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🔹He will fill the earth with justice and equity
🔸The earth will bring out its blessings
🔹The paths will be safe and secure by him
🔸All rights will be returned to their rightful owners


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Condolences on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Sadiq (A.S)

Imam Khamenei: The first lesson Imam Sadiq (A.S) teaches us is continuous Jihad and indefatigable battle.

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Imam Sadiq (A.S) said: Choose a a person who got angry with you 3 times but managed to restrain his anger, as your friend.

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Don't let worldy gains and pleasures distract your attention from the eternal life and its development!!!

That if you get distracted, nothing from this world will compensate for the poverty of the hereafter.



Part 65;

🌹Azan; Allah's invitation for you to join him 🌹

In the previous part, we said that being greedy in earning money and wealth, distracts the man from paying attention to emotional and spiritual needs.

There are alot of people who do not have any financial problems but have many emotional and spiritual problems.These people may understand their emotional and family lacks but are usually not aware of their spiritual ones.

One of the big obvious disadvantages of worldy gains and enjoyments is that they absorb the man too much that he won't be able to understand his spiritual lacks and deficiencies. This is like a defective fetus who continues living in his mother's womb but does not feel his defects and come to realize it when he is born and encounters problems.

🌿 The same story holds true about our trip to hereafter. The joy of wealth distracts the man's from reflecting upon the real creation goal which is our main responsibility in the world and he wakes up when it's of no use because it's too late and he has demised and is traveling to the limbo and he's got no chance of return to the world. 🌿

🍃About these people, The holy Quran says:
These people ask to return to the world to do what they didn't do but God replies: "Don't say nonsense. We gave you life and opportunity to develop your hereafter and to refine yourself. didn't we???"🍃

🌻 For instance, Azan is so holy that religion scholars strongly advise us to be completely silent and just listen to it at the time it's being recited and do not even recite Quran nor whisper prayers buy just listen carefully and repeat its words with the person reciting it. 🌻

🌹 In Azan, the Almighty Allah, calls people to himself consecutively. And the housewife who doesn't pay any attention to God's call (Azan) and continues her work, postpones her prayers for several hours. 🌺

🌸 Profaning praying is a big sin and prophet Muhammad (S.A) said: We won't intercede with Allah on behalf of you if you profane praying. 🌸

🍀 Being reluctant to answer Allah's call (Saying prayers after Azan), is itself a kind of inner mental illness. 🍀

🍁to be continued🍁


🍁 A benign faithful person doesn't have earthly goals🍁

Session 432; 95/3/6

Since a faithful person is always so kind and connected to Allah, nither people nor things are his goals in the earth and he is basically obsessed with otherworldy matters, therefor he doesn't have earthly intentions.

🔱 A faithful person doesn't follow earthly goals and if he does some activities, it's because of his sense of responsibility and committment but his essence is in harmony with the heavenly loves.🔱

One of the blights of friendship (things that destroy friendships), is bad temperament and using harsh language which cause break ups, increase in the number of enemies, decrease in number of friends and ultimately being left alone.

🔆 A faithful person is not bad-tempered because he's got strong soul and religion and is not easily annoyed, but if he gets annoyed by the world, he gets bad-tempered and this is a sign of disconnection with the heavenly family and Allah, the true love, and this is the beginning of the soul's decay. 🔆

True believers are kind and lenient with people and don't concern with what others think about them and if others' judgements were able to upset them, this would indicate weakness in their belief.


🍁Bad temperament produces hatred among people🍁


🔮One of the major blights of communications is bad behavior (irritability, bad temperament). our hadiths depict the believers, as calm and benevolent, and the sinners as harsh and wicked.

🔮 Believers, don't need excuses to be kind, to forgive, or to do good deeds. rather, kindness is always emanated from them. they are so tender-hearted that they easily forgive people and accept their excuses (even false ones). the amount of their connivance and their disregard of mistakes of others is so high that others think of them as naive, though in the sight of God, naive and foolish ones, are the people who easily trap themselves in the fire of altercations, and burn their precious time of life, on the futile worldy disputes and disagreements.

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‍ ‍ 🌺🌺🌺🌺

Picking faults in people is a big sin but finding faults with them is a bigger sin and means looking for faults which are not true at all and the holy Quran labels this as "tajas-sos" and condemns it strongly and says "don't do this about each other".


Look at ant and its little body that human's eye and thought cannot understand its delicateness.
Look how it walks on the earth and struggles to earn its daily food.
Takes seed to its nest and maintain it there.
In the warm season it tries for the winter and when it goes in its nest it does not forget to come out.

خالق من کیست؟
به مورچه و کوچکی جثه آن بنگرید که چگونه لطافت خلقت او با چشم و اندیشه انسان درک نمی شود، نگاه کنید چگونه روی زمین راه می رود و برای بدست آوردن روزی خود تلاش می کند، دانه ها را به لانه خود منتقل می سازد و در جایگاه مخصوص نگاه می دارد، در فصل گرما برای زمستان تلاش کرده، و به هنگام درون رفتن، بیرون آمدن را فراموش نمی کند.
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ما را در اینستاگرام دنبال کنید.
#Imam al-Mahdi (a.j) and we

Session One
🍁We are in the era of Imam al-Mahdi's return🍁

We are now in a special situation and are really in the era of Imam al-Mahdi's return and have some responsibilities towards him. A person who is truly awaiting for his arrival, follows the news about his country and even the world to find out when he is coming and when he should be prepared to carry out his duties.

Imam doesn't need us, it's we who need him and should dedicate our life, talent and youth to him and Islam. We should be careful not to be among the ignorant and neglectful people when he returns as our deep sense of shame and chagrin can not be compensated.

Our duty is to get to know Imam al-Mahdi very well and not to say he is absent, so we don't have any duties like some groups who falsely claim to have affection for Imam al-Mahdi's yet do nothing for him. In fact, it's we who are absent. Imam al-Mahdi is surely present and not absent at all; it's we who are poor and miserable.

Imam Sadiq (a) said: The one who knows his Imam very well and dies before his return resembles the one who gets martyred for him.

Truly awaiting Imam al-Mahdi is our duty today. Our religion grandees say : We should await Imam al-Mahdi like the time a host awaits his guest. The host cleans the house and expects the guest excitedly. We should await our Imam like this. In Friday prayer it's read: this is the day on which we expect you to come.

🍁to be continued🍁


Fahwi Hussein, an Egyptian journalist who has Arabic nationalistic tendencies and is a follower of Jamal Abdolnaser, who also has anti Iranian tack, compares Iran and Egypt in a long article as follows:
Iranians and we were at the same level internationally more than 30 years ago BUT

Iranians chose to fight and stand up against superpowers, especially US, and we chose to compromise. Every year, we recieved a gratuitous fee of 4 billion dollars for our betrayal to Arabs from US but Iranians experienced political and financial pressure, sanctions, civil war, and unjust war.

Today, Iran has turned from a regional power into an international power, and no problem either regional or international can be obviated without appealing to Iran.

And American presidential candidates each utter the word “Iran” 64 times in their television debates, as if they have no adversary except for Iran in the world. Iran is also among the top 10 countries in the world, in the fields of strategic, radioactive, space, Nano, and cloning science, and among the top 4 in the field of missile industry, and in terms of the velocity and precision of their missiles, they may heve come in first in the world.
And Iran is the island of security in the region, but we, even with the aids from US and receiving annual supports, have a hard time providing most of our people with a loaf of bread.

to be continued


Farsi Translation👇👇

💢 "فهوی حسین" روزنامه نگار مصری که گرایش ناسیونالیستی عربی دارد و از پیروان جمال عبدالناصر است و اتفاقا مشی ضد ایرانی دارد در یک مقاله مفصل در مقام مقایسه مصر و ایران چنین مینویسد :
ما و ایرانی ها بیش از سی سال پیش در فضای بین الملی در یک سطح بودیم .
ایرانی ها راه مبارزه و مقاومت در برابر ابر قدرتها ، بخصوص آمریکا را انتخاب کردند و ما مسیر سازش را برگزیدیم .
ما هر سال مزد خیانت مان به اعراب را از طرف آمریکا در قالب 4 میلیارد کمک بلاعوض میگرفتیم و ایرانی ها از همان اول فشار سیاسی، اقتصادی و تحریم و جنگ داخلی و جنگ نابرابر را تجربه کردند ....

امروز ایران از یک قدرت منطقه ای به یک قدرت جهانی تبدیل شده که هیچ مشکلی در سطح منطقه و جهان بدون جلب نظر ایران قابل حل نیست.
و کاندیداهای ریاست جمهوری آمریکا 64 بار هر کدام عبارت ایران را در مناظره تلوزیونی خود بکار میبرند.
گویی حریفی جز ایران در سطح جهان ندارند ...
و دیگر اینکه ایرانی ها در تمام علوم استراتژیک، از هسته ای تا فضایی و تا نانو و شبیه سازی و پزشکی و ..
جز ده کشور برتر جهان میباشند و در صنایع موشکی چهارمین قدرت دنیا و از نظر دقت و سرعت موشکهایش شاید اولین کشور دنیاست .
و در منطقه جزیره امن و ثبات است و ما علیرغم حمایت آمریکا و اخذ کمک های سالیانه دغدغه تهیه یک وعده قرص نان برای اکثر مردم مان داریم و .....!!!؟؟؟


when there is not a potent leader in the realm, obviously we'll end up with what Egypt is struggling with now.

when there is no unity in a nation, we'll end up with what Iraq is struggling with now.

when there is no strong commanders in a country, we'll end up with what Pakistan is struggling with now.

when the leader and the ruler a so-called Muslim country are slaves of west and east, we'll end up with what turkey is struggling with now.

but when the ruler of a Shia country gives in to no one in spite of all pressures, preferences, hardliners, liberals, eight-year war, thirty years of political and financial sanctions, there remains no room for enemies to breath ... and we'll end up with what Iran is enjoying from. In the midst of all regional battles, and hungry wolves restlessly howling outside it's borders, no one dares to give Iran's soil a hungry look .... even their flies (drones)

Farsi translation,

وقتی در مملکتی رهبر درست وحسابی نباشد، خب! وضعیت میشود مصر"
وقتی در جامعه ای وحدت نباشد میشود عراق"
وقتی در کشوری فرمانده ی استواری نداشته باشد میشود پاکستان
وقتی درکشوری به ظاهر مسلمان رهبر و رئیس آن مملکت، خود فروخته به شرق وغرب باشد میشود ترکیه"
اما وقتی در کشوری شیعه ، رهبر باج به زمین و زمان ندهد، با همه ی فشارها ، سلیقه ها ، تندرو ، کندرو ، جنگ 8 ساله ، 30 سال تحریم سیاسی و اقتصادی، جایی برای نفس کشیدن دشمن باقی نمی ماند ... خوب آن وقت می شود ایران، در میان حصاری از آتش جنگ های منطقه که گرگهای زخمی پشت مرزهایشان بی قرار زوزه می کشند ...
کسی جرات ندارد به خاکشان چپ نگاه کند ... حتی مگس هایشان( پهباد ها )

🔸( روزنامه الشرق الاوسط )

🔶يا أيّها الّذين آمنوا لا تبطلوا صدقاتكم بالمنّ والأذىٰ كالّذي ينفق ماله رئاء الناس و لا يؤمن باللَّه واليوم الْآخر

Purify your intentions...
نیت خود را خالص کنیم...


يا أَيُّها الَّذينَ آمَنُوا لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقاتِكُم بِالْمَنِّ وَالْأَذَىٰ كَالَّذي يُنفِقُ مالَهُ رِئَاءَ النَّاسِ وَ لا يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَمَثَلُهُ كَمَثَلِ صَفْوَانٍ عَلَيْهِ تُرابٌ فَأَصابَهُ وابِلٌ فَتَرَكَهُ صَلْدًا لَّا يَقْدِرُونَ عَلىٰ شَيْءٍ مِّمَّا كَسَبُوا وَ اللَّهُ لا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الكافِرِينَ (بقره:264)

O you who believe! do not make your charity worthless by reproach and injury, like him who spends his property to be seen of men and does not believe in Allah and the last day; so his parable is as the parable of a smooth rock with earth (dust) upon it, then a heavy rain falls upon it, so it leaves it bare (no use in sowing the seed); they shall not be able to gain anything of what they have earned; and Allah does not guide the unbelieving people. (Holy Quran 2:264)

ای كسانی كه ايمان آورده ايد! بخششهای خود را با منت و آزار، باطل نسازيد! همانند كسی كه مال خود را برای نشان دادن به مردم، انفاق می‏كند، و به خدا و روز رستاخيز، ايمان نمی‏آورد، (كار او) همچون قطعه سنگی است كه بر آن، (قشر نازكی از) خاك باشد، (و بذرهايی در آن افشانده شود،) و رگبار باران به آن برسد، (و همه خاكها و بذرها را بشويد،) و آن را صاف (و خالی از خاك و بذر) رها كند. آنها از كاری كه انجام داده‏ اند، چيزی به دست نمی‏آورند، و خداوند، جمعيت كافران را هدايت نمی كند.


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