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Dutch farmers protest government's decision to cut chicken flocks by 30% for "nitrogen savings"

The War on Meat continues...

The Netherlands, the world's second-largest agricultural exporter, is one of the top greenhouse gas emitters in Europe -- especially of nitrogen -- with much of this blamed on cattle-produced manure and fertiliser.

Farmers say they are targeted while big business and industry slide, with many vowing to resist any plans to scale down or close farms.

"It's not normal, what's being done to the farmers
," 74-year old protester Jan Poorter told AFP. ""You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

#WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat
"The future of farmers is being destroyed"

Some of the signs from the Dutch protest (see previous post) are pretty spot on. Where is the public support? People too distracted by media's putin-rhetoric

"You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

#WarOnFarms #eu
BOOM ! Suddenly it's YOUR backyard chickens that are causing pandemics, not industrial agriculture. This was the plan all along to take total control over food production!

> "If we can’t dramatically cut meat consumption then intensive ‘factory farming’ may be comparatively less risky" because “non-intensive” or “low-yield” farms [IAF: ie. anyone producing their own food other than large industrial technocrat owned operations] pose a serious risk to human health as they need far more land to produce the same amount of food [this is also a lie!].

"This, it is argued, increases the chances of “spillover” of dangerous viruses between animals and humans because it drives habitat loss, which displaces disease-carrying wild animals such as bats and rodents and brings them into closer contact with farmed animals and humans."

... and this builds on that weird Fauci paper blaming all pandemics on humans interacting with naturethe goal is to divorce man from God's creation. #transhumanism

IAF REPORT (2020) on the UN/WEF "biodiversity" & zoonotic pandemic play to herd people into the smart cities:

new Guardian propaganda:

#WarOnFood #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnFarms
Police have now fired upon farmers in tractors in the #Netherlands:

An official investigation is underway after Dutch police fired live shots at anti-green agenda protesters in the Netherlands.

... Farmers are protesting new policies which "will lead to at least 30% of Dutch farms being put out of business as they’re forced to cut the number of livestock by the same figure."

Anger has intensified after the government revealed the same nitrogen cuts, being proposed in the name of fighting climate change, won’t be applied to the airline industry.


This explosion of cardiac issues? It’s because people started gardening during the pandemic.

Gardening is DIRTY and DANGEROUS and can KILL YOU — you should ONLY eat fake meat and bugs. NEVER GARDEN. You will be SAFE inside away from DIRTY animals and DANGEROUS soil.

[These people will stop at nothing to control your food supply!]


Urgent warning to gardeners as soil ‘increases risk of killer heart disease’

Medics found that pollutants in the soil could have a 'detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system'. “Contaminated soil could lead to increasing oxidative stress in the blood vessels, which in turn leads to heart disease.”

Dirty soil can get into the blood stream, through inhalation.

#DirtyDangerous #WarOnFarms #Propaganda
AWFUL: animal feed shortages reported in the USA as deliveries remain scarce:

The point has been reached when millions of chickens will be killed and other livestock will suffer because of UP’s [IAF: that is WEF partner Union Pacific] service failures,” Foster Farms wrote in its request to the Surface Transportation Board this week.

Rail bottlenecks in the U.S. are not improving, and in some cases, growing more severe. Feed users in California and the Southwest are having issues sourcing grain, with some reporting they are paying $3 over the CBOT price to secure grain by truck. Not only are feed users on the brink of running out of grain, but there are also concerns the rail issues could grow worse during harvest this fall.

[ plenty of ideas on how to grow your own animal feed in @iaf_birds ! ]

#WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy
UNBELIEVABLE: drought in Texas so severe, and hay is expensive/hard to come by, that huge numbers of ranchers are trying to liquidate their herds:

This is not something that can simply be "re-planted" next year — this is large number of people's livelihoods being sold away, and a lasting blow to food production:

#WarOnMeat #USA #WarOnFarms
Borden Dairy Co. will immediately close its Alabama plant because “it could no longer support continued production,” according to a report.

Employees are being laid off. “Borden Dairy will close its Dothan, AL and Hattiesburg, MS milk production facilities by no later than September 30, 2022, and will no longer produce in these states,” according to the company’s statement.

IAF: the article neglects to mention that this flows from Blackrock imposing ESG scores that are killing dairy industry.

#WarOnDairy #WarOnFarms
Jersey’s largest veg producer stops growing food — citing spiralling operational costs as the reason. They produced 80% of Jersey’s fresh vegetables. Now the island depends on UK produce and may see shortages of fresh vegetables, particularly in the winter months. “‘Obviously, it reduces food security because we lost our biggest vegetable producer,’ “

They have made it economically unviable to farm — part of the #WarOnFarms.
We’re in a place now where you can’t live anywhere on the planet, and be sure that the environment is safe.

So says the researcher who found toxic levels of PFAS (the forever chemical) in rain water samples. The study intimates we are already at total contaminationfarms, gardens, animals raised outdoors — all are so toxic they do not meet regulatory requirements.

Remember, they are already shutting down farms in Maine and around the US for PFAS contamination (full report here).

And thus, the globalists will own ALL food production — the indoor farming, bug burgers, lab-grown eat that they’ve been investing $100bb’s — will be the only option. As they told us, “competition is sin.” And they are taking out traditional farming and ranching.

See previous post in @iceagefarmer for more context.

#PFAS #WarOnFarms
Fire at Biggest US Midwest Refinery Threatens Fuel Supplies

An outage at the largest US Midwest refinery is raising wholesale fuel prices regionally just as the agricultural sector gears up for its busiest time of year.

BP shut two crude units at its 435,000 barrel-a-day Whiting, Indiana, refinery after a fire Wednesday, Wood Mackenzie’s Genscape said. The fire occurred in the power house and caused a loss of cooling water, which could lead to damaged equipment, according to a person familiar with operations.

*** A prolonged shutdown of the plant, which supplies gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to most of the region’s major distribution centers, could tighten fuel markets just as farmers in the nation’s breadbasket prepare for harvesting season. ***

@iceagefarmer note: just another coincidence I’m sure. Nothing to see here…

#WarOnFarms #fire
"I suspect that 75-80 % of UK salad growers will not plant next year . . . because it doesn’t make any economic sense. It’s fair to say the salad sector has been abandoned"

#uk #WarOnFarms
USDA investing $2.8 billion in ‘climate-smart’ agriculture

The rhetoric:
“There is strong and growing interest in the private sector and among consumers for food that is grown in a climate-friendly way”

The reality:
Riceland Foods is one of the company’s receiving funding. $20 million from the USDA to create a farmer-friendly [😂] system to support adoption of climate-smart practices and interact with commodity buyers in climate-smart markets.”

“Riceland will build a farmer-focused asset registry system for data collection, benefit quantification, verification and farmer compensation.”

SO IT’S A TRACKING SYSTEM—perfect awareness of all resources. Agenda 2030 style. Just slap “farmer friendly” and “climate smart” on it instead of calling it what it is: total surveillance of food production.

USDA conducting #WarOnFarms.
Hurricane Ian is poised to strike at the nation’s production of phosphate fertilizer, threatening supply as the cost of growing food in the US rises by the most ever.

“Florida is home to Mosaic Co.’s phosphate rock assets, where they mine product, and to facilities where they turn that rock into fertilizers like diammonium phosphate and monoammonium phosphate, commonly known as DAP and MAP.

“Mosaic’s New Wales plant is ‘right in the middle of the damage swath,’ said Chuck Watson, a disaster modeler with Enki Research. It could ‘be out for weeks,’ he said in an email.”

#WarOnFarms #Fertilizer
"Not all food will be available in the future."

Swedish 'food expert' describes the "Food Transformation" we are living through using the same language as the WEF / EAT/Lancet / UN:

"The most central thing in human life, food, is undergoing a huge transformation right now and thinking about what will be on our plates and how it got there is exciting to say the least.

..."Alternative proteins such as insects, lab-grown meat and new technologies such as producing proteins from carbon dioxide and water will be a complement on our plates in 18 years but not be the main source of protein. "

#WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms