Jamie Sossamon 🙏💕💪
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Critical Thinking skills are required. This channel is a collection of diverse information. We’re living in a chaotic world, and the truth is being censored, so I’m doing my part to share facts I find with those who want them. LOVE drives out hate 🙏💕💪
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Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)
Media is too big
Thomas Renz, attorney for the Frontline Doctors:

“Here’s your way out, politicians… for those of
you who have been Covid sellouts, here is your ‘out’, and I want you to hear me. I’m going to put this into as simple terms as possible.

This data is coming out. We are going to make it go everywhere… I’ve given it to so many attorneys, you’re going to have a heck of a time shutting us up.

So, your options are you can come out and you can support the American people and you can start investigating and hopefully imprisoning these bureaucrats that have been murdering our soldiers and murdering American people, OR, you can show the American people that you stand on the side of death…

I saw today, I was outraged, Anthony Scumbag Garbage Murderer Fauci came out and said he wants to give this to kids under 4 in a three dose series. He wants to murder more children… He is a liar. He is a crook. He is Mengele on steroids. I can not think of a worse human being on this planet.”

Crazy… think about this when you’re watching the news next time… how much of the TRUTH do we actually get?!
Forwarded from Tommy Robinson News
Media is too big
Mainstream media caught trying to downplay the support for the Canadian convoy for freedom, it's brilliant to watch as you can almost taste their fear, their control is lost 🔥
Forwarded from Robert W Malone, MD
A Trip Down the Misinformation Memory Lane, brought to you by Joe Biden:

"I wouldn't demand it (the vaccine) to be mandatory but I would do everything in my power. It's like I don't think masks have to be made mandatory nationwide." (Pres. Candidate Biden, 2020)

"I feel confident by summer we’ll be well on our way towards herd immunity and increasing access." (Early 2021)

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” (July 21, 2021)

“For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.” (Fall, 2021)

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🔬🧬 @RWMaloneMD
Forwarded from Dschlopes
Media is too big
Dr. Zelenko's Monumental First Video to President Donald Trump from March 21, 2020.

I am confident that this will go down in history as one of the most important videos ever made. Dr. Zelenko's desperate plea for early, prehospital treatment and the use of hydroxychloroquine, zinc and other drugs was the beginning of a MASSIVE movement across the US and the entire globe.

This is the foundation of the world-renowned Zelenko Protocol, a treatment that has shown an 85% reduction in hospitalizations and deaths globally and has been verified by peer-reviewed studies.

The narrative is shifting and the enemies of freedom want you to FORGET about this entirely. They DO NOT want you to share this post and video.

That means we should make this go viral EVERYWHERE!

Also, make sure you follow Dr. Zelenko here on Telegram: @ZelenkoProtocol

“We don’t need the government to protect us, we need them to protect our rights.” 👏

I’ve refused to give businesses my money that said vax or mask, because I will not participate in segregation. Period. And I refuse to allow freedoms we’ve had to be taken away. We and our children and grandchildren deserve to breathe freely, choose medical care we desire, and LIVE in a world where people come before profits. I’m fed up.

I hope you’ll take the time to listen/watch this…although it may infuriate you!

Forwarded from Senator Ron Johnson
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If you’re going to adhere to what is normal practice… wouldn’t it be smart to go to doctors who are actually treating the illnesses, rather than rely on the Fauci’s of the world that are sitting in the ivory towers, the public health officials that don’t actually treat patients?

That is in effect what America has done. We’ve relied on doctors who don’t practice medicine, while we have vilified and censored and ridiculed those doctors that have exposed themselves to the illness - many of them got exposed, they contracted Covid. They treated themselves with using these cheap generic widely available drugs successfully. It has made no sense what we’ve done during this last two years.

Subscribe and share👉 @SenRonJohnsonUS
70,000 patient study by Kaiser shows NO difference in hospitalization rate for Unvaxxed vs double vaxxed.

And shows HIGHER hospitalization rate for the Boosted than the unvaxxed or double vaxxed

The N’s are wonky I must say-

Please read & sign this to request Spotify to continue allowing free speech from doctors and more to speak out! They’re trying to silence them so the people won’t know what they’ve done to us! It’s NOT ok. ⬇️
Forwarded from Archive

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Forwarded from Ashley Taylor Wellness
They’re finally admitting it.. and this is mainstream, but the damage has been done and so many became hateful and terrified of other humans. By design IMO.

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