткали 600 мастериц, весит 21 т. А центральная люстра состоит из 600 тыс. кристаллов Сваровски в форме минаретов.

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Арабы. История. XVI–XXI века
Юджин Роган

В издательстве «Альпина нон-фикшн» выходит книга Юджина Рогана «Арабы. История. XVI–XXI вв.» (переводчик Ирина Евстигнеева, научный редактор Ирина Царегородцева, редактор Наталья Нарциссова).

Арабские революции 2011 года застали мировое сообщество врасплох. После десятилетий стабильности под властью автократических режимов арабский мир, казалось бы, неожиданно оказался в вихре стремительных и радикальных перемен. Между тем нет более верного способа предсказать будущее, чем вглядеться в прошлое. Именно по этому пути пошел выдающийся профессор Оксфордского университета, специалист по современной истории Ближнего Востока, директор Центра ближневосточных исследований Колледжа Св. Антония Юджин Роган, ранее известный российским читателям благодаря книге «Падение Османской империи. Первая мировая война на Ближнем Востоке, 1914–1920 гг».

В новой книге Юджина Рогана описываются пять веков истории всех арабских государств Северной Африки, Плодородного полумесяца и Аравийского полуострова. Повествование начинается со сражения при Мардж Дабике, произошедшем в 1516 году, когда Мамлюкский султанат потерпел поражение от османов и арабы попали под иностранное владычество. Заканчивается событиями 2010-х годов. При этом заметна взаимосвязь истории всех государств региона. Подробно рассказывается о драматичных событиях ХХ века — разделе Османской империи после Первой мировой войны, борьбе арабских народов против колониализма, палестинской катастрофе и арабо-израильском конфликте, «арабской весне» и ее последствиях. Судьба арабских народов — непростая. На протяжении веков их историю определяли два вектора: сопротивление иностранному господству и стремление к реформированию собственных государств. Революционные события «арабской весны» стали лишь очередной главой в истории многовековой борьбы, и именно об этом — масштабный труд Юджина Рогана.

В предлагаемом фрагменте описывается многолетнее противостояние с османскими властями арабского правителя Галилеи Захира Ал Умара аз-Зейдани (около 1690–1775).

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Arab Women Sports Tournament 2020 to kick off in February
arab women sports tournament 2020 to kick off in february 5.jfifarab women sports tournament 2020 to kick off in february 1arab women sports tournament 2020 to kick off in february 3arab women sports tournament 2020 to kick off in february 4.jfifarab women sports tournament 2020 to kick off in february 2arab women sports tournament 2020 to kick off in february 6

SHARJAH, 17th September, 2019 (WAM) -- The Supreme Organising Committee of the Arab Women Sports Tournament, AWST 2020, has set 2nd February, 2020, as the launch date of the fifth edition of the sporting event, which will be held in Sharjah.

The event will be held under the patronage of H.H. Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, wife of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah, Chairperson of Sharjah Women’s Sports, SWS.

A tournament manifesto has been released by the committee, which defines the roles and objectives of all administrative committees. It also highlights the roles of the follow-up and supervision, sportswomen eligibility, doping control, disciplinary and appellate committees, games’ technical committees, judges and referees’ committees, as well as outlining the roles of the General Secretariat for the union of key committees of the tournament.

The manifesto contains comprehensive details of the eligibility criteria that players and athletes will need to meet to qualify for the tournaments nine competitions: basketball, volleyball, table tennis, archery, fencing, equestrian jumping, karate, shooting and athletics.

AWST 2020 has approved special prizes for participating clubs, including a ‘Club Sports Excellence’ trophy for the club that earns maximum medals, a ‘Sports Excellence’ trophy for the club competing in maximum AWST disciplines, and a ‘Fair Play Committee Union’ trophy, awarded to the club with the lowest number of violations on administrative or technical levels.

Nada Askar Al Naqbi, Deputy Head of AWST’s Supreme Organising Committee, Head of AWST’s Executive Committee and Director General of SWS, noted that AWST has grown to become an international competition platform, offers high-caliber Emirati sportswomen to compete with their Arab counterparts, and together, they present a true image of the region’s sporting spirit to the world.

"We are steadily closing in on the launch of the fifth edition of the region’s leading sports tournament designed exclusively for sportswomen representing the region. AWST reaffirms Sharjah’s role in nurturing and advancing women’s sports in the Arab world," said Al Naqbi.

The first edition of AWST was held in 2012. The pan-Arab tournament is held biennially with the aim of furthering women’s sports in the Arab region. More than 65 women sports clubs from more than 15 Arab countries have competed on the AWST platform since the tournament’s inception.

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Saudi filmmaker Shahad Ameen sheds light on her debut feature ‘Scales’

VENICE: Shahad Ameen always had faith things would change. When the Jeddah-born director first decided to become a filmmaker, there were no cinemas in Saudi Arabia and women were often limited in the career paths they could pursue.

None of this mattered to Ameen — she never doubted that she could achieve her goal. Now, her faith has paid off: Cinema has come to Saudi Arabia, and Ameen’s debut feature film “Scales” has premiered at the Venice International Film Festival, after four years of grueling work.

“People looked at me like, ‘Are you crazy? What are you going to do with this degree? Why would anyone study filmmaking?’ I said, ‘I know what’s going to happen, you don’t.’ I knew that something would change,” Ameen tells Arab News.

Ameen first fell in love with visual storytelling through watching Japanese animation and American films, but it wasn’t until she saw “Al-Kawaser,” the popular 90s Syrian television show starring Rashid Assaf, that she knew she wanted to make a career out of it herself.

“Before that, I knew that I would be a writer, maybe a poet, but I remember seeing that series and thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, it’s an Arabic show that I’m really interested in watching! People are speaking my own language and they look like me.’ This is when I decided to be a filmmaker. I really wanted to tell Arabic stories, and I really wanted to see something that represented me on screen,” says Ameen.

The film was shot in Oman.
Her father bought Ameen her first camera at nine years old, and her friends and she quickly began shooting short films — often period pieces with props from around the house, edited directly onto VHS, and filming the credits by holding the camera up to a PowerPoint presentation on the family computer.

When Ameen first arrived at film school in London she was surrounded by American and European students who were far ahead of her in terms of their film education, but she refused to let that deter her.

“In the Arab region, especially in Saudi Arabia, it was not something that we knew. I felt like I was lagging behind compared to my classmates,” she says. “I had to work much harder to understand film theory and the visual language. I learned that cinema is a visual language, and you have to depend on visuals. That’s something that we don’t understand as Arabs, because we’re very much a literary-based culture.”

Ameen didn’t listen to everything they taught her in film school, of course. Students are instructed to never use babies, boats or beasts in their debut feature, because of the intense difficulty and skill needed. But with her first full-length film, following a series of acclaimed shorts, Ameen decided to tackle all three.

Set in a dystopian world, “Scales” is a fable about a small fishing village and the mermaids that live in its surrounding waters, and a young girl who defies tradition to set her own path forward, much like Ameen herself.

“We had to stay for 33 days on the water in a small village that doesn’t have any infrastructure for cinema production. What you learn in film school is true,” she says. “Shooting the mermaids was so hard. Shooting on water would triple our time, literally. Every shot we would need to wrangle the boat, the waves would keep tilting the boat, not to mention loading and offloading actors. It was so challenging, but so much fun.”

Ameen brought in a strong Saudi cast and crew for filming in a remote town in Oman. In the lead role of Hayat, Ameen cast her long-time collaborator Baseema Hajjar, a 15 year-old actor also born in Jeddah, with seasoned actor Yaqoub Alfarhan as Hayat’s father Muthanah.

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First Media Museum opened in Arab Region by North Western University

Located in the heart of one of the most advanced media and communication schools in the world, The Media Majlis at Northwestern University in Qatar, which is dedicated to the exploration of journalism, communication, and media in the Arab region has opened at Northwestern University's campus in Doha.

The Media Majlis features a multi-screen facade, as well as space where exhibition content and technology converge. The technology elevates a visitor's experience by inviting them to participate in a global conversation on a continually changing media landscape.

Drawing its name from the traditional Arab majlis or gathering place the museum seeks to be a vital source of interpersonal communication that connects values of local culture to universal and global concerns. All exhibitions are bilingual in English and Arabic, adding to the museum's global essence and eliminating language barriers from telling the full story.

"The Media Majlis, a decade in the making, is a space where our students and faculty, as well as the general public, can engage with content that examines media influences and impact," said Everette E. Dennis, dean and CEO at NU-Q. "The museum's programming, which will explore everything from Arab representations in film, to censorship and identity, underscores the importance of media in society and draws on images and materials from local sources and global collections."

