iOS 12: Broken Apps

Acuity Scheduling: crashes upon launch
Alien Blue (iPad, not sure about iPhone): crashes upon launch
Bank of America - permanent loading indicator after logging in.
CareCredit app closes on launch
DirecTV (DVR management) - just sits at "Initializing"
Fonta (all features but text editing still broken after 2.4 update)
Fortnite crashes upon the start of a game
iTunes Remote crashes immediately (Beta 1+2)
Ikea Trådfri
Microsoft Teams crashes instantly — no longer crashes on version 1.077.
Microsoft Continue on PC crashes after swiping through all the intro screens.
NikeFuel instantly crashes on launch
Office Lens
PaloAlto Networks, Global Connect VPN app broken, popup that states the app needs to be updated for iOS 12 support
Real Racing 3
S-Mobiili crashes upon launch (works again in Beta 2 )
San Diego County Credit Union (SDCCU)
Scanner Pro (works in some devices, crashes at startup in others. Readdle will fix it with the next update)
Skype (mentioned in release notes) crashes instantly - Fixed in Inside Preview. Fixed in latest Skype 8.74
Sparkasse and Sparkasse pushTAN app crash upon launch
Stamp (cannot find Apple Music servers to populate imported playlists)
TalkRADIO UK app, sticks on splash screen (still broken in Beta 2)
Tesco Clubcard fails to load the majority of the time and is unresponsive when it does
Twitter: Can’t sign into Twitter. Shows a blank screen with nothing. Can sign up though

Waze: Updated privacy policy text cannot be accepted (no button) so cannot use app. (NOTE FROM ANOTHER USER: if you've already accepted the new terms prior to update, the app works fine.)

updated 4 Jul, 2018

#broken #apps #macrumors