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As I'd warned in this report, grains are cut off from export from Canada -- HALF of the grain exports go through shipment. HALF of the 3rd largest grain exporter shipments. A significant chunk of an already poor harvest is stuck in the prairies:
Storms at Canada’s Biggest Port Leave Grain Stuck in Prairie

(Bloomberg) -- Mountains of wheat and canola are stranded in Canada after storms blocked access to the Port of Vancouver during peak shipping season.

There’s no rail access to Canada’a biggest port after days of torrential rain and landslides. About 20 vessels are waiting for deliveries, while a couple hundred thousand tons of grain are stuck in transit, according to Quorum, a company that monitors Canada’s grain transportation system.

It’s so bad that some exporters may even be forced to declare force majeure to avoid penalties as they won’t be able to make deliveries on time, said Wade Sobkowich, executive director of the Western Grain Elevator Association.

#Canada #FoodPrices
Refinery that supplies estimated one-third of Lower Mainland gas runs out of crude oil

Calgary-based Parkland Corp.’s Burnaby refinery, which supplies an estimated one-third of the gas to the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island said Tuesday it has stopped processing operations because it had run out of crude oil due to the Trans Mountain pipeline shutdown after last week’s catastrophic flooding.

“Parkland maintains some crude-oil storage on-site, so up until today, it has been able to continue operations,” said Kent Fellows, a professor at the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy.

“Trans Mountain would also normally be shipping about 27,000 barrels per day of gasoline and diesel from refineries near Edmonton to the Lower Mainland in B.C.,” said Fellows.

Flood waters are highly toxic — and much of the affected BC farmland now needs remediation:

Concerns over contaminated floodwater, decaying animals from Sumas Prairie

“You can’t get them water. You have no grain. Your feed is compromised,” he said.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before. God willing, we never see anything like this again in our lifetime.”

Thousands of cows were rescued from Sumas Prairie, but the B.C. Dairy Association also reports about 500 cattle have died there during the floods. More than 100,000 chickens also did not survive.

One of the problems now facing farmers is what to do with the decaying animals. “We’ve got to get them out and dispose of them in the proper way,” Verdonk said.

Another pressing problem for farmers is the floodwaters that continue to make fields in eastern Sumas Prairie look like lakes and have turned roads into rivers. “This water’s contaminated. There’s been dead chickens, dead cows, dead other farm animals. There’s manure pits,” he explained.

That contaminated water is also top-of-mind for blueberry farmers with flooded fields, “The plants roots are not getting oxygen. The water is toxic with all the contaminants. The chemicals, the manure’s in there. The fuel’s in there," said blueberry farmer Harry Sidhu.

He said his family has two farms still under eight feet of water.

The soil itself, it’s contaminated. It’s going to need to be remediated,” he said, adding that thousands of acres of berries will need to be ripped out and replaced.

It’s catastrophic. It’s horrific,” he said. “We need immediate relief.”

Thousands of truckers prepared to walk due to vaccine mandates, warn Canadian trucking groups

Canadian trucking industry groups are warning the Canadian government that supply chain challenges will get worse unless there are changes to upcoming COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) says it estimates that up to 22 thousand Canadian drivers will decide to leave the Canada-U.S. market when the Canadian government’s planned cross-border vaccination mandate takes effect on January 15, 2022.

Based on a recent survey of its members, the CTA says many trucking companies are preparing to lose 10 to 20 per cent of their drivers, and potentially more than 20 per cent in regions of the country with lower vaccination rates.

“There are also pockets of fleets throughout Canada with vaccine rates well below the 80 per cent vaccination rate floor, CTA members have reported. Vaccination rates below 80 per cent would lead to significant service disruptions…,” says the CTA, in a Dec. 8 update.

#SupplyChain #Canada
DELIBERATE throttling of #SupplyChain:

Mississauga, Ont., truck driver Nawaz Khan said he makes two to three trips across the U.S. border each week, transporting building supplies.

However, Khan’s FAST card, which clears him for customs when crossing, recently expired. This required him to drive to the U.S. in his personal vehicle to get it renewed. He was there for less than 45 minutes. “I did the interview, I came back to the Canadian side,” Khan said. When he returned, border agents told Khan he had to quarantine for two weeks, despite being fully vaccinated.

“I was shocked,” he said. “I have to park my rig for almost a month,” he said. “I don’t believe I have done anything wrong.”

With vaccinated essential workers being forced into quarantine, Shields said this could lead to supply chain issues ahead of the holidays.

Media is too big
Trucker warns the vaccine requirements for Canada/USA border crossings will result in at least 15% of big rigs being parked.

This is deliberate sabotage of the #SupplyChain and WILL be felt by folks in Canada and USA: empty shelves, food prices, lack of supplies for industry to function, lack of seeds/fertilizer for agriculture, and so on.

This is how civilization ends. Not, perhaps, with a bang, but instead a cascading series of failures and degeneracy …

#Canada #USA
Grocery store closures loom amid labour, product shortages - Canada

Grocery stores are struggling with rising labour and product shortages that could threaten Canada's food security, experts say.

Employee absenteeism due to workers calling in sick and COVID-19 protocols has hit about 30 per cent at some stores and is continuing to rise, Gary Sands, senior vice-president of public policy with the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, said Tuesday.

If the situation worsens, some grocery stores won't be able to stay open — threatening food security in rural and remote areas that rely on a sole independent grocer, Sands said.

"If we have to keep sending people home, at a certain point stores are not going to be able to operate," he said. "We're very frustrated with the lack of rapid test kits for grocers."

"Independent grocers are in a myriad of communities in this country where there is no other grocery store," Sands said. "If those stores close, you've got a food security issue."

Meanwhile, stores are also experiencing a shortage of goods stemming from supply chain issues, including a shortage of truckers, packaging and processing delays and the Canadian winter.

But some supply chain issues could be longer lasting, such as the trucker shortage intensified by the federal government's new vaccine mandate.

"The issue with the truckers having to be vaccinated is causing some delays, especially with the supply of fruit and vegetables from California," Sands said.

#SupplyChain #Canada
Alberta: cattle feeders face increasingly desperate feed shortage.

“Several larger feedlots have indicated that they will run out of all feed in a few days.”

This is beyond catastrophic, with 1.5 million cattle unable to secure feed.



Elevators working in reverse as Alberta cattle feeders face increasingly desperate feed shortage.

“It’s a mess,” notes Kevin Serfas, of Serfas Farms, based at Turin, Alta. “If you only bought exactly what you needed on a week-to-week basis, you are in panic mode right now. I started November 1 and probably have half my orders. I’m not sure what needs to change. Everyone just blames the prior link in the chain.”

That chain includes grain companies, railways and railways, as well as trucking companies.

In some cases, grain handlers, such as Cargill, P&H, Richardson, and Viterra, are essentially trying to run their elevators in reverse. Rather than taking delivery from producers and loading grain onto trains, they are taking delivery of corn by train and transferring it onto trucks to fill sales contracts they’ve signed with cattle feeders — many of which are the same producers who otherwise sell grain to these companies.

Labour shortages, due to COVID-19 and more, have exacerbated the challenge in some situations, causing delays with loading and unloading trains and trucks. Several feedlots say delays in unloading trains have resulted in the railway putting a lower priority on these shipments. In some cases, they’ve been penalized financially with demurrage fees. [IAF: Stunning that the railway can simply stop shipping animal feed.]

There’s also concern the Canadian and U.S. government’s cross-border vaccination mandates, taking effect January 15 and 22, respectively, are removing a significant number of truck drivers from the road. Several sources told RealAgriculture they’ve also heard of a train being delayed due to crew members not wanting to have to quarantine in Canada.

To put the amount of feed that’s needed in context, ACFA says one rail car — the equivalent of approximately two super B trailers — will feed approximately 8,000 head of cattle for one day. There are approximately 1.5 million head in the province, meaning the industry requires more than a 100 unit train every day to replace the barley and wheat that would normally be sourced closer to home.

