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BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic ?

There is an untold story involving Bird Flu, gain of function research, the Gates foundation, and Ukrainian biolabs -- and it is time to tell it. As hundreds of millions of birds are killed due to Bird Flu PCR “outbreaks,” Europe is warning of chicken and egg shortages, and many states have now outright banned the sale of chicks to the public. The largest egg producer in the US has culled birds and fired its workers.

In this Ice Age Farmer exclusive, Christian breaks down the sordid story of this virus, and asks: will weaponized H5N1 be the next human pandemic?


JOIN: @iceagefarmer

#iafvideo #BirdFlu #eu #usa
Blizzard incoming for US, not good for producers:

“farmers are weathering yet another challenge as they prepare for a blizzard that could bring 50 mph winds and up to 30" of snow.
Central North Dakota seems to be the bullseye for the blizzard, with forecasts showing that area could see more than two feet of snow, along with winds that could cause white-out conditions.

“After these calves get 2’ of snow dumped on them and then it stays cold, it's hard,” says Langley. “It's going to be hard to keep them healthy. It's going to be hard to keep things alive.”

#usa #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling
Then, in February: Massive explosion as food processing plant burns to ground:

The explosion occurred Tuesday evening at Shearer's Foods in Hermiston, a city in agriculturally rich eastern Oregon. No deaths have been reported from the blast, but the extent of the damage to the plant and its future were not clear. City officials are concerned what the fire could mean for the community and local economy.

"It looks like everything is indicating that it is going to be a big loss, and we don't know what the parent company will decide to do,”

MUltiple workers are hospitalized following an explosion at a food processing facility that has nearby residents on alert for possible evacuation

#fire #usa
Planting delays around the US: Wisconsin

Freeze warnings in southern Wisconsin, northern Illinois might delay planting for farmers, gardeners

“Planting corn seeds won’t begin until May, but the cold weather might push it back if this weather continues,” said Jordan Schuler, the regional crops educator with UW Extension. Schuler’s region includes Rock and Jefferson counties in Wisconsin.

“I was told that the soil temperature is around 48 degrees, and farmers like it to be around 50 to 55 degrees,” Cain said. “The seeds won’t germinate until the soil gets warm enough.”

#Corn #USA
Planting delays around the US: Iowa

Iowa’s spring planting season continues to be delayed, now falling well behind recent years and the five-year average after several rounds of heavy rain and severe weather prevented many from getting into the fields over the warmer weekend.

Average 4-inch soil temperatures remain below the 50-degree target to begin planting corn in Northern Iowa, and while southern and southeast Iowa have finally warmed up, planting is only just getting underway.

Monday’s crop progress report from the USDA didn’t even put a percentage on amount of acres planted through April 24th. For comparison, in 2021, 20 percent of Iowa’s corn crop was already in the ground at this point, with 27 percent in the ground in North Central Iowa, where soil temperatures and growing degree days are well short of targets. Even more starkly, even last year’s 20 percent progress still fell a day behind the 5-year average.

Now, as the calendar is set to turn to May, more rain in the forecast could continue to frustrate farmers, even in areas where ground temperatures have finally hit acceptable levels. Showers and storms on Saturday could bring another soaking rain with widespread totals potentially at an inch or more, with even more rain and storms possible in the long term, arriving Tuesday or Wednesday next week.

#USA #corn
North Dakota: farmers still unable to get in the fields.

We are losing yield every day — but haven’t lost sense of humor.

Bird Flu Outbreak Plunges US Egg Production To 7-Year-Low

Bloomberg reports the production of US eggs in April plunged as millions of egg-producing hens were slaughtered to mitigate the virus' spread. The latest data from the USDA shows egg production fell 3.9% to 7.55 billion, while the number of egg-laying birds dropped 5.3% from a year ago.

#BirdFlu #FoodPrices #USA
MEGA DROUGHT (after dumping water into ocean) leaves hydropower offline, famers with fallow fields (NO FOOD):

"I got the land, I got the people. I have everything but no water. I can't do it," said Del Bosque, a 73-year-old farmer in Firebaugh, California.

#water #usa
China-owned Smithfield to shutter pork plant in California citing it is economically infeasible to continue to operate there:

#WarOnMeat #usa
"Could a food shortage be coming?" Record diesel prices are crushing farmers

“I’ve got a tractor hooked up to my corn planter out here, no diesel fuel, and I can’t afford to get any.”

