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Record profits for Tyson means these prices aren’t reaching the farmers — but the rapidly increasing cost of inputs SURE IS!

So WE PAY MORE. Farmers MAKE LESS. This is the road to owning nothing / corporate ownership of food supply and everything...

Stock of Tyson Foods, the world's second largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork after Brazil's JBS S.A., is soaring 9%, hitting an all time high and is one of the S&P's best companies this morning ... after the company reported blowout earnings (thanks to passing on surging food prices) and announced that it is raising prices even more as it grapples with a tight labor market and smaller livestock herds. According to the report, beef prices jumped by 32% in the quarter, with chicken up ~20% and pork 13%.

#WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms #PostAnimalEconomy
Chicken producers warn about fast-spreading bird flu spreading across US

US poultry producers are tightening safety measures for their flocks as disease experts warn that wild birds are likely spreading a highly lethal form of avian flu across the country.

Indiana on Wednesday reported highly pathogenic bird flu on a commercial turkey farm, leading China, South Korea and Mexico to ban poultry imports from the state. The outbreak put the US industry on edge at a time that labor shortages are fueling food inflation.

#WarOnMeat #BirdFlu #PostAnimalEconomy
Rumors that BASF’s Ludwigshafen plant will shutdown due to energy crisis. The plant provides vitamins used for animal feed -- its closure would paralyze animal feed producers.

Between this and the grains shortage, animal feed is in trouble. And the WEF may soon have their “post-animal economy.”

#PostAnimalEconomy #EnergyCrisis
No Eggs in Germany by summer - “Sheer existential fear" among farmers

Soy shortages are bringing about the WEF’s “post-animal economy”

From summer 2022, the supply of eggs can no longer be guaranteed, writes the Central Association of the German Poultry Industry.

There is sometimes sheer existential fear among our farmers. The prices for animal feed have more than doubled in a very short time. GMO-free soy is hard to come by. As a result, many keepers are no longer able to re-stall,” Henner Schönecke, Chairman of the BVEi, describes the situation.

No more restocking means fewer laying hens are available to lay eggs. Schönecke expects that the security of supply with German eggs can no longer be guaranteed by August at the latest.

#Germany #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnMeat
South Europe fears livestock culls as Ukraine conflict prompts feed shortage

Ukraine is a major global supplier of animal feed, stocks of which are falling fast across import-reliant southern Europe. With Hungary, Serbia and Moldova also banning exports as they safeguard their own supplies, costs for farms like Ferrari's have spiked, threatening their future. Many face culling animals if the situation doesn't improve quickly.

"I hear growing reports of farmers slaughtering their animals, but I want to avoid that," said Elisabetta Quaini, who keeps 1,300 cows for beef and milk production on her farm in Lombardy, northern Italy. "I'm determined to keep going, but I am very worried."

"It's not just corn, it's also soya and numerous by-products that are hard to find. There is a tremendous fight to get hold of what is available."

Michele Liverini, vice-president of livestock feed producer Mangimi Liverini S.p.A., said if dairy cows were slaughtered it would take seven to eight years to build up a barn to produce milk again.

#WarOnDairy #WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy
ICYMI: It’s not just UK paying farmers to retire - Dutch farmers are being enticed to sell “pig rights” for €700k - but never be able to raise pigs again.

This is the financialization of a basic human right (ability to provide for your family) - and is absolute bollocks! But they will stop at nothing, including bribery, to achieve their #PostAnimalEconomy


Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

How does this make sense as food shortages are announced? Only if it is deliberately making things worse. We are under attack:

“Northern Ireland will need to lose more than 1 million sheep and cattle to meet its new legally binding climate emissions targets, according to an industry-commissioned analysis.

The large-scale reduction in farm animals comes after the passing of the ​​jurisdiction’s first ever climate act, requiring the farming sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and reduce methane emissions by almost 50% over the same period.

