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African Swine Fever reaches Americas - Threatens #1 Pork Exporter, USA

African Swine Fever, which destroyed 70% of China's pork, has been confirmed in the Americas.
Though the USDA assures us all is well due to new biosecurity measures, failures to contain ASF in China, Germany, and elsewhere suggest otherwise. Could this lead to the shutdown of the #1 pork exporter in the world - and do unimaginable damage to farmers in the USA? Is traditional farming and ranching really too dirty and dangerous to continue, or is this part of the war on meat? Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

#iafvideo #AfricanSwineFever #usa #Germany #China #ZoonoticThreat #WarOnMeat
No Vax, No Food arrives first in state of Hessen, Germany (largest city Frankfurt), where grocery stores can now lock out the unvaccinated by enforcing the 3G rule.

Now it is in full view for all to see: it is FOOD that is the ULTIMATE LEVERAGE POINT of the system to enslave humanity.

We’ve expected this, and it was alluded to in February (as I covered here) by Dominic Raab in the UK — but it is still stunning to see it roll out! #Deutschland! #Germany

via the Bild:
The pressure on the unvaccinated grows and grows!

In Hesse, all retailers, including the supermarket, can now decide for themselves whether they want to implement the 3G rule (vaccinated, tested, recovered) or the 2G rule – so far there have been no access restrictions in supermarkets to give everyone the option of basic services grant.

The Hessian State Chancellery confirms to BILD that the “2G option model” also applies to the food retail sector.,view=conversionToLogin.bild.html
Media is too big
Fertilizer is the most peaceful weapon in wars!”

As I’ve covered, The EU’s Farm-to-Fork program demands farmers not farm all their land in order to continue receiving subsidies (required to be economically viable). The more they don’t cultivate the more money they get.

Germany‘s agriculture minister Cem Özdemir has just confirmed that the EU‘s reforms are to remain in force despite the fact that Ukraine/Russia’s grains, seeds and fertilizer have been cut off.

German farmers are outraged. You do not have to speak his language to feel this man’s passion or understand the urgency and insanity of the situation.

Some of his words translated:
“In the midst of such a catastrophe, green eco-fanaticism … is putting ecological madness before human lives!

"Hunger is murder, Herr Özdemir!

via Christian Lohmeyer

#germany #eu #ukraine #russia #FoodShortages
Germany: rationing of cooking oil began several days ago, and now also staples (rice, flour, milk, sugar).

This is a Rewe near Frankfurt.

#Germany #FoodShortages
No Eggs in Germany by summer - “Sheer existential fear" among farmers

Soy shortages are bringing about the WEF’s “post-animal economy”

From summer 2022, the supply of eggs can no longer be guaranteed, writes the Central Association of the German Poultry Industry.

There is sometimes sheer existential fear among our farmers. The prices for animal feed have more than doubled in a very short time. GMO-free soy is hard to come by. As a result, many keepers are no longer able to re-stall,” Henner Schönecke, Chairman of the BVEi, describes the situation.

No more restocking means fewer laying hens are available to lay eggs. Schönecke expects that the security of supply with German eggs can no longer be guaranteed by August at the latest.

#Germany #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnMeat
Germany: Gas and diesel could soon be rationed

German authorities are preparing the economy for possible energy rationing. “Numerous companies have contacted us because they have received letters from their gas suppliers telling them that their energy supplies may be rationed or shut down in the future. The measures are being taken against the background of the Ukraine war.

A scenario that was considered unthinkable just a few weeks ago could become reality: that German companies can no longer produce because the authorities are turning off the gas tap.

In addition to gas, diesel is also likely to become scarce soon, and there is a risk of rationing here too. [IAF: consider the impact not just on trucking/supply chain, but on farm equipment/food production].

#EnergyCrisis #Germany
And overnight, food prices are rising up to 50% in Germany. It’s happening fast:

“German retailer Aldi Nord will raise its prices by an average of 20-50% due to an increase in production costs, local media reported on Sunday.
From Monday onwards, meat, sausage products, and butter will be "significantly more expensive," a company spokesman told German press agency DPA, adding that the price hikes in various products were necessary due to the rise in manufacturing costs.

#Germany #FoodPrices
German Farmers warn food prices will continue to escalate

The conflict in Ukraine and its economic fallout have had “a massive impact on German agriculture,” Joachim Rukwied, president of the German Farmers’ Association, said in an interview with the Passauer Neue Presse.

“Energy prices have doubled, the price of fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, has quadrupled on average, and fodder costs more,” he explained, adding that the situation was “disastrous” for pig farmers in particular.

According to Rukwied, food has been sold below value in recent years, and prices have to go up for farmers to be able to continue to farm at all. Inflation in Germany hit 7.9% in May, according to official statistics, reaching its highest level since reunification. The levels are also similar to those seen during the 1970s oil crisis.

#Germany #EU #FoodPrices #EnergyCrisis
German supermarket chain Rewe: purchase limits on "critical" products - such as pasta and flour, as supply chain problems start to bite:

#Germany #rationing

Ice Age Farmer
Holland closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Angry farmers take to the streets ! Not just farmers should be out there — everyone who eats ! #FoodFreedom via
No Russian Gas -> No Eggs! Farmers warn an energy crisis is ALSO a FOOD CRISIS.

Without natural gas supplies, there are immediate animal welfare problems on the farms. From the hatchery to the barn to the slaughterhouse, all companies in the poultry industry are dependent on the energy source. [IAF: and thus, these are being shut down by design.]

Short-term energy restrictions would have "an immediate impact on the food security of the residents".

The poultry industry is energy-intensive. "For the Lower Saxony poultry industry alone, including the production of poultry feed [!!!] we have calculated an annual gas requirement of around 1,735,311 megawatt hours."

#EnergyCrisis #Germany #EU #WarOnMeat
"Hot water at night is a luxury that you can no longer afford"

The zero-carbon agenda is cold and miserable.

A housing cooperative near Dresden had announced that it would only provide hot water at certain times. The reason: the high gas prices. Federal Building Minister Geywitz criticized that this was "illegal".The announcement by a Saxon housing cooperative to restrict the hot water supply has met with massive criticism in politics. Federal Building Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD) told the newspapers of the Funke media group: "Simply turning off the hot water temporarily is illegal."

#AbsoluteZero #Germany
European energy crisis has boiled over — things on the continent are about to change, rapidly and more absolutely than most can imagine:

- Germany: is restricting when and how energy companies can declare force majeure;

- France: has just nationalized the nation’s largest energy company, EDF;

- UK: announced they, too, would simply cut off natgas to the EU when supply is short (as the entire cabinet resigns);

- The EU has decided that nuclear and natural gas energy are green after all, a semantic change which only marginally lengthens the runway for their ‘decarbonization transition’

These are major moves that signal the hard landing ahead — brace for impact, my friends.

Learn about solar/energy systems for your family: @iaf_diy

#EnergyCrisis #EU #Germany #France #UK
Russia gives notice to EU: thanks for that turbine, but we're still not turning the gas back on!

This is the #EnergyCrisis & #FoodCrisis scenario German ministers have described as "doomsday."

#eu #Germany
German farmers (and beyond, in EU) are cutting losses: just cutting corn down now to salvage what they can (silage) from the drought-damaged corn crop — incalculable losses when world really needs every bit:

(see note below:)

German food banks suffer as former donors forced to become recipients

“People who used to be on the other side donating and helping us are now coming and asking for help," says Petra Lehmann, who heads the Heimatstern association. "We have lots of families now where it's impossible from one income to feed the family because it's so expensive."
This is also changing people's behaviors. "We buy more jars of cheap food," says Sertap. "It may be chicken. It could be fish, beans because they are more suitable for us."

Pensioner Katrin Obermeier has started rationing her food: "I'm using foods longer, especially past the expiration date because it is still well preserved."

[IceAgeFarmer note: this is true BUT remember that removal of date markings by end of 2022 was planned in the 2018 EU Farm to Fork agenda!! We are following the globalist food crisis scripts to a T!!]

#eu #Germany #FoodPrices
Germany: 50% crop loss due to drought in some regions

Up to half of the crops in parts of the German state of Baden-Württemberg are likely to be lost due to drought, farmers in the region have claimed, with problems to do with the prices of fuel, fertiliser, and pesticides connected to the green agenda and war in Ukraine also reportedly causing problems for those in the region

The serious lack of rainfall has led farmers to fear that the likes of maize, sugar beet, potato, and soybean crops could see losses of up to 50%.

#Germany #EU #drought
German Bakery Slapped With €330,000 Gas Bill

Productive society is shutting down under the weight of energy prices — including food production.

#Germany #EnergyCrisis
Germany warns flood of electric heaters WILL crash power grid — yet retailers still have huge displays of space heaters — “dont be caught without one!”

This is 5th generation warfare - social engineering of civilians, weaponizing a population against itself!

#Germany #EnergyCrisis #DarkWinter
Germany Backstops Commodity Traders as War Drives Resource Dash

[ IAF: This is basically akin to nationalizing the entire commodities market — so long free market as we dash towards #AbsoluteZero carbon agenda! ]

Germany is offering loan guarantees to commodity trading houses to buy energy and key metals, as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sparks a global scramble for resource security.

Trafigura Group, the world’s biggest trader of copper, has already agreed to supply German customers with non-Russian metals for the next five years, helped by $800 million in bank credit that’s ultimately guaranteed by the German government. The trading house is now discussing a similar deal for liquefied natural gas, according to people familiar with the situation, and commodity bankers are pitching more deals that would have state guarantees to other traders. [Yeah, I’m sure the bankers would love to pitch many deals with all risk pushed to sovereign! ]

- iceagefarmer


#EnergyCrisis #EU #Germany