The crushing reality of record diesel fuel prices is pushing farmers to the brink and may affect food availability. <- [READ IT AGAIN]

“We have reached that point to where it is very close to being a sinking ship,” Kotzmoyer, a legislative affairs specialist for the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, testified to state lawmakers Tuesday. “We are teetering on the edge right now. Food may not be as available because of the fuel price surge."

#EnergyCrisis #FoodShortage #FoodPrices #usa
Louisiana shrimpers face record high diesel prices — (affects not just farmers!)

"Record high diesel prices and competition from cheap, imported shrimp are hitting Louisiana shrimpers in the wallet and driving some of them out of business."

#EnergyCrisis #usa
UNBELIEVABLE: drought in Texas so severe, and hay is expensive/hard to come by, that huge numbers of ranchers are trying to liquidate their herds:

This is not something that can simply be "re-planted" next year — this is large number of people's livelihoods being sold away, and a lasting blow to food production:

#WarOnMeat #USA #WarOnFarms
Rail delays / problems are mounting (even though the strike was delayed) — it is a problem for this grain to not be moving. Contributing to animal feed shortages and the degradation of the entire food supply chain:
Rail service delays in the past three months climbed a staggering 231% compared to a year ago, according to a new American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) analysis.
There were 204,000 unfilled grain car orders in the second quarter of 2022, compared to 62,000 last year, AFBF economist Daniel Munch said.

Conditions have not im­proved for shippers since our first quarter analysis,” said Munch, noting that the number of unfilled orders climbed 49% since the first...

#SupplyChain #USA
<60% of U.S. Corn Crop in Good Condition - worst crop in decade

And remember a lot of what IS growing was pre-sold to China last year!

This current rating ties with 2019 for the week's worst corn condition rating since 2012.

Hope you are planting a fall crop in your garden … @iaf_garden

#corn #usa
Massive piles of beans as barge traffic shutdown, cant move harvest:

Some warm and wet weather down south and I see very bad things happening." 

Sad to see the
USA cant even move the food harvested

#usa #SupplyChain
US diesel shortage: we’ve been hearing this for months but now suppliers are actually putting out alerts:

US diesel shortages are spreading along the East Coast amid a ban on imports from Russia, raising fears of further surges in prices for the fuel as consumers brace for the winter heating season.

Mansfield Energy, one of the nation’s major fuel distributors, instituted emergency measures on Tuesday and warned its customers that carriers were being forced to visit multiple terminals in some cases to find supplies, delaying deliveries.

“In many areas, actual fuel prices are currently 30-80 cents higher than the posted market average because supply is tight,” said Mansfield.

With shortages spreading from the Northeast to the Southeast, the company advised customers to give 72-hour notice for their orders to avoid having to pay above-market prices:


Open Thread: what are you seeing in your area?
- iceagefarmer

#EnergyCrisis #usa
With only ~20 days of US supply remaining, Diesel, along with heating oil, aviation fuel and kerosene, headed towards record prices.

“The economy runs on diesel,” said Cinquegrana. “Think of everything you buy in the store, it was brought there by trains and trucks. Construction works, etc. High diesel prices could slow down economic activity. Prices are down from all-time highs in mid-June, but not enough to allay concerns.”

There’s not a lot that can be done to prepare for very tight diesel supplies, so this is going to be a serious problem. I think the White House is monitoring it, but I don’t see a lot of levers they could pull that could really affect prices because it’s a global issue.”

But you can — and should — get prepared personally.

#usa #EnergyCrisis
Threat of a nationwide strike by U.S. freight railroad workers still looms...

2 unions have rejected a proposed deal with railroads, while 6 have approved it.

Others are still deciding, with votes of the 2 largest rail workers’ unions coming mid-November.

#usa #SupplyChain
DIESEL SHORTAGE: I’ve been hearing an increased number of reports of diesel outages.

It’s been spotty for the last few weeks, localized issues, but now seems to really be hitting home.

Above is Allentown, PA.

What are you seeing in your neck of the woods?

Are they going to pull the rug after the election?

It’s a good day to top off tanks, charge batteries, rotate supplies, …

#usa #diesel #AbsoluteZero