Forwarded from Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
The ref has been so bias, helping Cercle Brugge at every opportunity
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
The ref has been so bias, helping Cercle Brugge at every opportunity
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Icelandair / Aviation Air - Visit - Explore - Discover Island Iceland Islanda Island Islandia Islândia Islandiya Islande IJsland
Icelandic Mountain Guides (Facebook)
"Another one to check off the bucket list: climbing the glacier. This was incredibly cool" 😎 ❄️ - Adventurer of the Week, @emiliavd. Thanks for sharing your beautiful experience.
Join us at 📍 Skaftafell, Iceland to hike on Europe's largest glacier. #icelandicMountainGuides #byIcelandia
#gletsjer #skaftafell #iceland #glacier #discovericeland #icelandtravel #vatanjokull #skaftafell
"Another one to check off the bucket list: climbing the glacier. This was incredibly cool" 😎 ❄️ - Adventurer of the Week, @emiliavd. Thanks for sharing your beautiful experience.
Join us at 📍 Skaftafell, Iceland to hike on Europe's largest glacier. #icelandicMountainGuides #byIcelandia
#gletsjer #skaftafell #iceland #glacier #discovericeland #icelandtravel #vatanjokull #skaftafell
Forwarded from Iceland Government MFA - Embajada Islandia - Ambassade Island - Deutsche Botschaft - Consolato - Sendiráðið á Íslandi - Embassy
RT @thorgkatrin: Great to welcome @JanLipavsky in Reykjavík today. Good talk on the strong 🇮🇸🇨🇿 bilateral ties, our shared values & various areas of co-op. Also discussed European security and defence and I told him that we're excited for the Czech air policing mission in Iceland later this year.
MFA Iceland 🇮🇸
Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
V Reykjavíku jsem jednal se svou kolegyní @thorgkatrin o vzájemných vztazích, zahraniční politice a především pak o obraně. Na jaře 2025 se české letectvo opět vrátí na Island, aby chránilo jeho vzdušný prostor.
Spolehliví spojenci drží při sobě. 🇨🇿🤝🇮🇸
- Jan LipavskýMFA Iceland 🇮🇸
Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Jagiellonia Białystok got so lucky tonight. It wasn’t a good performance at all, they had chances in the second half but were wasteful. At least they’re through to the quarter finals!
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Lögreglan á Suðurlandi | Hvolsvöllur (Facebook)
Umfangsmikilli rannsókn lögreglunnar á máli er varðar frelsissviptingu, fjárkúgun og manndráp miðar vel. Rannsóknin er þó enn á frumstigum. Líkt og fram hefur komið voru þrír aðilar, tveir karlmenn og ein kona, úrskurðuð í vikulangt gæsluvarðhald í héraðsdómi Suðurlands í gær.
Í dag var einn aðili til viðbótar handtekinn í þágu rannsóknar málsins og er nú í haldi lögreglu. Ekki hefur verið tekin ákvörðun um hvort farið verði fram á gæsluvarðhald yfir honum. Við rannsóknina hefur m.a. verið lagt hald á nokkrar bifreiðar, framkvæmdar hafa verið húsleitir og fjöldi vitna hefur verið yfirheyrður.
Auk aðstoðar frá öðrum lögregluembættum við rannsóknina hefur almenningur veitt lögreglunni á Suðurlandi gagnlegar ábendingar og myndefni.
Áfram verður unnið af kappi við rannsóknina en ekki er hægt að veita frekari upplýsingar um málið að svo stöddu.
Umfangsmikilli rannsókn lögreglunnar á máli er varðar frelsissviptingu, fjárkúgun og manndráp miðar vel. Rannsóknin er þó enn á frumstigum. Líkt og fram hefur komið voru þrír aðilar, tveir karlmenn og ein kona, úrskurðuð í vikulangt gæsluvarðhald í héraðsdómi Suðurlands í gær.
Í dag var einn aðili til viðbótar handtekinn í þágu rannsóknar málsins og er nú í haldi lögreglu. Ekki hefur verið tekin ákvörðun um hvort farið verði fram á gæsluvarðhald yfir honum. Við rannsóknina hefur m.a. verið lagt hald á nokkrar bifreiðar, framkvæmdar hafa verið húsleitir og fjöldi vitna hefur verið yfirheyrður.
Auk aðstoðar frá öðrum lögregluembættum við rannsóknina hefur almenningur veitt lögreglunni á Suðurlandi gagnlegar ábendingar og myndefni.
Áfram verður unnið af kappi við rannsóknina en ekki er hægt að veita frekari upplýsingar um málið að svo stöddu.
Forwarded from Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
RT @Jagiellonia1920: 1/8✅🧱
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
RT @Jojomeowjojo: In case you didn’t know 🤷♂️
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Forwarded from Icelandair / Aviation Air - Visit - Explore - Discover Island Iceland Islanda Island Islandia Islândia Islandiya Islande IJsland
Guide to Iceland (Facebook)
📍 Where would you go first? Iceland is a nature lover’s dream! 🏔️✨
From majestic waterfalls to glacier lagoons, this country is packed with breathtaking sights waiting to be explored. Save these bucket list spots for your next adventure! 🤩
📸 Featured destinations:
🔹 Diamond Beach (Breiðamerkursandur)
🔹 Skógafoss Waterfall
🔹 Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon
🔹 Gullfoss Waterfall
🔹 Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon
🔹 Svínafellsjökull Glacier
🔹 Stuðlagil Canyon
📍 Where would you go first? Iceland is a nature lover’s dream! 🏔️✨
From majestic waterfalls to glacier lagoons, this country is packed with breathtaking sights waiting to be explored. Save these bucket list spots for your next adventure! 🤩
📸 Featured destinations:
🔹 Diamond Beach (Breiðamerkursandur)
🔹 Skógafoss Waterfall
🔹 Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon
🔹 Gullfoss Waterfall
🔹 Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon
🔹 Svínafellsjökull Glacier
🔹 Stuðlagil Canyon
Forwarded from Icelandic Met Office / Yfirstandandi / Police / Meteo / Veðurstofa Íslands - Earthquake Jarðskjálftar Volcano Alert / WWF Arctic
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Joe 🇮🇸
Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme