PM Netanyahu sobre las falsas acusaciones del 'Consejo de Derechos Humanos' de la ONU:
Israel En Peru
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Israel En Peru
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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🎭 “The Mask we Wear Since October 7th” 🎭
Purim is a holiday of masks, of joy and celebration. But for many, the masks are not just for one day.
In a powerful testimony, Yoni Diller, Mazal Tazazo, and Elkana Federman share their journey of resilience - the masks they have worn since October 7th, the weight of trauma, and the strength found in telling their story.
Because sharing isn’t just about healing - it’s about making sure the world never forgets.
"Eran" is a special organization that provides lifesaving emotional first aid services in Israel, if you or anyone you know is struggling, learn more on their website:
Film&Edit: @omriabz96795
Embassy of Israel to the USA
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Purim is a holiday of masks, of joy and celebration. But for many, the masks are not just for one day.
In a powerful testimony, Yoni Diller, Mazal Tazazo, and Elkana Federman share their journey of resilience - the masks they have worn since October 7th, the weight of trauma, and the strength found in telling their story.
Because sharing isn’t just about healing - it’s about making sure the world never forgets.
"Eran" is a special organization that provides lifesaving emotional first aid services in Israel, if you or anyone you know is struggling, learn more on their website:
Film&Edit: @omriabz96795
Embassy of Israel to the USA
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @Israel: Purim celebrates the triumph of good over evil, the victory of the Jewish people over those who sought to destroy them.
This year, that message resonates more than ever.
Just as the Jewish people overcame Haman and countless enemies throughout history, we will prevail today.
This Purim, we remember the 59 hostages still held in Gaza—stolen from their families, torn from their lives.
We will not rest until they are free.
Israel in UN/Geneva🇮🇱🇺🇳 | #BringThemHome
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
This year, that message resonates more than ever.
Just as the Jewish people overcame Haman and countless enemies throughout history, we will prevail today.
This Purim, we remember the 59 hostages still held in Gaza—stolen from their families, torn from their lives.
We will not rest until they are free.
Israel in UN/Geneva🇮🇱🇺🇳 | #BringThemHome
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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El campamento de Yarmouk, Siria, albergó a 160.000 personas refugiadas de Palestina. Las familias están regresando y en UNRWA hemos reconstruido infraestructuras esenciales como escuelas o centros de salud.
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Europe / America / America Latina / NATO reaction to the Israel - Gaza / Palestine War Conflict Guerre Krieg Guerra
Em um vídeo exibido na Praça dos Reféns, em Tel Aviv, o ex-refém Eliya Cohen agradeceu aos manifestantes que lutam pela libertação dos sequestrados pelo Hamas. Ele afirmou que ainda há tempo para resgatar todos os cativos, vivos ou mortos. “Há pessoas lá, no subterrâneo, apenas esperando a volta para casa. Vocês não sabem o que elas estão passando”, disse.
Cohen apelou para que políticos façam concessões e não deixem a mesa de negociações sem um acordo. “Não há razão para continuar adiando isso — nem fase um, nem fase dois, nem fase três. Apenas tragam todos de volta. Israel é forte o suficiente para fazer isso, e este é o momento.”
Dirigindo-se aos reféns que ainda estão na Faixa de Gaza, Cohen reforçou que o povo de Israel não desistiu deles. “Vocês não imaginam quantas pessoas os amam e estão tentando trazê-los de volta. Sei o que estão dizendo a vocês, mas é tudo mentira. Vocês vão voltar para casa”, afirmou. Ele mencionou os reféns Alon Ohel e Elkana Bohbot, garantindo que familiares e amigos seguem unidos na luta pela libertação dos 59 reféns que seguem no enclave palestino.
Via: Times of Israel
StandWithUs Brasil
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Cohen apelou para que políticos façam concessões e não deixem a mesa de negociações sem um acordo. “Não há razão para continuar adiando isso — nem fase um, nem fase dois, nem fase três. Apenas tragam todos de volta. Israel é forte o suficiente para fazer isso, e este é o momento.”
Dirigindo-se aos reféns que ainda estão na Faixa de Gaza, Cohen reforçou que o povo de Israel não desistiu deles. “Vocês não imaginam quantas pessoas os amam e estão tentando trazê-los de volta. Sei o que estão dizendo a vocês, mas é tudo mentira. Vocês vão voltar para casa”, afirmou. Ele mencionou os reféns Alon Ohel e Elkana Bohbot, garantindo que familiares e amigos seguem unidos na luta pela libertação dos 59 reféns que seguem no enclave palestino.
