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The battle of ideas
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I drew this just over a year ago.
The reason why I don’t have a Rumble channel, or I do but I don’t use it, is because it’s a lot of extra work.

My videos are already safely uploaded to both Odysee and Bastyon (both of which are blockchain-based and decentralised), and everything is posted to my website (which is on an off-shore dedicated server with lots of security).

My YouTube channel is automated. I don’t do anything. YouTube just fetches my latest podcast (audio only, for now), and then gets offended by it, followed by removing it and shouting at me.

YouTube is like a woman on her period. (Assuming we know what a woman is.)
There is a trend to focus only on "them Jooz", which is absolutely fine, but it's also a clever, deliberately subversive false-binary distraction from another truth.
People just refuse to open their eyes.
My latest podcast with Frances Leader, on who are the Black Nobility and why are they probably the most powerful people in the world.

There are few people with her decades of research.
People like to point fingers at Muslims and Africans for killing Europe, but it is actually Europe killing Europe.

Mass immigration is a consequence of liberal policies by the EU and European governments.

You don’t see mass immigration occurring in China, for example.

It’s all to do with border policies.
Forwarded from Battleground (Jerm)
My latest podcast with Frances Leader, on who are the Black Nobility and why are they probably the most powerful people in the world.

There are few people with her decades of research.
Forwarded from Battleground (Jerm)
I've made this podcast publicly available, since the genocide myths happened this month 30 years ago.

The official Rwandan genocide story is bunk.

Take a listen.
American dollar bill has an all-seeing eye on a pyramid, with the words "new world order" written in Latin.

Latin was the language of the Roman Empire.
My latest podcast is about the Black Nobility.

A fashionable trend, these days, is to blame the Jews for everything, but this is a myopic outlook ripe for distraction from other truths. If your focus is on avoiding a specific pothole in the road, then you will stumble into the other potholes.

This is an incredibly interesting conversation.
Forwarded from Battleground (Jerm)
There are scammers pretending to be me.

They are not me.

I do not, have not, and will never contact you privately unless we are close friends or family.

If you are in doubt, look at my username, look at the language, and also remember that I don’t do anything to do with crypto or pills or anything.

If the scammer, however, asks you to become a member, then become a member, but make sure it’s via my website.

I can’t help you if you fall for a scam.

But I can help you if you become a member. 😂

So, stop being a commie and become a member:
Gab's AI engine is fast becoming the best in the world.

God bless Mr Torba.