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Expression: A slow burner - something that doesn't give a good impression at first, but when you come back it again you will really enjoy! This expression is mainly used for songs and movies.

Opposite: pop it.

Watch the little clip and use the expression on a daily basis!

Don't forget to share with your friends!

Sheroz Akhmadov - IELTS 8.5 x 2 & CEFR C1 (73) x 5

SUCCESS TEAM - Better Together

Channel: @IELTS_Ingiliz_tili
New vocabulary

✔️ construction - qurilish
✔️ cot, crib - bolalar karavati
✔️ creadle - beshik
✔️ cupboard - bufet, javon
✔️ desk - yozuv stoli
✔️ dinner-table - ovqatlanish stoli
✔️ dish - tarelka, idish, ovqat, taom
✔️ door-mat - oyoq artgich, poyandoz
✔️ door-step - ostona
✔️ double-bed - qo’sh karavot
✔️ drawer - tortma stol, shkaf
✔️ dressing table - kiyinish stoli 25
✔️ duster - latta (chang artish uchun)
✔️ dwelling house - turar joy
✔️ electricity - elektr quvvati
✔️ entrance - kirish
✔️ entrance-hall - vestibyul
✔️ floor-lamp - torsher
✔️ fork - vilka
✔️ furniture - mebel, jihoz
✔️ to furnish - jihozlamoq
✔️ furnished - jihozlangan
✔️ gas-stove - gaz plitasi
✔️ glass - stakan, ryumka
✔️ ground-floor - birinchi qavat
✔️ hedge - to’siq, panjara
✔️ housing construction - qurilish
✔️ to improve - yaxshilanmoq, tuzatmoq
✔️ inconvenient - noqulay, nobop, ongaysiz
✔️ kettle - chovgum (choy qaynatadigan idish)
✔️ kitchen-table - oshxona stoli
✔️ lamp-shade - abajur (lampa qalpogi)
✔️ lavatory - hojatxona
✔️ living-conditions - yashash sharoitlari
✔️ living-room - mehmonxona
✔️ looking-glass - kozgu, oyna
✔️ to make one's bed - karavotni tartibga keltirmoq

Success Team - better together
Quyidagi fe’llardan keyin Gerund ishlatiladi:

• admit - bo‘yniga olmoq
• advise - maslahat bermoq
• anticipate - bashorat qilmoq
• appreciate - baholamoq
• avoid - qochmoq
• complete - tugatmoq
• consider - hisobga olmoq
• delay - kechiktirmoq
• deny - inkor etmoq
• discuss - muhokama qilmoq
• dislike - xush ko‘rmaslik
• enjoy - yoqtirmoq
• finish - tugatmoq
• forget - unutmoq
• can’t help –masdan turolmaslik
• keep - saqlamoq, davom ettirmoq
• mention - eslatmoq
• mind - e’tiroz bildirmoq
• miss - sog‘inmoq
• postpone - kechiktirmoq
• practice - mashq qilmoq
• quit - tark etmoq
• recall - eslamoq
• recollect - eslamoq
• recommend - tavsiya qilmoq
• regret - afsuslanmoq
• remember - eslamoq
• report - xabar qilmoq
• resent - achchig‘lanmoq
• resist - qarshilik qilmoq
• resume - davom ettirmoq
• risk - tavakkal qilmoq
• stop - to‘xtatmoq,
• suggest - taklif qilmoq
• tolerate - chidamoq
• understand - tushunmoq

Success Team - better together
Media is too big
IELTS Speaking Exam
Perfect Band 9

Success Team - better together
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Siz, speaking imtihonida examiner ni nima deb aldagansiz 😂

Success Team - better together
📖 more than enough; a lot of

📌🎧 Cakes, cookies, and candy were so abundant that the child was very happy.
📌 Rainfall is more abundant in summer.
📌 There was abundant evidence to support the theory.

SUCCESS TEAM - better together
Vocabulary improvement plan
So'z boyligini oshirish rejasi!

Bu shunchaki kichik bir kirish xolos...

Keyingi postlarda yanada to'liqroq ma'lumot berib boramiz!

3 ta muhim qadam:

1. O'qing va eshiting!
Tadqiqotlarga qaraganda til o'rganuvchilar uchun so'z boyliklarini oshirishning eng yaxshi yo'li bu asl inglizcha materiallarni o'qish va eshitish ekan.

2. Qayd etib boring!
Siz har bir o'qigan va eshitgan yangi so'zlaringizni yozib borishingiz shart! Qayt etishning usullari juda ko'p bo'lib, yangi so'zlarni osonlik bilan yodda saqlaysiz!

3. Tez-tez takrorlab turing!
O'qib va eshitib yozib borayotgan yangi so'zlarni yanada yaxshi esda qolishi uchun tez-tez takrorlab turing!

Chris Pall, IELTS Advantage
Tarjimon: Sheroz Akhmadov, Camelot Learning Centre

Davomi keyingi postlarda...

SUCCESS TEAM - better together

When you are doing listening task, you should sometimes pay attention to this strategy.
Rich Dad Poor Dad @FunEnglishwithme.pdf
308.6 KB
📘Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

SUCCESS TEAM - better together

Who has read this book?
Any ideas to share.......
10 Lessons from Rich Dad, Poor Dad

1️⃣ Learn to listen.

There are many circumstances where it’s better for us to remain silent and listen to what someone has to say. By listening, we become a better person, and we learn how to properly communicate with another person. It is also through listening that we get to learn new things.

2️⃣ Pay yourself first.

This is one of the most powerful habits all wealthy people do on a regular basis. Most people upon getting their paycheck tend to pay their bills and other utilities first, but what millionaires do is they always pay themselves every time money comes in their bank account.

3️⃣ Buy luxuries last, not first.

Almost all luxuries tend to depreciate over time. So why prioritize your luxuries over your needs and savings? Like they say, if you buy something you don’t need, you may end up selling it in the future alongside the things you need.

4️⃣ Reduce expenses and liabilities.

By just changing a few habits in our daily lifestyle can do a lot in reducing your expenses. This is the reason why budgeting money is also important. It lets you check everything that you spend your money on. This then allows you to eliminate any unnecessary expenses.

5️⃣ Aim for more valuable assets.

Let me get one thing straight, your high-end gadgets are not assets. You can rarely call them one because they all depreciate over time. Valuable assets are those that increase value over time such as a house, a lot, and investments.

6️⃣ Be in control over your emotions.

I firmly believe in what Charles Swindoll said, that life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to them. Emotions can lead us to do things that we may regret in the end. So as much as possible, don’t let your emotions control you, but instead, learn how to control your feelings.

7️⃣ Work to learn, don’t work to earn.

Successful people all have one thing in common, they have a learning mindset. They focus on gaining experience and learning things before anything else. This allows them to seize every opportunity where they could learn something new.

8️⃣ You become what you study – read a lot.

There’s a saying that you are what you read. This is because the brain is hardwired to adapt to any information you feed into it. The more you listen and read about something, the more your brain becomes accustomed to it.

9️⃣ Reinvest excess cash generated by assets.

The reason why rich people become richer through time is because instead of buying things with their excess cash, what they do instead is put it into another investment. This is what you call diversifying the investment portfolio.

🔟 Surround yourself with people smarter than you.

Successful people don’t just end when they have learned something they want, they make sure to learn more. One of the best advice my mentors tell me is that if you want to be smart, make sure that you surround yourself with people smarter than you.

SUCCESS TEAM - better together

How to speak from the heart!!!
Qanday qilib yurakdan gapirish!!!

🔹 I really like - Menga rostdan ham yoqadi.

🔻 I really like playing basketball maybe that's way I'm quite tall.

▶️ Men basketbol o'ynashni juda ham yaxshi ko'raman, balki shuning uchun bo'yim uzundir.

🔹 I especially like - Menga ayniqsa (nimadir) yoqadi.

🔻 I especially like creating posts in order to help you 😊

▶️ Men ayniqsa senga yordam berish uchun postlar yaratishni yaxshi ko'raman.

🔹 I love - Men (nimadir bajarishni) sevaman.

🔻 Most people love listening to music in their leisure time.

▶️ Ko'pgina odamlar bo'sh vaqtlarida musiqa tinglashni yaxshi ko'rishadi.

🔹 I quite enjoy - Men (nimadirdan) biroz rohatlanaman.

🔻 Durdona quite enjoys learning chemistry.

▶️ Durdona kimyoni o'rganishni yaxshi ko'radi.

🔹 I'm a big fan of - Men (nimanidir) qilishga ishqibozman.

🔻Zuhra is a big fan of chatting. Whenever you look at her, she's "Typing..."

▶️ Zuhra hangoma qilishning ishqibozi. Qachonki unga qarama, yozayotgan bo'ladi.

🔹 I find it great to - Men bunday qilishni buyuk (zo'r, yaxshi) deb o'ylayman.

🔻I find it great to go for a walk after 5pm with my parents on Sundays

▶️ Soat kechki 5 dan keyin ota-onam bilan piyoda sayr qilishni yaxshi deb o'ylayman!

🔹 It leaves me a deep impression - bu menda chuqur taasurot uyg'otadi.

🔻Historic places usually leave me a deep impression!

▶️ Tarixiy joylar menda odatda chuqur taasurot uyg'otadi!

SUCCESS TEAM - better together
