Identity England
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Official Channel of Identity England | Campaigning for the preservation of English and European ethno-culture
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A few days in W. Europe:

13 Nov: Arras, Chechen Islamist kills & wounds school staff
14 Nov: Tens of thousands of Hamas supporters rally in our cities
15 Nov: Hartlepool, 71 year old Terry Carney murdered by Islamist
16 Nov: Brussels, Swedish football supporters murdered & wounded by Tunisian Islamist with AK47

The Chechen & his family were ordered to leave France years ago
The Hartlepool attacker was an 'asylum seeker' who had been given a free house
The Tunisian was a failed asylum seeker.

Mainstream politics has failed
The 'Refugees Welcome' mob are covered in blood
The system is failing
It has to end
They have to go.

Brussels, last night
Brussels, on the night Swedish football supporters were murdered by a Tunisian
Brussels, the putative capital of the anti-European EU
Brussels, where 88% of those under 18 are not Belgian
Brussels, an occupied & colonised city

Interview with Flemish activist, Robbe, who took part in the action highlighting illegal migrant centre in Germany.

'Europe is being flooded by the on-going replacement migration and our governments are doing nothing to keep our people safe. I want to represent those people through taking action and to let the government know: We’ve had enough!'

'Europeans we have to stand together to keep our peoples and cultures sovereign. The globalist is a great beast and only through unity we can defeat it!'

The Israel/Hamas horror has revealed the extent to which we are threatened in our own homelands
Hundreds of thousands of Muslims rallying for jihad in our cities & towns
The useful idiot Left cheering them on
The government impotent
Muslim & Left 'leaders' bleating about 'Islamophobia'
Plans for massive Jihadi demonstrations on Remembrance Weekend
The threat is real

Time to #DefendEnglandꓥ
Time to #DefendEuropeꓥ
11 November is also Poland's Independence Day
Tens of thousands of Poles rallied in Warsaw to celebrate
Among them Identity England leader, Charlie Fox

Fox & activist Nick Scanlon also met Dominik Tarczyński of the Law and Justice Party.

Building links across Europe
Over 2 million Palestinians
Are likely to be ethnically cleansed
As a result of the Israel/Gaza war

Israeli hawks & Zionists in the West
Demand that Europe & North America
Take the Gazans
Take 2 million angry, Islamists
To further destroy our homelands.

The only answer is:

Irish object to Plantation 2
With migrants being sent to every corner of the country.
Irish WEF government - new laws to stop objections.

Immigrant murders young Irish teacher
Teacher's fiancé asks why killer even in Ireland
Media ignore his question.

Immigrant attacks children & woman
Dubliners revolt
Irish WEF government promise new laws against the Irish
Media ignore cause of revolt, blame Dubliners.

#RottenSystem across w. Europe
Media is too big
Across w Europe
Migrant coloniser violence
And the state & media immediately attack patriotic reaction

In Ireland, police violence, new repressive laws, media lies
In France, following the murder of #Thomas by Arab killers
The state immediately:
Banned 3 patriotic groups
Imprisoned protestors
And banned rallies for #Thomas

Last night, patriots, led by Les Natifs, rallied anyway
Here by the Pantheon in Paris

Identity England wishes a Happy New Year to all patriots engaged in the struggle for our peoples.
In 2024 we must all engage in the fight.



Illegal immigration
Just the tip of the mass immigration iceberg
But an emblematic issue.

Frontex releases 2023 data
380,000 illegals detected (+ no-one knows how many undetected)
Huge increase in Africans invading Europe
47% of all detected crossings into Europe were from Africa
From countries not at war.
Note, too, Frontex's figure of 62,047 illegals detected trying to enter England
