Ice Age Farmer
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Massive piles of beans as barge traffic shutdown, cant move harvest:

Some warm and wet weather down south and I see very bad things happening." 

Sad to see the USA cant even move the food harvested

#usa #SupplyChain
starve your digital twin!

- Leave your phone at home
- do analog things ( offline )
- Use cash

The system wants your data — deny it!

How have you starved your digital twin today?
“Many agrifood sectors are now controlled by just four to six dominant firms, enabling these companies to wield enormous influence over markets, agricultural research and policy-development, which undermines food sovereignty.

2020 was a horrific year for food security and health – but a bonanza for Big Food and Big Ag. Food Barons made the most of the converging crises in order to tighten their grip on every link in the Industrial Food Chain. In doing so, they undermine the rights of peasants, smallholders, fishers and pastoralists to produce food for their own communities and many others.

The Food Barrons are accelerating digitalization of food and agriculture across the chain in order to hold on to, naturalize and expand their power, despite their many failings.

It’s time to divest from the Industrial Food Chain.”

Although they arent critical of climate hoax, the analysis of multinational companies seeking to control is worthwhile - full report:
China stops exporting natural gas - cuts off sales to Europe (where they are already shutting down greenhouses because gas prices are too high):

Undersea cables damaged to cut communications ? More predictive media around this from US Naval Institute:

Repairing Submarine Cables Is a Wartime Necessity

Options to repair underseas fiber-optic cables in the event of war or sabotage are limited.

“What should the U.S. do when the transoceanic submarine fiber optic cables that supply, at the speed of light, more than 99 percent of the international voice, data, video, and internet communications between the United States and the rest of the world are damaged or cut during wartime?

Declare an emergency? Then what?”

GPS signal jamming causes flights to be rerouted around DFW airport (Dallas, TX):

Is this the interference from 5G or someone testing the waters for active jamming? A lot of logistics AND farm equipment depends on GPS:

John Deere GPS-dependent farm equipment failures also reported. One example here. Coincident with GPS jamming (see previous post)—but can not say necessarily caused by…

I have to say… it is interesting that mainstream media has started talking about the Mandela Effect.

Are they trying to convince people that they can’t rely on their memories? Is this the ultimate goal of psyop?

What do you make of it?
Undersea cable CUT to Shetland, communications down.

I’d warned once pipelines started blowing up that undersea cables would be the next bit of critical infrastructure to be targeted - here we go.

- Get hard copies of materials you need
- Write down critical radio frequencies for your family/group, nearby repeaters
- Know where and HOW to get information if comms go out
Food Collapse:

Yara has now closed another European fertilizer plant - due to the cost of energy.

Yara’s site in Wallonia has been offline from 15 September. It is no longer financially viable to make fertiliser in Europe, given that natural gas is key to the process.

They aren’t alone. Steel producers, yarn factories, are all shutting down…

#Deindustrialization #AbsoluteZero
Rapid deindustrialization presages rapid depopulation.

The Zero Carbon pursuit is the most severe genocide and crime against humanity in recorded history.

#Deindustrialization #AbsoluteZero
Empty Shelves as Inflation Leaves Products Unprofitable

“Not only Mars [who worked hand in hand with Rockefeller Foundation on "Reset the Table], but also Coca Cola [WEF partner] or Procter & Gamble [WEF Partner] are currently trying to ride the wave of inflation with excessive price demands in order to increase their returns,” a spokesman for the Edaka chain of supermarkets claimed.

The official went on to claim that a number of major companies have now halted deliveries to the chain, something that they alleged is being used to put pressure on supermarkets.

[IceAgeFarmer: the Rockefeller/WEF partners are squeezing you as hard as they can.]


Products ranging from Kellogg’s cornflakes to Coca Cola have disappeared from supermarkets throughout Germany, with many shops being left with empty shelves as products become simply unprofitable to sell due to differentials in inflation.

It comes as overall inflation hit 10% in the country in September, with EU-wide inflation for the month falling just short of 11% as a result of the ongoing #EnergyCrisis, which has in turn hiked the cost of food and other essential goods.

Retailers in the country however have strongly resisted this, with one supermarket chain in the country going so far as to accuse major companies of “price gouging” and “usury”.

“The situation in the industry is critical to catastrophic,” Federal Association of the Food Industry general manager Christoph Minhoff remarked regarding the feud, which has seen some individual rows even reportedly ending up in court as companies are unable to come to a compromise.

As a result of these ongoing hostilities between supermarkets and producers, a wide variety of well-known brands have disappeared from supermarkets throughout Germany, leaving many shops with empty shelves.

The likes of Coca Cola, Pepsi, Snickers, Kellogg’s Cornflakes, Milka Chocolate, Ritter Sport chocolate, Wrigley’s chewing gum, along with many other products ranging from mayonnaise to pet food have all been affected, though availability reportedly varies between supermarket chains.

#FoodPrices #FoodShortage #Retail

U.S. winter wheat farmers plant into dust as Plains drought persists

"It's sort of a grim situation," said Kent Winter, who farms in Andale, Kansas, outside Wichita. He said he normally seeds by mid-October but has yet to plant any.

[ IceAgeFarmer note: I have never before seen #wheat trending on twitter … ]

The 2023 U.S. hard red winter wheat crop is already being hobbled by drought in the heart of the southern Plains, wheat experts said.

Planting plans may be scaled back in the U.S. breadbasket despite historically high prices for this time of year, reflecting rising global demand and thin world wheat supplies projected to end the 2022/23 marketing year at a six-year low. The tight supplies have been exacerbated as the conflict in Ukraine has disrupted grain exports from the Black Sea region.

The drought threatens Kansas, the top winter wheat growing state, and Oklahoma in two ways: discouraging farmers who have not yet planted from trying, while threatening crops already in the ground from developing properly.

#wheat #FoodPrices
“Expert” blames climate change for the collapse in Alaskan snow crab population.

After all, the engineered food shortages have to be blamed on YOU, and your CAR, and COW FARTS, if you are to be made to eat ze bugs!

“According to NOAA, Alaska is the fastest warming state…” 🤡
Another communications cable cut, France. Critical infrastructure hits increasing - things are escalating. #5gWar

“a severed fiber cable in the south of France an “act of vandalism” that’s been felt by Internet users around the world.
Meat is too expensive? Here have some bugs.

Almost surreal to see the roll out after years of planning to push people off of wholesome food and onto the insects and lab-grown nonsense.

- Bannon sentenced to 4 months in prison.
- AJ’s billion dollar judgment.
- Vanessa Beeley threatened with sanctions by EU parliamentarian
- Jacinda Ardern calls ‘misinformation’ a “weapon of war”, speech needs to be regulated

The war on truth is escalating — the message here is clear: those who question the narrative are enemies of the system and will be “punished.”

It is even more important for YOU to ACTIVELY SPEAK TRUTH - they can’t silence EVERYONE.

EU nations are jumping ship on climate commitments as the #EnergyCrisis gets real and winter hits.

First France this morning and now the Netherlands are exiting agreements …

It’s amazing how fast these charades disintegrate upon contact with reality, just as the ESG narrative is crumbling when profits weren’t there.