Ми вже тиждень пропонуємо на вибір дві трубки Гейгера з продуктом GGreg20_V3: SBM20 або J305. Кожна з цих трубок має свої переваги. Ми плануємо написати окремий документ з порівнянням. А поки що ось вам новина про наявність опції J305. Трубка СБМ20 буде постачатися, поки ми її зможемо закуповувати (рф як постачальника не розглядаємо). https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/ggreg20v3-geiger-tube-j305/
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Radioactive particle detector GGreg20_V3: a new option for selecting the Geiger-Muller tube J305. - Electronics manufacturer for…
A new option added to our module is the GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector. Now you can choose the J305 Geiger-Muller tube.
У нас з'явився новий продукт! GCemu20_V1 емулятор лічильника Гейгера реалізований на базі ESP12.OLED_V1_noDisplay. Сподіваємося, цей корисний продукт знайде своїх прихильників. Ми вже самі ним активно користуємося у лабораторії для підготовки деяких матеріалів та тестування власних прошивок. Скоро також вийде стаття про те, як ми реалізовували початковий прототип, який вилився у новий самостійний продукт. https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/gcemu20_v1-geiger-counter-emulator-with-pulse-output-en/
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Geiger counter emulator with pulse output GCemu20_V1 - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Launch of the latest product - Geiger counter emulator with pulse output GCemu20_V1. A special feature of the device is the ability to simulate radiation levels using a real random number generator.
Welcome to our guide on building a hardware-software Geiger counter emulator of GGreg20_V3 module based on ESP8266 This emulator can be useful for testing and tuning Geiger counters or for educational purposes. Let’s get started! https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/geiger-counter-emulator-ggreg20_v3-module-by-means-of-esp8266-part1/
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Geiger counter emulator of GGreg20_V3 module by means of ESP8266 - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
The Geiger counter emulator can be useful for testing and tuning Geiger counters or for educational purposes.
EN: Geiger counter emulator of GGreg20_V3 module by means of ESP8266 Part 2 Building the Emulator (https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/geiger-counter-emulator-ggreg20_v3-module-by-means-of-esp8266-part2/)
UA: Емулятор лічильника Гейгера GGreg20_V3 засобами ESP8266: Частина 2 Створення емулятора (https://iot-devices.com.ua/geiger-counter-emulator-ggreg20_v3-module-by-means-of-esp8266-part2-ua/)
Welcome to the second part of our tutorial on building a hardware-software Geiger counter emulator module based on ESP8266. This emulator can be useful for testing and tuning Geiger counters or for educational purposes. Let’s get started!...
UA: Емулятор лічильника Гейгера GGreg20_V3 засобами ESP8266: Частина 2 Створення емулятора (https://iot-devices.com.ua/geiger-counter-emulator-ggreg20_v3-module-by-means-of-esp8266-part2-ua/)
Welcome to the second part of our tutorial on building a hardware-software Geiger counter emulator module based on ESP8266. This emulator can be useful for testing and tuning Geiger counters or for educational purposes. Let’s get started!...
EN: Geiger counter emulator of GGreg20_V3 module by means of ESP8266 Part 3: Testing and Conclusion (https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/geiger-counter-emulator-ggreg20_v3-module-by-means-of-esp8266-part3/)
Емулятор лічильника Гейгера GGreg20_V3 засобами ESP8266 Частина 3: Тестування та висновок (https://iot-devices.com.ua/geiger-counter-emulator-ggreg20_v3-module-by-means-of-esp8266-part3-ua/)
Емулятор лічильника Гейгера GGreg20_V3 засобами ESP8266 Частина 3: Тестування та висновок (https://iot-devices.com.ua/geiger-counter-emulator-ggreg20_v3-module-by-means-of-esp8266-part3-ua/)
EN: Technical note: Geiger counter at low temperatures – the work of a DIY module (https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/technical_note_performance_of_diy_geiger_counter_ggreg20_v3_at_low_-temperatures/)
UA: Технічна нотатка: Лічильник Гейгера при низьких температурах – робота DIY модуля (https://iot-devices.com.ua/technical_note_performance_of_diy_geiger_counter_ggreg20_v3_at_low_-temperatures_ua/)
UA: Технічна нотатка: Лічильник Гейгера при низьких температурах – робота DIY модуля (https://iot-devices.com.ua/technical_note_performance_of_diy_geiger_counter_ggreg20_v3_at_low_-temperatures_ua/)
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Technical note: Geiger counter at low temperatures - the work of a DIY module. - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
The Geiger-Muller tube has an temperature rating (-60°C to +70°C) A Geiger counter can also change its behavior when exposed to low temperatures.
