Israel Radar
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Israel will be using weapons systems it never used before in case of war vs Hezbollah, says journalist Nir Dvori on N12 News; this will be required to put an end to rocket fire from Lebanon, he says, clarifies that he's not referring to non-conventional weapons.
Iran takes alarming steps to advance nuclear project
Intel info indicates move toward nuclear weapons
Israeli Air Force holds long-range strike drills
Israel seeks US support against Tehran
Here’s the full report ⬇️
US prepares to evacuate Americans from region; Washington fears major war even if Israel launches limited assault in Lebanon; expert says Hezbollah will aim for tactical surprises & symbolic victories. Here’s the full report ⬇️
Iran is rushing military gear to Hezbollah including air defenses & Almas anti-tank guided missiles; weapons transferred via land route in trucks and pickups; Israel bombed several arms shipments recently, destroyed multiple air defense systems in Lebanon so far. (via Ynet)
IDF confirms assassination of senior Hezbollah commander today; top 3 terror chiefs in south Lebanon have now been eliminated; IDF expects significant retaliation, dozens of launches target northern Israel so far; Hezbollah says 100 rockets fired at military sites. (via N12)
Israel vs Hezbollah - status update:
1. IDF intensifies pace of targeted killings in Lebanon in past month, while Hezbollah reduces attacks on Israel, Ynet reports; total of 550 people killed in Lebanon so far including some 370 Hezbollah terrorists plus Palestinian terror operatives.
2. Defense sources estimate that Hezbollah could expand rocket fire in coming days in response to elimination of high-ranking terror commander yesterday, N12 News reports.
3. Hezbollah may also launch a first-strike assault on Israel to end the costly low-intensity warfare, Ynet says; in parallel, Israel debates whether to further intensify strikes on Hezbollah, attack more significant targets while risking escalation to all-out war, N12 says.
40 rockets fired from Lebanon at Golan Heights, 2 critically wounded in direct hit on car; area residents told to stay near bomb shelters; strong Israeli retaliation vs Hezbollah likely coming up.
IDF targets Hamas terror chief Mohammed Deif in major Gaza strike; commander of Khan Younis Brigade also targeted; dozens of Palestinians reportedly killed; no confirmation of Deif's fate for now, IDF estimates he is seriously wounded or dead
More info on Deif assassination attempt in Gaza:
1. Deif was reportedly hiding in terror compound above ground after emerging from tunnels. Air Force dropped 5 massive bombs on area to ensure his elimination.
2. Deif’s location was verified by joint unit of IDF Intel Branch & Shin Bet security agency, using surveillance tech and human intel assets.
(via Ynet)
1. Growing estimate in Israel: Terror chief Deif is dead. Hamas deploys heavy security at Gaza hospital that received casualties from IDF strike. Deif's body may be held at the site.
2. Earlier today, IDF confirmed that Khan Younis Brigade commander was killed in Saturday's attack.
(N12 News & Ynet)
Latest estimate: IDF killed and captured some 14,000 terrorists in Gaza war, including over 20 battalion commanders; over 1,000 terror operatives eliminated in past 2 weeks as IDF cuts down escape routes in tunnels; half of Hamas military leadership killed so far. (N12 News)
IDF chief presents Lebanon invasion plan to US CENTCOM Commander Kurilla, Kan News reports; IDF shares maps of planned maneuvers, signals that Israel is serious about stepping up operations vs Hezbollah.
1. Drone explodes in heart of Tel Aviv, not far from US Embassy; one body discovered in area, believed to be killed in attack; 10 suffer minor injuries; Iran's Houthi allies in Yemen claim responsibility for attack.
2. Tel Aviv mayor says city shifting to high state of alert following deadly drone attack; US and Israel launch joint investigation; no damage to nearby US Embassy, no reports of Americans injured. (Ynet)
Reports from Yemen: Massive explosions in areas controlled by Houthis; Israeli Air Force reportedly bombs multiple targets including Hudayda port, military sites, oil refineries. No confirmation yet from IDF. (N12 & Ynet)
First thoughts on Yemen strike:
1. Looks like it took Israel 2 days to finalize plans & carry out major strike on targets 2,000 km away. This shows very high level of readiness by Israeli Air Force for remote strike operations. Also a message to Iran.
2. Scope of attack appears to be significant: 10 or more fighter jets mobilized, multiple targets hit including high-value oil facilities. This will likely trigger a response but Houthis need to be careful about entering a punch-up with Israel, a vastly superior military force.
Israel's laser-based air defenses will become operational next year, says CEO of Rafael defense company; Iron Beam, which successfully intercepted remote target in test 2 years ago, will be delivered to IDF In 2025. (via Israel Hayom)
1. PM Netanyahu seeks US green light for Israeli military action in Lebanon in case diplomatic efforts to defuse conflict vs Hezbollah fail, Kan News reports.
2. IDF is ready for major operation in Lebanon, tells government that long delay will allow Hezbollah to rebuild terror sites destroyed by Israel, Walla News says.