A group of international media scholars and experts formed a Content Advisory Board that advised the university as it developed this unique museum where its exhibitions and programs are incorporated into the school's curriculum and all exhibitions and programming is open to the public.

A member of the advisory board, Lisa Corrin, the director of the Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University in Evanston noted the connection between the mission of the Media Majlis and the academic program at NU-Q.

"The museum's mission is to amplify the raison d'etre of Northwestern University to be a portal through which young minds can learn to think critically about how the vast media landscapes shape our world and in turn how they can use these platforms to have influence in and beyond Qatar," she said.

Exhibitions at the Media Majlis are curated so that visitors can journey through media-centric themes, exploring hundreds of images and films, as well as scores of original interviews developed in-house with scholars and professionals who are experts on the museum's current exhibition topic.

The Media Majlis's inaugural exhibition, Arab Identities, images in film, considers how over a century of film history has shaped and been shaped by notions of Arab identities.

The exhibition, which features clips from more than 200 films ranging from the 1880s to the present day, is accompanied by loans posters, lobby cards and drawings from regional private collections in Kuwait and Beirut, as well as international, including a print from 1851 on loan from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The exhibition will be on view through December.

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1. Эллен Раскин

"Игра Вестинга"

Странная цепь событий разворачивается, когда шестнадцать незнакомых людей собираются вместе, чтобы зачитать завещание Самюэля В. Вестинга. И хотя никто пока не понимает, почему эксцентричный миллионер, любитель игр, решил завещать свое огромное состояние малознакомому человеку, ясно одно: Самюэль В. Вестинг, может быть, и умер, но он точно не пропустит последнюю игру!

Стоимость: 800 руб.

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"Загадка соколиного глаза"

17-летний Зияд раскрывает увлекательную загадку своей семьи: вынужден принимать трудные решения, которые ведут его к опасным и захватывающим приключения, в ходе которых он многое узнает о себе и о своих корнях. Удастся ли Зияду достичь успеха в своих поисках? И в чем загадка соколиного глаза?

Стоимость: 1400 руб.

3. Джерри Спинелли


Есть такие очень невезучие люди. Все выигрывают, но не он... "Проигравший" – это впечатляющая история о природе и значении человека. Автор подчёркивает, что любой может стать героем.

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4. Стерлинг Норт


Книга «Раскал» Стерлинга Норта – это мемуары, в которых подробно описывается личный опыт общения автора со своим любимым енотом по имени Раскал. В течение года им предстоит пережить множество приключений, пока однажды одним весенним днем всё не изменится.

Стоимость: 900 руб.

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"Заколдованная Элла"

При рождении Элла из Фрелла получает от феи необычный дар – "дар послушания". Элла должна подчиняться любому приказу, будь то прыжки на одной ноге  или отрубание собственной головы! Элла отправляется на поиски, чтобы снять проклятие феи навсегда, отбиться от огров, подружиться с эльфами и найти свою настоящую любовь!

Стоимость: 950 руб.

Литература подходит для чтения не только для начинающих, но и людей, изучающих арабский язык продолжительное время.

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Viu wants to dramatically increase Arabic content
Quality of content remains of paramount importance to Viu according to Wessam Kattan

Viu is looking to up its local Arabic content production from 8 currently to 24 shows in the near future.

Arabic content production has been on the rise in the Middle East and OTT platforms have engaged with several production houses to churn out programming across different genres as they aim to attract and retain a vastly underserved audience across the Middle East.

Wesam Kattan, VP of content, Viu told Digital Studio ME that plans are on to ramp up Arabic productions.

“We want to increase our volume of originals, we are at eight originals for this year and we want to bring that number up to at least 24 originals per year, if not more. We want to eventually reach a threshold where we are producing an original per week,” he told Digital Studio.

Kattan added that the quality of production remains of paramount importance for Viu but believes that “you don’t need to work with big names in the industry to achieve quality”.

“We are adamant on the development of the story but we’re also adamant on the production quality and picking the right partners that work with us on the various stages of the production cycle. Our head of production is very involved, I myself am an executive producer on some of our project but we also have production supervisors from our side that are on set ensuring everything is happening as per international production quality. We don’t always require to work with big household names but it’s always a mandate for us to bring up the level of experience for existing talents that are available in the market.” Kattan said

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