EN: UV test of Geiger tubes J305 (https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/uv-test-of-the-j305-geiger-tubes/)
UA: УФ тест трубок Гейгера J305 (https://iot-devices.com.ua/uv-test-of-the-j305-geiger-tubes/)
UA: УФ тест трубок Гейгера J305 (https://iot-devices.com.ua/uv-test-of-the-j305-geiger-tubes/)
EN: Technical note: How to calculate the conversion factor for Geiger tube SBM20 (https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/technical-note-how-to-calculate-the-conversion-factor-for-geiger-tube-sbm20/)
UA: Технічна нотатка: Як розрахувати коефіцієнт перетворення для трубки Гейгера СБМ20 (https://iot-devices.com.ua/technical-note-how-to-calculate-the-conversion-factor-for-geiger-tube-sbm20/)
UA: Технічна нотатка: Як розрахувати коефіцієнт перетворення для трубки Гейгера СБМ20 (https://iot-devices.com.ua/technical-note-how-to-calculate-the-conversion-factor-for-geiger-tube-sbm20/)
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Technical note: How to calculate the conversion factor for Geiger tube SBM20 - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Correctly calculate the conversion factor for the Geiger tube SBM20 from CPM (Counts per Minute) to the absorbed radiation dose of μSv/h
EN: Geiger-Muller tubes: Comparison of SBM20, J305 and LND712 (https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/comparison-of-geiger-muller-tubes-sbm20-j305-and-lnd712/)
UA: Трубки Гейгера-Мюллера: порівняння SBM20, J305 та LND712 (https://iot-devices.com.ua/comparison-of-geiger-muller-tubes-sbm20-j305-and-lnd712/)
UA: Трубки Гейгера-Мюллера: порівняння SBM20, J305 та LND712 (https://iot-devices.com.ua/comparison-of-geiger-muller-tubes-sbm20-j305-and-lnd712/)
IoT-devices, LLC - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Geiger-Muller tubes: Comparison of SBM20, J305 and LND712 - IoT-devices, LLC - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
We compare the SBM20 and J305 Geiger-Muller tubes supplied with the GGreg20_V3, and the LND712 tube is presented as another alternative to both tubes.
EN: Product Repo - DIY Geiger Counter Module GGreg20_V3 (https://github.com/iotdevicesdev/DIY-Geiger-Counter-Module-GGreg20_V3)
GitHub - iotdevicesdev/DIY-Geiger-Counter-Module-GGreg20_V3: DIY Geiger Counter Module with Pulsed Output GGreg20_V3
DIY Geiger Counter Module with Pulsed Output GGreg20_V3 - iotdevicesdev/DIY-Geiger-Counter-Module-GGreg20_V3
EN: GGreg20_V3 with Raspberry Pi Pico W under Home Assistant with ESPHome firmware config example (https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/ggreg20_v3-with-raspberry-pi-pico-w-under-home-assistant-with-esphome-firmware-config-example-en/)
UA: Приклад налаштування GGreg20_V3 на Raspberry Pi Pico W у Home Assistant з прошивкою ESPHome (https://iot-devices.com.ua/ggreg20_v3-with-raspberry-pi-pico-w-under-home-assistant-with-esphome-firmware-config-example/)
UA: Приклад налаштування GGreg20_V3 на Raspberry Pi Pico W у Home Assistant з прошивкою ESPHome (https://iot-devices.com.ua/ggreg20_v3-with-raspberry-pi-pico-w-under-home-assistant-with-esphome-firmware-config-example/)
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
GGreg20_V3 with Raspberry Pi Pico W under Home Assistant with ESPHome firmware config example - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
We've been planning to post a GGreg20_V3 with Raspberry Pi Pico W under Home Assistant with ESPHome firmware config example since ESPHome started supporting this wonderful controller with wireless support.
