Ice Age Farmer
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Stunning footage of thousands (10k+) of dead cattle in Kansas yesterday.

It is reported these cattle died of excessive heat — while temps were not excessively high, there was also high humidity and no wind.

Others are speculating that this is exceptional even for summer heat, and this is another blatant destructive act perpetrated on our food supply.

What do you think?

#FoodWars #WarOnMeat

Dutch farmers protest government's decision to cut chicken flocks by 30% for "nitrogen savings"

The War on Meat continues...

The Netherlands, the world's second-largest agricultural exporter, is one of the top greenhouse gas emitters in Europe -- especially of nitrogen -- with much of this blamed on cattle-produced manure and fertiliser.

Farmers say they are targeted while big business and industry slide, with many vowing to resist any plans to scale down or close farms.

"It's not normal, what's being done to the farmers
," 74-year old protester Jan Poorter told AFP. ""You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

#WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat
Ice Age Farmer
Holland closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Angry farmers take to the streets ! Not just farmers should be out there — everyone who eats ! #FoodFreedom via
No Russian Gas -> No Eggs! Farmers warn an energy crisis is ALSO a FOOD CRISIS.

Without natural gas supplies, there are immediate animal welfare problems on the farms. From the hatchery to the barn to the slaughterhouse, all companies in the poultry industry are dependent on the energy source. [IAF: and thus, these are being shut down by design.]

Short-term energy restrictions would have "an immediate impact on the food security of the residents".

The poultry industry is energy-intensive. "For the Lower Saxony poultry industry alone, including the production of poultry feed [!!!] we have calculated an annual gas requirement of around 1,735,311 megawatt hours."

#EnergyCrisis #Germany #EU #WarOnMeat
CO2 shortage threatens New Zealand chicken supplies

Plans are in progress to reduce production of some chicken products, according to the country’s leading poultry meat producer.

Tegel is warning that it may not be able to produce some chicken products because of a shortage of carbon dioxide gas in New Zealand that is also threatening brewers and fizzy drinks makers.

The Food and Grocery Council said the availability of cheese, preserved meats, sparkling wine and ready-to-eat meals could also suffer, with price rises possible.

The Brewers Association and the Beverage Council separately voiced concerns about the gas shortage on Saturday.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is used widely in the food industry – including in packaging to preserve the shelf life of chicken – and to add fizz to drinks, as well as in other industries such as healthcare.

Businesses used to get much of their CO2 supply from the Marsden Point oil refinery, which produced CO2 as a by-product of its refining operation until that was replaced in favor of importing energy.

#NewZealand #WarOnMeat
AWFUL: animal feed shortages reported in the USA as deliveries remain scarce:

The point has been reached when millions of chickens will be killed and other livestock will suffer because of UP’s [IAF: that is WEF partner Union Pacific] service failures,” Foster Farms wrote in its request to the Surface Transportation Board this week.

Rail bottlenecks in the U.S. are not improving, and in some cases, growing more severe. Feed users in California and the Southwest are having issues sourcing grain, with some reporting they are paying $3 over the CBOT price to secure grain by truck. Not only are feed users on the brink of running out of grain, but there are also concerns the rail issues could grow worse during harvest this fall.

[ plenty of ideas on how to grow your own animal feed in @iaf_birds ! ]

#WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy
Cattle producers struggling with high cost of feed

“Most beef producers in this area have their cattle out on grass now, so they don’t have to buy hay or grain. But it’s going to be a problem in the fall; it’s difficult to make a profit in this business when you have to pay $8 or $9 for a bushel of grain to help these cattle through the cold winters,” Balicki said. “And, you do have to give cattle grain in this part of the world, because they need the energy to keep warm. So that’s a huge concern.”

UNBELIEVABLE: drought in Texas so severe, and hay is expensive/hard to come by, that huge numbers of ranchers are trying to liquidate their herds:

This is not something that can simply be "re-planted" next year — this is large number of people's livelihoods being sold away, and a lasting blow to food production:

#WarOnMeat #USA #WarOnFarms
They are winning the war on meat — protein pipeline shrinking. Are you growing/raising your own?

> USDA’s Cattle Inventory Report is expected to show U.S. cattle herd as of July 1 down 2.1% from year-ago.

The projected 2022 calf crop is expected to have shrunk another 2%.
Beef heifers held back for breeding are expected to be down 3.2% from last year.

Beef prices set to surge further as farmers sell off/liquidate cattle herds

tl;dr: Beef prices are only just beginning to rise.

Win the #WarOnMeat - raise your own. join: @iaf_birds @iaf_rabbits @iaf_goats

U.S. cattle producers are sending higher numbers of breeding stock to the sale barn, and some are liquidating their herds entirely, signaling a trend that analysts say will likely push already-elevated beef prices even higher in the not-too-distant future.
The latest cattle report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows the market has contracted to levels not seen in years, with total inventory dropping 2% to 98.8 million head since July 2021.
Global Poultry Culling Doubles to 94.2 million kills as Food Shortage Crisis Deepens

The number of poultry culled around the world has almost doubled this season as global food shortages loom and the cost of living crisis deepens.

Experts are warning that an “unprecedented” bird flu outbreak has caused a huge spike in culling since last season.

According to figures from the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), more than 22 million cases have been reported in wild birds and poultry so far this season in 68 countries.

This figure is double the 11m recorded between October 2020 and September 2021, itself an all-time high.

In an effort to curb the outbreak, 94.2m farmed poultry have been killed and disposed of.

Last season, 54.4m were culled.

#birdflu #WarOnMeat
They have fully decloaked and want to straight up kill your animals now.

All in the name of "carbon footprint" and reaching the WEF's "Post Animal Economy."

Reject their offer. Raise more animals. Feed your family.

#WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy
Capitalismo vegano: multinacionales alimentarias y BlackRock

(Vegan Capitalism: Food Multinationals and BlackRock)
After seducing the population with the supposed wonders of the vegan diet, multinational meat companies and BlackRock/Vanguard have landed in the "alternative agriculture" sector

Although it may seem contradictory, the main transnational industrial meat production companies are the ones behind foods that, based on vegetables or proteins grown in laboratories, are presented as substitutes for meat, fish, eggs and milk.

[IAF: Yep, multinational food companies Nestle, Tyson, Smithfield, JBS are all working on fake meat — and many are WEF partners ! ]


translated via
My friends, this is the most important battle in human history. If we can't grow our own food, we depend forever on the system. — MEGA POST

“Animals are dirty and dangerous. Rainwater is poisonous - you can't eat stuff that was grown outside!” Traditional farming and ranching is antequated and illegal!”

Sounds ridiculous -- beyond belief! But so does people wearing cloth masks OUTSIDE for two years. These same people could be made to fear food overnight.

And this move is happening now:

* "Rainwater ALL over Earth has PFAS -- new study claims “forever chemicals” are now in gardens and animals raised outdoors -- remember they are already shutting down farms for PFAS contamination (see my report here) — now extending the contamination to the entire biosphere!

... literally, from the researcher: "we’re in a place now where you can’t live anywhere on the planet, and be sure that the environment is safe.This is the design. The divorce of man from nature. Separation of us from God's creation. And it will be used to make traditional food “dangerous and poisonous." Now we see why the investment into indoor farming, and marketing lab-grown meat as "clean meat." THEY ARE POISONING THE REST!

* “Backyard chickens are dangerous because of lead in eggs — should be regulated -- it's explicitly the BACKYARD birds

- "Hobby farms are a risk for foot and mouth disease" -- dirty and dangerous! It's explicitly the small HOBBY farms

- "Free Range" farming RAISES risk of pandemics -- surprise! intensive corporate ‘factory farming’ may actually be SAFER than you being able to raise your own animals!

Not to mention we have these biolabs researching every kind of pathogen from Bird Flu to African Swine Fever to take our food supply out.

In short, they are destroying traditional food and ranching, just as they are the energy infrastructures and monetary systems.

Prof. Richard Werner just remarked (here) that as central banks currencies fail, they must move to a new digital (#CBDC) model so people don’t take back their power with local currencies. This same play is happening with food: as toxic big Ag fails, they poison the food supply and use weather warfare — it is techno-salting the fields!

I may make separate posts with some of these links for easy sharability but it is all of these dots that form a picture that’s impossible to ignore. This is the biggest takeover in human history. Grow food, use cash/barter/local currency— do everything you can to de-centralize. Our future depends on it.

- @iceagefarmer [ Solutions -> @iaf_resources ]

#DirtyDangerous #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnMeat #WarOnDairy #PFAS
Backyard hens’ eggs contain 40 times more lead on average than shop eggs, research finds

Note that it is explicitly your backyard birds that are suddenly at issue.

Newly published research found backyard hens’ eggs contain, on average, more than 40 times the lead levels of commercially produced eggs. For your safety, we may have to make your birds illegal, (just like we’ve been salivating over)!

“These findings will come as a shock to many people who have turned to backyard food production. It has been on the rise over the past decade, spurred on recently by soaring grocery prices. BUT, after years of living on these soils, contaminants have built up in soils. These legacy contaminants can enter our food chain via vegetables, honey bees and chickens.

[@IceAgeFarmer note: it’s just too dangerous to let you feed your family. if you want eggs, save up your carbon credits like everyone else. More context in mega post above]

#WarOnMeat #WarOnPets
Your pigs are dirty and dangerous, experts announced, and could be responsible for food and mouth disease destroying the entire meat industry. But huge corporate farms that the technocrats control are totally cool.

Why? “Smaller producers are thought [?!] to be more likely [?!] to engage in practices such as swill feeding, that have a high chance of accidentally introducing the virus. They may be less aware of what they’re responsibilities are in terms of preventing an outbreak and also what they would need to do in an event of one.” <— This is the most flagrant, unfounded assumption!

Experts: you are too dumb to do it right, and therefore, we just need to make it illegal.

[ @iceagefarmer Note - More context in mega post above]

Even more concerning than 50% crop loss, is that farmers are already blowing through their winter animal feed. Clearly this means that by mid-winter, there will be no animal feed. Which means come late winter, unless things change somehow, there will be no livestock.

"To make matters worse, livestock farmers in the region are also now struggling, with many being forced to give animals feed meant to be kept for the winter as the amount of edible grass on the ground quite literally has dried up.

"Fodder that might otherwise be imported from Russia or Ukraine is proving hard to come by as a result of the former’s invasion the latter and the West’s resulting sanctions war with Moscow..."

#WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy (see previous post)