Ice Age Farmer
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Backyard hens’ eggs contain 40 times more lead on average than shop eggs, research finds

Note that it is explicitly your backyard birds that are suddenly at issue.

Newly published research found backyard hens’ eggs contain, on average, more than 40 times the lead levels of commercially produced eggs. For your safety, we may have to make your birds illegal, (just like we’ve been salivating over)!

“These findings will come as a shock to many people who have turned to backyard food production. It has been on the rise over the past decade, spurred on recently by soaring grocery prices. BUT, after years of living on these soils, contaminants have built up in soils. These legacy contaminants can enter our food chain via vegetables, honey bees and chickens.

[@IceAgeFarmer note: it’s just too dangerous to let you feed your family. if you want eggs, save up your carbon credits like everyone else. More context in mega post above]

#WarOnMeat #WarOnPets
Your pigs are dirty and dangerous, experts announced, and could be responsible for food and mouth disease destroying the entire meat industry. But huge corporate farms that the technocrats control are totally cool.

Why? “Smaller producers are thought [?!] to be more likely [?!] to engage in practices such as swill feeding, that have a high chance of accidentally introducing the virus. They may be less aware of what they’re responsibilities are in terms of preventing an outbreak and also what they would need to do in an event of one.” <— This is the most flagrant, unfounded assumption!

Experts: you are too dumb to do it right, and therefore, we just need to make it illegal.

[ @iceagefarmer Note - More context in mega post above]

Even more concerning than 50% crop loss, is that farmers are already blowing through their winter animal feed. Clearly this means that by mid-winter, there will be no animal feed. Which means come late winter, unless things change somehow, there will be no livestock.

"To make matters worse, livestock farmers in the region are also now struggling, with many being forced to give animals feed meant to be kept for the winter as the amount of edible grass on the ground quite literally has dried up.

"Fodder that might otherwise be imported from Russia or Ukraine is proving hard to come by as a result of the former’s invasion the latter and the West’s resulting sanctions war with Moscow..."

#WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy (see previous post)
Yuval Harari echoes the WEF claims that meat is “unsustainable” and we must end farming and ranching:

Yuval Noah Harari, historian, futurist, and World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser, described “cultured meat” synthesized in laboratories as more “ecological” and “ethical” than meat from animal husbandry and slaughter.

#WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy
Another mass kill of livestock: 57,000 cows perish in India - milk shortages and "hundreds of carcasses of dead cows have been found lying in the open, causing a nauseating stench, with crows and vultures feeding on them."

Media asking "Why" — some farmers suggesting the cows were recently vaxxed against Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD).

"Pictures taken with the help of drone cameras reveal a large number of carcasses spread over several square kilometre area. In some places, it is even difficult to keep a count of those dead."

#WarOnDairy #WarOnMeat #India #PostAnimalEconomy
“Meat no longer enters the house”

That was the goal…

PETA Calls for Strike on Sex with Meat-Eating Men

Recall the UN & EAT/Lancet's "Planetary Health Diet" are all about demonizing meat-eating to make it "socially taboo like smoking."

I will just skip the part where we comment on the irony of self-selecting out of reproduction.

"Not all food will be available in the future."

Swedish 'food expert' describes the "Food Transformation" we are living through using the same language as the WEF / EAT/Lancet / UN:

"The most central thing in human life, food, is undergoing a huge transformation right now and thinking about what will be on our plates and how it got there is exciting to say the least.

..."Alternative proteins such as insects, lab-grown meat and new technologies such as producing proteins from carbon dioxide and water will be a complement on our plates in 18 years but not be the main source of protein. "

#WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms
Good piece : BIG VEGANISM is cover for corporate takeover of food production!

“Multinationals love the phrase “plant-based” because it is a euphemism for the messianic, cultish, modish cause they have adopted: veganism.”

Some of the alt-protein research in Food Valley is directed towards consuming insects (“entomophagy”); some is more focused on algae, fungi — or mycobacterial this, that and the other. But the big research bucks are flowing one way only, and that is to plant-based alternatives to meat.

Meat is too expensive? Here have some bugs.

Almost surreal to see the roll out after years of planning to push people off of wholesome food and onto the insects and lab-grown nonsense.
