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Death toll continues to rise as Israeli warplanes and gunboats target areas in the Gaza Strip.

Gaza’s military have responded to the Zionist bombing in which at least six Palestinians have been martyred so far.

Some people are critical of Palestinians resisting, but here are some simple truths:

We’re not there.

We haven’t been subjugated in “the world’s largest concentration camp” for three generations.

We haven’t been given the choice to either die on our feet or live on our knees.

They have their mashāikh. They have their fuqahā. They have their reasons for action and inaction; for war and for ceasefire.

While we don’t have to agree with everything everyone does, we don’t have to comment against someone whose reality we don’t fully know.

It's important to learn the history of the issue prior to forming an opinion.

Palestine is a frontline of the entire Ummah and Palestinians are in our prayers.

Allah give them victory over their oppressors, and give all the oppressed Muslims the same — whether they are in Kashmir, East Turkestan, India, Syria, Myanmar, Yemen, or anywhere else in the world.

#GazaUnderAttack #Palestine #Jerusalem
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Jordan Peterson, why pretend to speak dialogue and call for Hell and fury to be unleashed?

🔍 BBC states Israelis 'have been killed' and Palestinians 'have died.' Let's not gloss over the agency and responsibility in this phrasing.

Killing implies action, whereas dying could be from natural causes.

Human lives lost deserve a consistent level of journalistic integrity.

#MediaBias #GazaUnderAttack
The echoes of protests for Gaza ripple across the globe, but do they hold the power to effect change? Amidst the devastation inflicted upon Gaza, the potency of public outcry remains a beacon of hope.

Here's how taking to the streets can indeed tilt the scales:

1. Awakening the Global Conscience: Protests jolt the world awake, casting a stark light on Gaza's realities often veiled by political fog and media misinformation. They're not just rallies but a kind of education, explaining and unraveling nuanced narratives that reach public forums and enter private conversations alike.

2. Unity in Defiance: More than expressions of dissent, protests are threads weaving a tapestry of solidarity. They're a united call resonating across oceans, assuring Palestinians they're not just a cause but a shared heartbeat, their voices amplified in unison with thousands of others.

3. Diplomacy Under Duress: Collective dissent transcends slogans, reaching the halls of power. It's a global chorus demanding action, capable of nudging powers that be, shaking the status quo, and potentially charting paths towards a change seldom considered before.

4. Beyond Numbers: Faces of Conflict: Protests paint the human face behind grim statistics. They're storytellers, narrating tales of lives, dreams, and sorrows, reminding the world that the conflict bleeds beyond territorial lines, into homes and hearts in Gaza.

5. Justice's Domino Effect: Gaza-focused protests don't stand alone; they're catalysts. They can ignite wider movements, fanning flames of global advocacy for human rights, emboldening international law, and knitting diverse causes into a shared mantle of justice.

In essence, protests are far from futile. They're catalysts, consciousness-raisers, and connectors — a triad that, when combined with sustained political and humanitarian efforts, holds the promise of steering the narrative towards a horizon of hope, justice, and lasting peace.

In an age rife with misinformation, the role of truth and integrity in media is crucial.

Zishan Khan, Islam21c's Managing Director, writes on how we're called as Muslims to lead with these values, challenge biased narratives and promote justice.

Dive into how an Islamic perspective reshapes media consumption and journalism, empowering us to be critical thinkers and compassionate changemakers. 🕊️

#GazaUnderAttack #Haqq
Words from figures like European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen carry significant weight.

Her condemnation of "targeted attacks on civilian infrastructure" to deprive people of essentials, branding them as "terror," sets a standard. This standard, though aimed at Russia, invites scrutiny of similar scenarios globally, including Gaza.

Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant's strategy for Gaza mirrors these conditions. He asserted a total siege, cutting off electricity, food, water, and gas, stating, "We're fighting animals..." This starkly aligns with what von der Leyen labelled terror.

Von der Leyen's standard, if universally applied, brands the actions of Israel as terror. Global leaders and institutions must be consistent in their principles, without geopolitical bias.

This is the BBC's front page from October 16, 2023.

While the headline focuses on '199 Israeli hostages’ in Gaza, the featured image reveals another reality: a Palestinian man devastated after an Israeli airstrike destroys his home (original photo available on Getty Images).

The report neglects crucial context: since 2007, Gaza's 2.3 million residents have endured a blockade, essentially living in an open-air prison. It's not about those 199; it's about millions effectively held hostage.

We must hold media accountable. Raise your voice, contact the BBC, and stop the spread of incomplete narratives.
#GazaUnderAttack #SpeakUpForGaza #MediaAccountability
The anguish echoing from Gaza's confines pierces the global psyche, heralding a chilling potential: attempted genocide.

"Genocide" entails the deliberate, systematic destruction of a cultural, ethnic, or religious group. It's not just mass murder; it includes creating life conditions aimed at physical annihilation.

Gaza's current plight suggests such an intent, demanding urgent international attention:

Physical Destruction: Indiscriminate airstrikes on civilian spaces, causing profound loss of innocent lives, signal an intent beyond mere military objectives.

Psychological Warfare: Ongoing bombardments, omnipresent drones, and survival uncertainty amount to psychological torment, aiming to shatter Palestinian resolve.

Dehumanising Rhetoric: Israel's Defence Minister's terming of Palestinians as "human animals" recalls historical precedents where such language justified exterminations.

Basic Rights Denial: The systemic refusal of essentials like food, water, and electricity, plus movement restrictions, align with genocide indicators.

Strangling Blockade: A suffocating siege impairs infrastructure and medical access, forcing perpetual survival mode — a sign of decimation intent.

As Muslims, acknowledging these signs is our ethical and religious duty. The Qur'ān asserts, "Whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind." [5:32]

Our advocacy must be persistent and vocal. We need to reshape narratives, engage political figures, back NGOs in Palestine, and amplify our prayers for Palestinians.

In this attempted genocide, silence equals complicity. We must unify in voice, deed, and prayer to safeguard every Palestinian and, indeed, human life.

The moment for action is now.

#GazaUnderAttack #SaveGaza #StopTheGenocide #PalestineGenocide
Media is too big
A shocking attack on a hospital in Israel’s war on Gaza has killed at least 500 people.

We pray for the deceased, the survivors they left behind and for the people of Palestine to emerge from the occupation victoriously.

Why does so little of how we currently discuss Israel's war on Gaza focus on the Muslim governments who have made treaties and agreements with Israel as a way of furthering their economic interests and gaining military and intelligence benefits?

It's a question so few ask, and even fewer answer.

This article by Abdul Hai, founder and manager of the Islamic Literary Society, is the first in a three part series on Palestine, the past, our obligation to it as Muslims and the future.