Zero Carbon = Zero Animals. Hence the WEF’s “Post Animal Econoy”

[IAF: Biden’s USDA is also charged with zero emissions agriculture mandate]

#AbsoluteZero #PostAnimalEconomy
Food Supply Shutdown : Deer, fish, pigs euthanized; crops not planted

An observing alien species would ask itself, "Why is humanity destroying ALL of their food sources?" In this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian has a candid conversation about the overwhelming number of attacks on our food supply and animals. With crops unplanted and with more food facilities burning down, the media runs stories about "food fire conspiracy theories." And it's not just chickens -- the state is also killing deer and fish in the name of stopping diseases. Start growing food now.

Join: @iceagefarmer



#FoodWars #fire #AnimalAg #PostAnimalEconomy #BirdFlu #iafvideo
Monkeypox warning for “meat eaters” from NHS

The “Animals are dirty and dangerous” narrative has gone into hyperdrive!

“the infection can also be spread by animals and eating meat.”

Such a contrived way to push the #PostAnimalEconomy

#Monkeypox #WarOnMeat
BOOM ! Suddenly it's YOUR backyard chickens that are causing pandemics, not industrial agriculture. This was the plan all along to take total control over food production!

> "If we can’t dramatically cut meat consumption then intensive ‘factory farming’ may be comparatively less risky" because “non-intensive” or “low-yield” farms [IAF: ie. anyone producing their own food other than large industrial technocrat owned operations] pose a serious risk to human health as they need far more land to produce the same amount of food [this is also a lie!].

"This, it is argued, increases the chances of “spillover” of dangerous viruses between animals and humans because it drives habitat loss, which displaces disease-carrying wild animals such as bats and rodents and brings them into closer contact with farmed animals and humans."

... and this builds on that weird Fauci paper blaming all pandemics on humans interacting with naturethe goal is to divorce man from God's creation. #transhumanism

IAF REPORT (2020) on the UN/WEF "biodiversity" & zoonotic pandemic play to herd people into the smart cities:

new Guardian propaganda:

#WarOnFood #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnFarms
“Animals are dirty and dangerous.”

Also Fido’s carbon score is really becoming a problem…
People with COVID-19 can infect and sicken cats and dogs by cuddling them, says study

The study said that while it was already known that animals including cats, dogs, ferrets and hamsters seem to be susceptible to COVID-19, transmission may be happening more often than previously thought.

"These data indicate relatively common transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to animals and that certain human-animal contacts — example, kissing the pet, pet sleeping on the bed — appear to increase the risk," said the study.

Transmission from humans to animals can be minimized by owners keeping their distance, wearing a mask and taking other precautions, just as they would to prevent infecting a person, he said.

AWFUL: animal feed shortages reported in the USA as deliveries remain scarce:

The point has been reached when millions of chickens will be killed and other livestock will suffer because of UP’s [IAF: that is WEF partner Union Pacific] service failures,” Foster Farms wrote in its request to the Surface Transportation Board this week.

Rail bottlenecks in the U.S. are not improving, and in some cases, growing more severe. Feed users in California and the Southwest are having issues sourcing grain, with some reporting they are paying $3 over the CBOT price to secure grain by truck. Not only are feed users on the brink of running out of grain, but there are also concerns the rail issues could grow worse during harvest this fall.

[ plenty of ideas on how to grow your own animal feed in @iaf_birds ! ]

#WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy
Into the Smart Cities!

- Note the complete lack of animals [ WEF #PostAnimalEconomy ]

- Zero Carbon [ #AbsoluteZero ]

This is the divorce of humanity from nature and God that the technocrats seek to achieve.
They have fully decloaked and want to straight up kill your animals now.

All in the name of "carbon footprint" and reaching the WEF's "Post Animal Economy."

Reject their offer. Raise more animals. Feed your family.

#WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy
My friends, this is the most important battle in human history. If we can't grow our own food, we depend forever on the system. — MEGA POST

“Animals are dirty and dangerous. Rainwater is poisonous - you can't eat stuff that was grown outside!” Traditional farming and ranching is antequated and illegal!”

Sounds ridiculous -- beyond belief! But so does people wearing cloth masks OUTSIDE for two years. These same people could be made to fear food overnight.

And this move is happening now:

* "Rainwater ALL over Earth has PFAS -- new study claims “forever chemicals” are now in gardens and animals raised outdoors -- remember they are already shutting down farms for PFAS contamination (see my report here) — now extending the contamination to the entire biosphere!

... literally, from the researcher: "we’re in a place now where you can’t live anywhere on the planet, and be sure that the environment is safe.This is the design. The divorce of man from nature. Separation of us from God's creation. And it will be used to make traditional food “dangerous and poisonous." Now we see why the investment into indoor farming, and marketing lab-grown meat as "clean meat." THEY ARE POISONING THE REST!

* “Backyard chickens are dangerous because of lead in eggs — should be regulated -- it's explicitly the BACKYARD birds

- "Hobby farms are a risk for foot and mouth disease" -- dirty and dangerous! It's explicitly the small HOBBY farms

- "Free Range" farming RAISES risk of pandemics -- surprise! intensive corporate ‘factory farming’ may actually be SAFER than you being able to raise your own animals!

Not to mention we have these biolabs researching every kind of pathogen from Bird Flu to African Swine Fever to take our food supply out.

In short, they are destroying traditional food and ranching, just as they are the energy infrastructures and monetary systems.

Prof. Richard Werner just remarked (here) that as central banks currencies fail, they must move to a new digital (#CBDC) model so people don’t take back their power with local currencies. This same play is happening with food: as toxic big Ag fails, they poison the food supply and use weather warfare — it is techno-salting the fields!

I may make separate posts with some of these links for easy sharability but it is all of these dots that form a picture that’s impossible to ignore. This is the biggest takeover in human history. Grow food, use cash/barter/local currency— do everything you can to de-centralize. Our future depends on it.

- @iceagefarmer [ Solutions -> @iaf_resources ]

#DirtyDangerous #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnMeat #WarOnDairy #PFAS
Even more concerning than 50% crop loss, is that farmers are already blowing through their winter animal feed. Clearly this means that by mid-winter, there will be no animal feed. Which means come late winter, unless things change somehow, there will be no livestock.

"To make matters worse, livestock farmers in the region are also now struggling, with many being forced to give animals feed meant to be kept for the winter as the amount of edible grass on the ground quite literally has dried up.

"Fodder that might otherwise be imported from Russia or Ukraine is proving hard to come by as a result of the former’s invasion the latter and the West’s resulting sanctions war with Moscow..."

#WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy (see previous post)
Yuval Harari echoes the WEF claims that meat is “unsustainable” and we must end farming and ranching:

Yuval Noah Harari, historian, futurist, and World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser, described “cultured meat” synthesized in laboratories as more “ecological” and “ethical” than meat from animal husbandry and slaughter.

#WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy
Another mass kill of livestock: 57,000 cows perish in India - milk shortages and "hundreds of carcasses of dead cows have been found lying in the open, causing a nauseating stench, with crows and vultures feeding on them."

Media asking "Why" — some farmers suggesting the cows were recently vaxxed against Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD).

"Pictures taken with the help of drone cameras reveal a large number of carcasses spread over several square kilometre area. In some places, it is even difficult to keep a count of those dead."

#WarOnDairy #WarOnMeat #India #PostAnimalEconomy
Lab-grown milk to hit shelves by 2024 – minus the cow and the carbon

to the WEF's "post animal economy":

"A new animal-free milk promising to be more sustainable than dairy but with near-identical taste and nutritional content could hit supermarket shelves in the next two years, adding to the growing roster of milk alternatives available to Australian consumers."

#WarOnDairy #PostAnimalEconomy