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Native European Muslims
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Besides we write a lot about "white Muslims", we don't promote it as a proper identity, rather we accept it as a sociological reality in colonial countries like USA.

From the traditional Islamic point of view, there are 2 visions of our identity.

As stated al-Masudi, all Indo-Europeans same as Turkish-speaking people are descendants of Yapheth, son of the Nuh, peace upon him. Another vision for descendants of Western European peoples specifically is according to Ibn Manzūr, who defined Rūm as “a well-known human stock; the singular is called Rūmī", whose "lineage is ultimately traced back to ‘Īsū, a son of Prophet Ishāq, peace upon him”.

As for the modern scientific point of view, native Europeans, whom we are speaking about, connected not only by so called "whiteness", but also by the common languages, genetics and culture.

So, we, European descendant Muslims, have a legitimate basis for our natural identity from all possible points of view.
Good article of Ovamir Anjum about a proper Caliphate, the main idea of which we support.

But this quote:

"Western, European, white recruits were treated as superior, they were given leading positions from where they controlled the messaging and even the direction, and recruits from poorer, darker countries were routinely humiliated and marginalized".

Man, you can't seriously show even an ISIS as a kind of white supremacy, lol. It is too much.

And returning to the main idea of this article and connecting it with this quote, we need to understand one thing.

With such jealousy to any European descendant Muslims, since we are tiny minority in the Muslim world, if it will be united in some kind of Caliphate, to survive in it as a specie, we also will need our own flat or may be few flats (Bosnia, Albania, etc) in this house.
And here we go again... Secularists not just want religious values not to be imposed on them. They want themselves be able to regulate values in conservative families.
Austrian Vienna continues to share with Istanbul the title of de-facto capital of the Balkans.On this photo: a terrorist who killed four random passers-by in a recent shooting, an Austrian police woman, and one of the victims of a recent attack. All three are Albanians. The killed Nexhip Vranesi was also a native of North Macedonia, a Muslim Albanian from Tetovo.
'The story of European Islam is not a new one. It goes back 14 centuries, and it has roots across the Continent. The current era has its own challenges and specificities, but Muslim Europeans aren’t operating from a tabula rasa — they have the experiences of previous generations, whether among European Muslim communities in the Balkans, the descendants of Muslim Spaniards who have rediscovered their roots in Muslim Andalusia, recent convert communities, or the generations of descendants of immigrants over the last few decades. All of these are part of that story.'
Skaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi (Ian Dallas), the spiritual leader of many European Muslims, founder and the patriarch of many European Muslim communities passed away today.

Inna li Llahi wa inna illayhi rajijun.
John M. MacKenzie in his "Orientalism" writes that Edward Said and his followers misunderstand the meaning of the East (Orient) for many Orientalist artists.