EN: Our modules Radioactive particle detector GGreg20 on the GMCmap service map (https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/our-modules-ggreg20_v3-radioactive-particle-detector-on-the-gmcmap-com-service-map-en/)
UA: Наші модулі Детектор радіоактивних частинок GGreg20 на карті сервісу GMCmap (https://iot-devices.com.ua/our-modules-ggreg20_v3-radioactive-particle-detector-on-the-gmcmap-com-service-map/)
UA: Наші модулі Детектор радіоактивних частинок GGreg20 на карті сервісу GMCmap (https://iot-devices.com.ua/our-modules-ggreg20_v3-radioactive-particle-detector-on-the-gmcmap-com-service-map/)
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Our modules Radioactive particle detector GGreg20 on the GMCmap service map - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
Several customers have connected radiation detectors based on our GGreg20 radioactive particle detector module to the gmcmap.com service.
GGreg20_V3 and ESP12.OLED_V1 in the project of KPI specialists EN news article: https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/ggreg20_v3-esp12-oled_v1-kpi-project/ UA version: https://iot-devices.com.ua/ggreg20_v3-esp12-oled_v1-kpi-project/
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
GGreg20_V3 and ESP12.OLED_V1 in the project of KPI specialists - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
An interesting work by experts from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute describes software methods for analyzing streaming data, in particular, for analyzing radiation pollution. Our Ggreg20_V3 and ESP12.OLED modules were used in the project.
Faulty SBM20 GM Tube. На нашому каналі в YouTube ми виклали відео з демонстрацією несправної трубки Гейгера СБМ20, яку зараз можливо придбати на сірому ринку під виглядом робочої. Звісно, трубки дуже по різному можуть себе вести через різні несправності. Це один з типів несправності, коли трубка ніби працює на перший погляд, але не так як треба. Можна подивитися відео тут.
Faulty SBM20 GM tube demo video
The signals from the faulty tube are in series. If you do not check such a tube on the appropriate equipment, you may think that it is fully operational, because it is not immediately obvious that it generates several thousand pulses per minute. This is a…
GGreg20_ES – souvenir Geiger counter
As participants in the DIY IoT market, we see that the same faulty or exhausted SBM-20 Geiger tubes are resold from hand to hand several times, because no one wants to lose potential profits. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of such tubes on the market. After all, the Soviet-era tubes are still being distributed in Western countries and end up in the devices of thousands of radio amateurs.
That is why we decided to make a souvenir out of them: a souvenir Geiger counter.
We also decided to donate half of the profits generated by this project to charity and support defense projects in Ukraine.
So by purchasing a souvenir, you are helping to clear the market of unfair commercial offers.
You are taking part in an initiative to improve the quality of amateur solutions globally and donating in Ukraine. You can order a souvenir on our website, on Tindie or on Etsy.
As participants in the DIY IoT market, we see that the same faulty or exhausted SBM-20 Geiger tubes are resold from hand to hand several times, because no one wants to lose potential profits. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of such tubes on the market. After all, the Soviet-era tubes are still being distributed in Western countries and end up in the devices of thousands of radio amateurs.
That is why we decided to make a souvenir out of them: a souvenir Geiger counter.
We also decided to donate half of the profits generated by this project to charity and support defense projects in Ukraine.
So by purchasing a souvenir, you are helping to clear the market of unfair commercial offers.
You are taking part in an initiative to improve the quality of amateur solutions globally and donating in Ukraine. You can order a souvenir on our website, on Tindie or on Etsy
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
GGreg20_ES - souvenir Geiger counter - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
By purchasing a souvenir Geiger counter, you help to clean up the market from unfair commercial offers.
The IoT-devices, LLC store is already on Etsy
Dear users, customers and partners!
We are pleased to announce that with the launch of Etsy Payments service in Ukraine, we immediately opened our own official store on this wonderful platform for DIY.
Now you can order the company’s products on Etsy or Tindie, as well as on our website. With the launch of Etsy Payments in Ukraine, our visitors and regular customers can choose any convenient and secure payment method such as bank cards, PayPal, etc. As an added bonus, Etsy protects transactions between consumers and traders within the platform.
On this occasion, we would like to draw the attention of journalists who may also be reading this text: all our trading platforms offer the Souvenir Geiger counter product, which is a charity initiative aimed at supporting two areas at once:
– support for defense projects and the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
– clearing the DIY market of defective Soviet-era Geiger tubes.
Read more: https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/the-iot-devices-store-is-already-on-etsy/
The Etsy store is now fully operational. We invite you to visit following the link go.iot-devices.com.ua/etsy
Dear users, customers and partners!
We are pleased to announce that with the launch of Etsy Payments service in Ukraine, we immediately opened our own official store on this wonderful platform for DIY.
Now you can order the company’s products on Etsy or Tindie, as well as on our website. With the launch of Etsy Payments in Ukraine, our visitors and regular customers can choose any convenient and secure payment method such as bank cards, PayPal, etc. As an added bonus, Etsy protects transactions between consumers and traders within the platform.
On this occasion, we would like to draw the attention of journalists who may also be reading this text: all our trading platforms offer the Souvenir Geiger counter product, which is a charity initiative aimed at supporting two areas at once:
– support for defense projects and the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
– clearing the DIY market of defective Soviet-era Geiger tubes.
Read more: https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/the-iot-devices-store-is-already-on-etsy/
The Etsy store is now fully operational. We invite you to visit following the link go.iot-devices.com.ua/etsy
GGreg20_ES Price Reduced We have good news! For two months, we have been collecting and analyzing statistics for the pilot batch of the charity product GGreg20_ES – Epoxy souvenir Geiger counter and have come to the conclusion that we can significantly reduce the price of this wonderful product. And that is what we have done today. Read in full: https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/price-for-ggreg20_es-has-been-reduced-en/
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
GGreg20_ES Price Reduced - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
We have come to the conclusion that we can significantly reduce the price of this wonderful product GGreg20_ES. And that is what we have done today.
Changes in ESPHome configuration validation – Pin Reuse validation Recently, the ESPHome firmware has been changed to prevent the same MCU I/O ports from being reused to create different entities. These updates in ESPHome version 2023.12.0 also affected the examples developed by our company for the GGreg20_V3 Geiger counter ionizing radiation detector module... Read the full article with examples and solutions here
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
About changes in ESPHome configuration validation - Pin Reuse validation - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
ESPHome - Pin Reuse validation: updates in ESPHome version 2023.12.0 affected the examples developed by our company for the GGreg20_V3 Geiger counter ionizing radiation detector module.
LM75 thermometer: connection to ESP12.OLED_V1 in ESPHome Everyone who is involved in DIY IoT projects is familiar with the LM75 temperature sensor. Termometer LM75 - it is a cheap and convenient sensor that has sufficient accuracy and… https://iot-devices.com.ua/en/lm75-thermometer-connection-to-esp12-oled_v1-in-esphome-en/
Electronics manufacturer for IoT
LM75 thermometer: connection to ESP12.OLED_V1 in ESPHome - Electronics manufacturer for IoT
LM75 thermometer: connected to the ESP12.OLED_V1 controller with ESPHome firmware; Two LM75 sensors work simultaneously with the main controller.