Via: Times of Israel
StandWithUs Brasil
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
En relación con el líbelo de sangre publicado por la 'Comisión de Investigación' de la ONU: Es uno de los peores casos de difamación que el mundo haya visto (y el mundo ha visto muchos).
Acusa a las víctimas de los crímenes cometidos contra ellas. Hamás es la organización que ha cometido horrendos crímenes sexuales contra israelíes.
Es, sin duda, un documento enfermizo que solo una organización antisemita como la ONU podría producir.
Israel En Peru
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Acusa a las víctimas de los crímenes cometidos contra ellas. Hamás es la organización que ha cometido horrendos crímenes sexuales contra israelíes.
Es, sin duda, un documento enfermizo que solo una organización antisemita como la ONU podría producir.
In regard to the blood libel published by the ‘Commission of Inquiry’:
It is one of the worst cases of blood libel the world has ever seen (and the world has seen many). It accuses the victims of the crimes committed against them. Hamas is the organization that has committed horrendous sexual crimes against Israelis. It is indeed a sick document that only an antisemitic organization such as the UN could produce.
- Israel Foreign Ministry Israel En Peru
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
الوزيرة شاهين تلتقي السفراء العرب المعتمدين لدى جمهورية تشيلي
Minister Shaheen meets with Arab ambassadors accredited to the Republic of #Chile. @embpalestinacl
State of Palestine - MFA 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Minister Shaheen meets with Arab ambassadors accredited to the Republic of #Chile. @embpalestinacl
State of Palestine - MFA 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
الوزيرة شاهين توقع مع وزير خارجية تشيلي ثلاث اتفاقيات ثنائية 🇨🇱 🇵🇸
Minister Shaheen signs three bilateral agreements with the #Chilean Foreign Minister. @Minrel_Chile @embpalestinacl
State of Palestine - MFA 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Minister Shaheen signs three bilateral agreements with the #Chilean Foreign Minister. @Minrel_Chile @embpalestinacl
State of Palestine - MFA 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Yesterday, #IDF soldiers identified a 4-year-old child moving towards a military post in the security zone.
In a conversation with the soldiers, the child said that he was sent to the post by the Hamas terrorist organization.
The soldiers fed the boy and then safely returned him to #Gaza, in coordination with @COGATonline and the international community.
Hamas does not hesitate to use any means to exploit civilians and children to advance its terrorism.
📷 @IDF
Israel in San Francisco
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
In a conversation with the soldiers, the child said that he was sent to the post by the Hamas terrorist organization.
The soldiers fed the boy and then safely returned him to #Gaza, in coordination with @COGATonline and the international community.
Hamas does not hesitate to use any means to exploit civilians and children to advance its terrorism.
📷 @IDF
Israel in San Francisco
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
UN experts accuse Israel of sexual violence and 'genocidal acts' in Gaza…
Palestine in the UK
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Palestine in the UK
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Gaza war: UN experts accuse Israel of 'genocidal acts' and sexual violence
Israel strongly rejects the findings of the report and accuses the UN Human Rights council of antisemitism.
They cannot be forgotten. 🎗
Israel in Chicago
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Israel in Chicago
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
On October 7, Major Moti Shamir didn’t wait for orders when he heard about the massacre in southern Israel. He rushed south with a friend to fight. After eliminating terrorists in Kibbutz Re’im alongside police forces, he was shot and killed.
This Purim, his son Lavi(5) chose to dress as his hero father, carrying on his legacy.
We will never forget their bravery. 💔
Israel in New York
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
This Purim, his son Lavi(5) chose to dress as his hero father, carrying on his legacy.
We will never forget their bravery. 💔
Israel in New York
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @MarcoCSermoneta: Cardinal Dolan:
“For any Jewish people who might be reading this, please know: The Catholic Church stands with you in the struggle against antisemitism.”
Apparently, the Pope, the Irish and the Cardinal of San Francisco didn’t get the memo.
Israel in San Francisco
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
“For any Jewish people who might be reading this, please know: The Catholic Church stands with you in the struggle against antisemitism.”
Apparently, the Pope, the Irish and the Cardinal of San Francisco didn’t get the memo.
Thank you Cardinal Dolan.…
- H.R. McMaster Israel in San Francisco
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
X (formerly Twitter)
H.R. McMaster (@LTGHRMcMaster) on X
Thank you Cardinal Dolan.
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It's K9 Veterans Day here in the US, so today is a great opportunity to learn about Oketz, the @IDF's elite K9 unit. #GoodDog
Embassy of Israel to the USA
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Embassy of Israel to the USA
Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme