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Every body is obliged to think of all three levels of his life and should not just limit himself to the period of "birth to death" (the level of worldly life), otherwise he has gone astray.
Imam Ali(a) says herein: " Felicity and blessing comes to him who thinks about and gets to know himself in all three levels of life."

Learn the economical management skills of the family

Human has been created based on mathematical rules,and his happiness,love,and tranquility in life are formulated too. Therefore whoever wants to be happy and successful, should accord his behavior, communication and thought management with formulas of his creation and the creator's instructions. The same creator,who has made billions of cells in our body and every thing around us, commands us as his servants to respect a series of rules, if we ask for a happy and calm life,eternal prosperity and bounteous property.

Our eternal bliss and the amount of our spirituality and emotions has a direct relationship with our economical decision making. Those who ask for spirituality and good emotions in their life, should behave properly in the financial affairs.
Financial affairs and it's related issues have a lot of ups and downs in every body's life,as most of the people have experienced it in a way in their private life. Imprudence and passion involvement, particularly when we encounter financial problems, causes some emotional and spiritual damages for human.

For instance some people encountering a financial problem, lose their personality balance and reveal a kind of behavior which severely destroys their emotions and spiritualities. In order not to have such a financial problems in the family,or at least without any destructive consequences, islam has presented some instructions which,in case of respecting them,will keep us and our family away from the crisises.


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🍁Two principal issues regarding the provision of the economical needs of the family🍁

🌺The first issue: working, its values (holiness) and its necessity.

🌺People should try hard for the provision of the economical needs of their family.

🌺The Almighty Allah in Rom:21 draws our attention to unity between the spouses in addition to affection. Unity herein means when the spouses do devotions for each other and patiently tolerate the hardships and undergo alot of difficulties.

🌺For instance, the custodian of the family should be the bread winner and should work hard and accept to do his best for his family comfort.

🌺Working is considered as a holy job such as praying in Islam that if the person loses his life while working, he will be considered as a martyr.

🌺And Prophet Muhammad (s.a) knows this person as a fighter in Allah's path.

🌺The second issue: seeking for Halal (lawful) earnings.
Seeking for Halal earnings means we should earn lawful money and if we earn money through unlawful jobs, this will negatively influence the emotional and spiritual structures of our family.

🌺Unlawful (Haram) earnings causes human to deny even the axiomatic things while he is sure about them at the bottom of his heart.

🌺If you want consistent love and pure soul and calmness in life, you should start with lawful earnings and these won't happen by unlawful earnings.




🌺Providing Halal sustenance for the family🌺

❤️Halal sustenance means that the income and all the earnings of the family should be gained through lawful jobs and ways.

❤️The Almighty God and the infallible Imams have introduced some jobs as Haram or unlawful that we should get to know them and not to choose them.

❤️There are also some jobs which could be either Haram or Halal and it depends on how we use them. For instance, the money coming from hairdressing could be sometimes Haram due to the kind of make-ups the hairdresser puts on people's face.

❤️And some jobs are absolutely basically Haram such as giving or getting bribery, making fake documents, or contraband.

❤️And there are some jobs which are Halal but some factors make them Haram. Factors such as not giving Khums (one fifth religious tax) or Zakat. This is the law of the nature and the law of God.

❤️Moralities are also based on mathematic and lawful. If you eat poisonous food, you'll see its effect on your physical body. The same holds true about moral, emotional and spiritual issues. If we do not follow the laws related to them, we'll see the effects on our body and soul.
❤️Haram earnings and sustenance has got a really bad effect on financial issues, as well as emotional, physical, and also spiritual issues of the individual and the family.

❤️Sometimes, spiritual issues make your earning Haram like when a child goes to buy bread but the baker does not pay attention to his turn. This issue makes the baker's earning Haram (unlawful) and it will affects his life negatively.




🌸Providing Halal sustenance for the family🌸

❤️Another example would be some favouritisms, when true right of a person is given to another, which causes him to be deprived of his own right. This will cause the sustenance to become Haram and will have its effect on the soul and personality of the person responsible.

❤️Many factors can make the sustenance Haram and unlawful, and we should know them perfectly, and take care of our sustenance in our life.

❤️What are we looking for in financial provisioning for our life?

❤️Humans endeavor for serenity, happiness, and finally having a good afterlife and a good resurrection in financial provisioning for their lives.

❤️But the sustenance one acquires, will have negative effect if it's obtained based on pressuring others, causing difficulties and hatred in others, and keeping up with the joneses.

❤️And that will cause economic failure for the person, or God's wrath might befell him in a way that He will increase his ailment to a point that he would drown in sins.

❤️An example of this group of people, are those who're financially prosperous, but don't feel happiness and serenity in life.

❤️The husband and wife should pay enough care to each other’s job, lest allowing dirty money to enter their lives.

❤️In the same sense, children should ask their parents for clean and lawful sustenance; a sustenance from which the right of God is taken out on time.

❤️And ultimately, we must make sure that we are giving each other everlasting serenity and happiness.

❤️if we want happiness, serenity, and felicity in life, we should avoid the obstacles to happiness and serenity and we should repel them from ourselves.

❤️if someone brings Haram sustenance to his life, he can never maintain mental and behavorial balance and peace in his family. this kind of sustenance will surely destroys one's happiness and peace of mind and will bring failure to one's life.

❤️Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says: anyone who eats one bite from Haram, his Salat will not be accepted for forty days.


🌸To be continued🌸



🌸Providing halal sustenance for the family🌸

❤️Imam Bagher (a) says: "In the day of judgment, Allah takes out some people from their graves, whose hands are tied to their neck and they don't have the power to grasp anything even as much as an ant can. The angels are reproaching them and say that these are people whom God has bestowed wealth to, but they have not payed His right to it's owner."

❤️People should refine their job and earnings and watch out not to be contaminated with Haram (what is prohibited by God). Some ones have contaminations in their jobs, which have not been regarded by them, even though these contaminations will cause bad effects in their family's spirituality, morality and chastity.

❤️The third principle:

- Miserliness and stringency is forbidden.

❤️In the topics of financial provisioning of the family, we came to the third principle which says; man, in addition to financial provisioning of his family which is his duty, is recommended to endevour more for his family's comfort and to be generous toward them, and not to put them through economic pressures, and not to have stringency in paying alimony which is an important issue itself.

❤️The person who can afford to provide more welfare for his family through legal ways(Halal) should not withhold. The furthur is the financial provisioning of a family from the stinginess, the closer are the members of the family to generousity, blessing, and kindness.

❤️Benevolence has a lot of economical, emotional, moral and spiritual effects in life.

❤️Miserliness is reproved greatly, to the extent that marriage with a stingy person is not recommended, for it is an attribute that is too hard to ameliorate.


🌸 To be continued 🌸



🌸Providing halal sustenance for the family🌸

🌺If women are treated with kindness, good temper ,and generosity by their husbands, will remain loyal , kind and suportive towards them in the worst financial situations and they try to return the situation to the first state with the help of their spouse.

🌺The characteristics of constructiveness and contentment will be created when the man of the family is generous towards them and makes welfare and comfort for his family .

🌺 In the previous session, we refered to two important principles of home economic that includes work, clean earning , sancsity and its nessecity which are two important cases and related to this we want to hint of another two .

🌺Fourth Principle:

- Moderation in the economic:

It's so important. God and infallible ones (peace be upon them) gauranteed that moderation causes that no one gets in the grip of poverty.

🌺 God has put sufficient clean earning for each servant but some of them don't abide modertion and economic so gets in the grip of poverty.

🌺 Imam al-sadegh (peace be upon him)said :" I gaurantee
that if someone does not have greed and is moderate, he would never become poor. And he continues ( in definition of a good people) that, those who donate, do not squander and are not strict and observe moderation .

🌺 It means we consider the minimum and the maximum in
the life and expenses then choose the average and emphasize this subject.


🌸 the end of session 3 🌸


If we want prosperity in this world and the Hereafter, we must observe three aspects:
• financial
• emotional
• spiritual

Religious principles for strengthening the family:

The essence of working to provide family financially is a must and is considered prayer; and laziness and boredom should be abandoned.

Family’s sustenance and the way of earning it, should be Halal. When we say something is Halal, we mean that it is compatible with the mathematical structure of mankind and its happiness. God has assigned Halal and Haram according to the structure of man.

Imam al Ridha has said: Halal means beneficial, Haram means harmful.

So, our occupation should be Halal. The income from some occupations is Haram.
Sometimes the occupation itself is Halal, but our carelessness causes our money to become Haram (not paying Zakat, Khums, …)

Sometimes the occupation itself is clean and acceptable, but actions from our part makes the whole income suspicious.

It’s our duty to not make our income suspicious (of being Haram). Seeking Halal is a duty of all men and women. God likes to see his servants get tired in the way of acquiring Halal income.

Some examples of Haram occupations:
Sometimes the occupation itself makes the money Haram. And other times, the cause is some other factors. For example:

Fraud in work, like selling used as new, selling food past its expiration date as fresh, giving named marks to one’s own designed clothing, Smuggling.

There are two kinds of advice about Haram and Halal when it comes to income:
• To have Halal income
• To avoid Haram occupations and jobs if one encounters them. We should avoid Haram.

Sometimes, our own money and sustenance is Halal. But another person’s sustenance is Haram. This should also be avoided. All infallibles have sayings about this.

Our holy prophet has said: letting go of one bite of Haram, is better than two thousand Rakat of optional Salat.

It means that avoiding one bite of Haram, is Dearer to God than two thousand Rakat of Salat. So you can see how harmful eating it can be.

Relinquishing even the smallest amount of Haram money, is very valuable to God. Now you can see how degrading using it will be.

- to be continued


►Haram (forbidden in religion) has a lot of destructive effects.
►Haram sustenance (ill-gotten earnings) damages human just as virus does. It destroys the existential structure of human in all individual, familial and social systems; it is like cancer or bomb that destroys everything.

►Allah, who has created the world, says that there are a series of external blights which can destroy worldly and otherworldly life of humans. Haram sustenance is like poison; the contaminated person may do any kind of foul deeds. It makes you begin with a minor petulance and drags you to the point of killing infallibles.

►Haram sustenance has unlimited effects. In our colloquial language, a person who does all kinds of crimes is called "haram loqmeh(morsel)" (means one whose food is provided from forbidden earnings).

►God says: “If haram sustenance enters your life, it will have a lot of destructive effects. Sometimes parents say: "we have respected all of the principles, yet why is it that our couple or child is doing so and so?” That is because the destructive element (haram sustenance) is in your home. Take a look back and see where you have failed.

►In addition to all of the systems in existence there are two other systems known as the system of creation (physical) and the spiritual system. That is to say there is no object without inwardness. Sometimes a person with terminal disease invocates to Allah or infallibles, and is cured, because there is an inward (spiritual) system besides the physical one that works. So apparent matters are not all that exist. Haram sustenance affects both apparent and inward aspect of human. It destroys morality and sentiment of human and makes him lose his faith. Therefore if we want felicity, we should think about this point and work on it, and we should inform people, in order to prevent haram from entering our lives; because an infected person with haram affects others too.

- to be continued


▪️Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) said: praying with haram (forbidden/prohibited) food is similar to constructing a building on top of sand. Haram food will waste all of your positive deeds. In another quotation, Imam al-Sadiq related: the person who acquires Haram money, will not have his Hadj, Umrah and bonding with his relatives accepted (by Allah).

▪️It even affects intimacy between couples and also the sperm/embryo. If conception is affected by haram food, and pregnancy moves on, it will have negative effects. It will affect the child. S/he will know no boundaries (when growing up). Because when haram food comes to our lives, it will corrupt everything.


1- Prudence in the financial affairs of family

Usually all of us encounter two factors in planning the financial affairs of family:
• Earnings
• Expenditures

۲.All members of the family have a series of interminable desires and needs, and they often believe in having more earnings as the way of fulfilling their needs; but they pay less attention to the fact that in order to control the economy of the family, they need to incorporate specific strategies in family's expenditures as well.

3- It should be noted that spending has a series of principles and rules which if respected, will lead to more economic security for the members of family.

4- Never forget that the economy of the family and society, is a topic that certainly needs to be educated and learned; but unfortunately, most of the people do not care to learn this skill (the ways of economic management and the ways to spend), and this lack of skill causes the families to think of more income as the only way of solving their financial problems.

5 - Imam Ali (a) has a phrase herein:" Prudence is half of the expenditures."
That is to say if people are educated in financial affairs, and learn to act wisely in that regard, it is equivalent to economize half of the expenditures and will allow them to then manage the costs of their family very easily.

6- To have economic mindset and to be adept at economic ways is a very important issue and is something that we should learn in order to have felicitous family.