#Canada #SupplyChain
Canada to seize bank accounts from freedom convoy participants, “to stop financing terrorists.” (This explains the use of terms like “terrorists” and “insurrection” in front of the kids bouncy house.)

This is such a direct provocation and insult, “please revolt!”

Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s finance minister, later said that banks and other financial institutions in Canada have the authority to “temporarily cease providing financial services where the institution suspects that an account is being used to further the illegal blockades and occupations. This order covers both personal and corporate accounts.”

Crowd-funding platforms, which protesters have used to sustain their weeks-long demonstrations, would fall under the enforcement of “Canada’s anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules,” Freeland said.

“These changes cover all forms of transactions,” she said. “The illegal blockades have highlighted the fact that crowd-funding platforms and some of the payment service providers they use are not fully captured under the proceeds of the Crime and Terrorist Financing Act.”

But it’s not just animals — even grains are being called “extreme emitters” of greenhouse gasses. FAO tells Canada to grow less grains! Ridiculous:

Canada: Feds target cereals as major emitter

Ag Canada says cutting such emissions is critical because the federal government wants to reduce fertilizer related emissions 30 percent by 2030.

Canada’s emission intensity for cereals in 2017 is higher than those reported for the United States, the European Union and (other regions).” The discussion paper includes a table, using data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), to emphasize that Canadian cereal crops produce the highest amount of nitrous oxide emissions in the developed world.

#wheat #AbsoluteZero #Canada
Canada plans a nitrogen policy like the one fueling farmer protests in Netherlands:

This is the destruction of farming and ranching as a hostile takeover of human food production.

“The Government of Canada has set the national fertilizer emissions reduction target of 30%, which is part of the commitment to reduce total GHG emissions in Canada by 40-45% by 2030…”

It is noteworthy that Trudeau moves on the fertilizer reduction policy even as Dutch farmers are in the news worldwide protesting THAT VERY POLICY.

They WANT the reaction…

Canada will be a third world country within a year…”

#fertilizer #canada
All three Canadian Prairie Provinces say NO to Trudeau’s starvation policy [fight fight fight!!!]

The Prairie Provinces are in revolt, with the Premiers of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba unanimously rejecting Trudeau’s proposed fertilizer reduction policy.

In a letter to Justin Trudeau, Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson had this to say about the proposed policy:

“Your government’s national emissions reduction targets are being brought forward at the worst possible time. They will negatively impact producer yields, which will mean higher grocery bills and less food security for families. This cannot be another blow to the affordability of raising a family in Manitoba.

Agricultural producers in Manitoba regarding the federal policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent from nutrient use by 2030. Their major concerns are unanimous. This policy would lower their crop yields and decrease revenue. Manitoba’s competitiveness in producing and processing protein will be reduced while lowering our province’s capacity to export the agricultural commodities that other countries rely upon to process food.

More pushback, not just from farmers but now from Saskatchewan officials:

Saskatchewan warns Trudeau’s federal Nitrogen agents could be arrested

Saskatchewan Minister Jeremy Cockrill has sent a warning to the Trudeau government that officers sent by Ottawa will be arrested if they continue to trespass on farmland to test nitrogen levels.

According to Cockrill, Trudeau’s government has been unlawfully sending federal employees onto Saskatchewan farmlands to test for nitrogen levels without the consent of landowners.

In the letter, the Minister raised multiple complaints from Saskatchewan farmers that raised “serious concerns about Government of Canada employees, in clearly marked Government of Canada vehicles, trespassing on private lands.” The farmers reporting these trespasses made clear that these government agents did not request permission to access the land and were not in any other manner given consent to access it.

What is more concerning to some than the actual trespass are the motivations of the federal agents. According to the land owners who confronted the federal agents trespassing on their land, they were told that the purpose of them being there was to test the water in the farmers’ dugouts to measure nitrate levels.

#ClimatePolice #Canada
🚨 Canada: wheat stocks down 38% year over year.

#canada #FoodPrices #wheat