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Night of Decree--Laylat Al Qadr, a special night during #Ramadan--is loftier than thousands of months,so make most out of these golden hours.

Notice that if somebody merely says, forgive me God, forgive me God, forgive me God, but his attention wanders, this is not valuable. This is not repentance. Repentance is a dua and a request. One should genuinely ask God for His forgiveness and mercy. He should say, "I have committed this sin. Dear God, bestow Your mercy on me. Forgive me for this sin". This kind of repentance - for any of our sins - will definitely result in divine mercy. Allah the Exalted has opened this door for us.
Ayatollah Khamenei, September 14, 2007

The benefits of #fasting in #Ramadan


🌻Thirty days of fasting allows the fasting person to easily resist the harams and carnal desires.

🌻Fasting is the best way to practice piety. Piety is the criterion of human value.

🌻In this regard, the Noble Quran says: "Indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most Godwary among you. Quran 49:13"

🌻It shows that the criterion for human value is not the vegetal and bestial values that people normally compete for, such as beauty, physical strength, making family and having children, properties, eating well, social status, ...

🌻We should try to take the lead in divine and human values. When it is said that the most Godwary people are the noblest ones, it means that this value is related to the spiritual properties of the person, and not his physical and tangible attributes.

Media is too big
#Ramadan is almost up. let's use the remaining hours well

#Ramadan is a window to see the human aspect.


🦋The holy month of Ramadan is the Eid for those who love God and those whose souls are ruled over by the divine and human values.

🦋Therefore they are pleased when this month starts. Imam Sajjad(as) says regarding this month: greetings to you, the month whose arrival makes us happy and whose ending brings sadness to us"

🦋Those who get sad when this month comes to an end, are the ones whose human aspect rules over them. but, those with dominant bestial side are not like this. the worldly side will not be happy with this month. The worldly side is the bestial side. Just as when you don't feed a beast, it gets unhappy, those whose bestial side rules over them, would feel unhappy in this month. the reason for that is because they are forced to relinquish all the bestial pleasures in this month. Such a person sees this month as a month of suffering, and If they could talk to God, they would ask Him: "Why have you enforced this law?"

🦋This month is difficult for some people because their bestial aspect is their dominant aspect. they cannot tolerate abandoning some pleasures. The demon of bestiality is ruling over them and they can not make it leave their soul. This is the reason why Quran does not consider every fasting as effective; because not all them will result in strengthening the human aspect.


During a Ramadan, a couple of youth saw an old man eating something away from the eyes of the crowd.

They told him, "Hey old man, aren't you fasting?"
"Yes I am, I just eat and drink" - the old man replied
The youth laughed and said; "O really?!"

The old man answered:

"Yes, I don't lie, don't gaze at people, don't ridicule people, don't curse people, don't harass people, don't feel envy toward people, ...
but, since I have a disease that requires me to eat, my stomach alone is not fasting."

Then, addressing those youth, he asked
"So, are you guys fasting too?!"

Embarrassed, one of the youth looked at the ground and said:
"No, we just don't eat and drink!"

True fasting is when in addition to not eating and drinking, the person keeps himself from sinning during the time, and that is the main ingredient of having a true and accepted fasting

Are we really fasting?!

The prophet of islam, Muhammad(s), saw a woman who was cursing her handmaiden.

He brought some food and told her to eat the food.

The woman said: "I am fasting!"

The prophet said: " How can you be fasting, while you have cursed your handmaiden?! Indeed how few are the true fasters, and how many are those whose portion is nothing but mere hunger"

Fasting is more that just abstaining from eatting and drinking for a set amount of time.


Ramadan does not come to change our schedules.

It comes to change our hearts.

Ramadan's 5th Day Dua
Fasting removes wildness of different desires and their domination over human's soul.

Ramadan's 8th day's dua

Secrets of fasting

What we eat and what we say are keys to our access to the Unseen.

That is to say if we we can control them (eating halal food that is earned through halal means, controlling our tongue ...), we will start to see and perceive many truths from the world of the Unseen.

Fasting facilitates our control over our mouth and tongue
