Inner Friend
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Thanks for joining the fireside chat on clearing your heartspace yesterday!

Some kind words from the community:
- It was quite a deep heart-opening experience, sharing my feelings in words for the first time, felt like a release of my inner emotional stress. Thanks
- The session was very informative and interactive. My main takeaway is I need to love myself.
- I like the honest and open sharing with empathy.
Next week's firechat topic: Reignite the Flames
- Stages of the flames
- How do you rekindle the sparks in long-term relationships?

Date: 20 Nov, Sat
Time: 9.30am - 11am

Sign up here:
30 more days to the end of 2021.

I’ve been reflecting on my 2021 and planning for my 2022.

At first, I listed down a damn long list of things that I want to accomplish. Now, I’m like eliminating things off my list. To focus on the “fuckworthy” things that can move the needle in my life.

Coming up next: I’ll share my reflection on 2021, the prioritisation matrix that I used, and my upcoming growth projects for 2022 😊

- Audrey
Growing up as a kid, I was the people-pleaser, believing that if I displeased others, I would lose love. I grew quite adept socially, saying just the right amount, the appropriate things, not sharing too much about my dreams for fear of standing out too much - for fear of criticism or cynicism from others. But a part of myself had always yearned to be free - to be loud, be quiet, dream up the universe, laze my days away, to not hold up a consistent personality and live as an oxymoron of light and darkness. is my way of helping all ladies find and keep their voice, and in holding that space for you, I, too, will learn to love myself fully.

Love, Kaining (1/3 of

| Repost @talkingtothewild - Becky Hemsley

#selflove #compassion #freedom #femininity #beyou
It’s the time of the year again...
Many talk about new year resolutions, but most give up by February or March.

Life got “busy” and goals were forgotten. Or you tried, but you didn’t persevere because it was difficult. Or perhaps you lost motivation along the way.

What can you do to achieve your goals?
The best goals start with “Why”.

Once you know your “Why”, the “How” and “What” are easy.

Join us in this online live meditation on finding and connecting with your “Why”. Start the year strong by connecting to what matters most to you, in different domains of life like career, relationships, health, wealth etc.

Why meditation? Because all battles are first won or lost, in the mind. Meditation helps you to be aware of your unconscious thoughts. By aligning your thoughts and emotions, it makes manifestation work easier.

Learn more here:
The way to recover the meaning of life and the worthwhileness of life is to recover the power of experience, to have impulse voices from within, and to be able to hear these impulse voices from within.
—Abraham Maslow
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These are the 5 things we will do in 2022 to be a great #innerfriend to the self :) what will you be doing?
You asked and we answered! In the first of this Purpose Series, which had been one of the most popular topics polled on our IG, Kaining shares how she discovered her purpose and some tips she learnt along the way! We hope it helps you build/refine/renew your purpose and energises your days 🌟❤️

Click here to read more:
Two weeks have passed since the start of the new year.

Do you feel that it’s difficult to manifest your goals in 2022? You feel that it’s tough to get started and to maintain the consistent effort that’s required.

Do you feel sometimes it’s uncertain and you’re unsure of your next steps?

Are you constantly stuck in your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs? Having self-doubt and imposter syndrome? Constantly feel that you’re not good enough?

How can you reduce the obstacles and blockages in your manifestation work?

Join us in this Manifestation Meditation to visualise your goals and clear the blockages through meditation, reflection, and the somatic* method.

*The word “somatic” is derived from the Greek word “soma” which means “living body”. In somatic method, we’ll help you to tune in to what your body has to “say”, rather than the logical explanation that your mind comes up with.

After clearing the blockages, you’ll be able to:
1) Strengthen the emotional connection with your vision, and align your actions with your vision.
2) Gain clarity of what success and fulfillment truly means to you, and have a clear action plan to work towards your goals
3) Break free from your inner obstacles like negative thoughts, fear, self-doubt and uncertainty
4) Release limiting beliefs and negative self-talk
5) Release old habits that no longer serve you
6) Reduce the sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction from living a misaligned life
7) Release Start being mindful of the process of manifesting. State of being, not just mindless state of doing. Able to be driven and focused yet flexible and open to changes.

