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Farming Insider Warns The Coming Food Shortages Are Going To Be Far Worse Than We're Being Told

I’ve been warning, I’m hearing these same things from farmers: prices for inputs have exploded IF they are available at all! A controlled demolition of our food supply is ongoing.

#FoodShortage #fertilizer #SupplyChain
WSJ / western media now reporting exactly what I’d said yesterday - this is a shutdown of the shipping arteries that carry global food and fertilizer supplies.

Now western media can blame Putin for food shortages. Sure, it’s not the Grand Solar Minimum, or insane C19 policies, etc..

This doesn't need to become nuclear -- it is enough to be a cover story for why there is no food.


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine throttled exports from one of the world’s largest grain suppliers after the country’s ports went quiet and traders halted operations. 

At stake is the 13% of global corn exports and the 12% of wheat that flow from Ukraine. In threatening those flows Moscow risks disrupting supplies to China while setting off a scramble among customers in fragile Middle Eastern economies at a time when food inflation is already high. 

An ocean vessel chartered by one of the world’s largest food suppliers, Cargill Inc., was hit by a projectile off the coast of Ukraine in the Black Sea on Thursday. Minnesota-based Cargill, which operates an export terminal in Ukraine, said the ship is seaworthy and no one was injured.

If the situation on the ground escalates to a position where farmers can’t apply pesticides or fertilizers to their wheat, which will start in March, that could reduce the yield by up to a third, presuming they can harvest in July, Mr. Lee said.

#Ukraine #Wheat #Corn #Shipping #SupplyChain
Shippers Cut Off Russia - Wheat Price Explodes - Cyberattacks on Shipping

As Major shipping companies are cutting service to Russia and UK bans shipments from Russia, the disruption to global food supply is now a lasting one. What effect will cutting out the breadbasket of the world have, and--more importantly--who benefits from doing so? Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

via @iceagefarmer


#iafvideo #russia #ukraine #wheat #shipping #SupplyChain
Two more merchant (civilian) vessels have been attacked this week in the Black Sea. It's safe to say grain shipments are not going to resume any time soon:

A Bangladeshi cargo ship was hit by a missile, killing one of the crew.

An Estonian vessel was sunk outside Odessa, Thursday, possibly after hitting a mine, and four crew members are missing.

#ukraine #shipping #SupplyChain #FoodShortages
Massive fire engulfs Walmart distribution center near Indianapolis

Yesterday it was a giant fire in the largest warehouse for the largest grocery store chain in Taiwan. The spontaneous combustion of our food supply / supply chain continues at breakneck speed.

CBS 4 in Indianapolis reported the smoke was so thick it was being picked up on weather radar.

There was no word on if there were any injuries or what may have caused the fire to start at the facility located at 9590 Allpoints Parkway.

See the #Fire hashtag ! #SupplyChain
UK: Brit shoppers 'face fruit, veg and cheese shortages' after P&O ferry cancellations

Brits could face shortages in supermarkets with vegetables, fruit, cheese and wine among products not arriving after P&O suddenly cancelled services. After the firm axed 800 of its staff fresh fears have emerged that thousands of sheep may also have to be slaughtered.

Edward Adamson, a sheep farmer from County Antrim in Northern Ireland, said he may have to kill some sheep if the ferry crisis continues.

"There is no route to the UK mainland for us otherwise. We produce more animals than we need you see and we can't just keep them," he said, reported The Sun.

#WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms #SupplyChain #UK
National Weather Service will be launching fewer balloons — resulting in a reduction in fidelity of weather forecasts — due to supply chain issues and helium/hydrogen availability.

Farmers are not able to get the inputs they need to plant the crops they’d intended.

Up from 52% in February, now 87% retails reporting #SupplyChain issues that will impact food production.

Farmers intend to plant 4% fewer acres in 2022, largely due to fertilizer prices, according to USDA’s Prospective Plantings report.

Walgreens starts RATIONING baby formula as supply chain crunch hits new parents: 29% of the top-selling formulas are out of stock at stores across the US

IAF: been hearing reports of this, now confirmed:

The second-largest pharmacy store chain in the United States behind CVS said Friday that amid the supply-chain crunch, it is limiting customers to three infant and toddler formula product purchases at a time, at its 9,021 US locations. 

Wow: Shanghai’s backlog of ships is quite literally off the chart, even compared to the disturbances last year.

US and global supply chains are about to go from “severely strained” to “completely broken.”

Need it? Buy it now. And buckle up…

#SupplyChain #china
Just a bit of marine traffic backed up there in Shanghai — get ready for massive supply shock (see previous post)

#SupplyChain #china
Food producers, up the supply chain, are unable to get ingredients, and forced to change formulations (recipes) frequently:

IAF: Yes, yes, I know only sheeple eat processed foods — but it is insightful to see how these large commpanies are scrabling to manage perception and keep consumers asleep:

Cheerios, Betty Crocker, and Pillsbury's Parent Company Is Changing Its Ingredients

Materials including starch, packaging, fats, and oils were the most challenging for General Mills to find, affecting the multinational brand's pizza, hot snacks, cereal, and refrigerated baked goods. Part of the issue is a global supply shortage resulting from the war in Ukraine, which has put additional strain on oils and starch. Those two ingredients are usually made of wheat—which is heavily exported by Russia and Ukraine. Both countries are halting sending resources out right now.

#SupplyChain #FoodShortages

Nearly 25 million tonnes of grain stuck in Ukraine, says UN food agency

Nearly 25 million tonnes of grains are stuck in Ukraine and unable to leave the country due to infrastructure challenges and blocked Black Sea ports including Mariupol, a U.N. food agency official said on Friday.

It’s an almost grotesque situation we see at the moment in Ukraine with nearly 25 mln tonnes of grain that could be exported but that cannot leave the country simply because of lack of infrastructure, the blockade of the ports,” Josef Schmidhuber, FAO Deputy Director, Markets and Trade Division told a Geneva press briefing via Zoom.

Schmidhuber said the full silos could result in storage shortages during the next harvest in July and August.

Head of the WTO announced, “It would really help the world if we could evacuate this grain (from Ukraine),” — Earlier this week, the head of the World Trade Organization told Reuters she was “seriously worried” about spiraling food prices and seeking solutions alongside other partners.

#SupplyChain #shipping #wheat #ukraine
South Africa: ports unable to export food:

The Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) recently said that South Africa’s agricultural sector is being hit by bottlenecks at South African ports, adding that there is a struggle to get table grapes out into international markets within 21 days – currently it takes 50 days.

“Perishable cargo like fruit is only covered by specific extensions to cover delay and this is provided by a limited number of insurers. The number of insurers who offered the extended cover are now declining this cover due to the increased delays in worldwide shipping from 2020 that is ongoing. The infrastructure troubles we are having, as well as the result of the KZN floods, is likely to add further delays, which may result in insurers no longer offering delay cover at all.”