For more info and registration:
"What's the meaning of life? What's the meaning of my life?"

any of these questions sound familiar to you? As someone who had been hit with perplexing existential questions even as a kid, I've looped round and round in my quest to find "meaning". This succinct quote from Viktor Frankl (Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and holocaust survivor) hit me in the gut. Nobody can give you the answer of the meaning of life - but while you're here, you make the meaning. The joy is in the constant discovery, the stumbling and fumbling, the highs and lows of being human. It is what you choose to do to make your existence worthwhile to yourself and others.

Click here to read Part 1 of How to Discover Your Purpose:

- Love, Kaining
Differences and conflicts are common in business and work. How can we move forward in a forwarding and constitutive manner, without hurting any feelings?

We ran a Group Process, and here’s what we learnt.

Read more on Instagram:
Happy Sunday! Hope that you had a restful weekend.

We recorded our first ever podcast!

In this first episode, we talked about
1. What is the purpose of life? What did we discover? And how did we chance upon inner work?
2. Uncovering emotions: comfortable and uncomfortable emotions
3. How to handle anger in other people?
4. How to be emotionally aware and manage emotions better?
5. How to improve your insomnia?

Check out the first episode here on YouTube
What is my path? Which career path should I choose? Should I change my career path?

These questions are commonly asked by our clients who come to us for career coaching.

The default career path - the one that most of us have been following since graduation - is no longer leading us to desirable places. This path was constructed by the narratives that our school, parents, and friends told us. But as our economy and environment change, our narratives about careers should change too.

The alternative is what we call the pathless path. This path is constructed by figuring out who you are, finding work that matters to you, and doing it intentionally. This way of walking your path is challenging, because we human beings crave certainty. But it's definitely more rewarding than walking the pre-constructed path that everyone else wants you to walk on, with their own agenda.

As there's increasingly more uncertainty in our economy and environment, the earlier we embark on our pathless path, the better we will be.

If you face any issues with your career direction or have workplace issues, remember you can always reach out to us via email or call.
On Fear:

- The fear you feel is a sign. If courage is never required in your life, you’re living a boring life. Put yourself in a position that demands you leap.

- All growth is a leap in the dark. If you’re afraid of that, you’ll never do anything worthwhile. If you take counsel of your fears, you’ll never take that step, make that leap.

- Fear—and the triumph over it—is the defining battle of her existence. Just as it has been for anyone who has changed the world. There is nothing worth doing that is not scary. There is no one who has achieved greatness without wrestling with their own doubts, anxieties, limitations, and demons.

- At the root of most fear is what other people will think of us.

- When fear is defined, it can be defeated. When downside is articulated, it can be weighed against upside. When the wolves are counted, there are fewer of them. Mountains turn out to be molehills, monsters turn out just to be men.

By Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave
Sharing on Power Dynamics in a Relationship. It tends to happen quite often and we hope this video can help you. Feel free to comment and discuss on the topic!
Hi everyone! We have upcoming a meditation session (physical session) on Sunday morning, 19th June, 9am-11am. Welcome to join in!

Hi everyone

Thank you for joining us and being part of our workshops, coaching, meditation sessions and more. You have brought love, joy, laughter and life to our times together

Inner Friend was founded with the vision of enabling more people to be friends with their inner selves, and find direction in their lives, and peace amidst the chaotic transitions that we go through in life.

At this juncture, while we love this inner work, and warmly welcome you to speak with us in future, the time has come for us to say goodbye.

If you would like to chat about inner work in future, please feel to reach out to us at One of our co-founders, Li Xuan, would still be continuing to keep the door and space open for you 🚪

The posts that have been created and shared would still be available on Instagram and YouTube

Once again, thank you very much for being part of our lives and of each others' lives. We sincerely hope that you had taken away something helpful from the sessions, interactions and posts on our blog and social media.

With love,
Inner Friend Co-founders
Li Xuan, Kai Ning, Audrey