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Ukraine is about 3 weeks out from planting this season’s crop — and seeds are not showing up. Forget the early analyses about “25% hit to yield” - this is devolving to a completely catastrophic blow to food production. In the area that supplied 40% of worlds grain.

#ukraine #corn #FoodShortage
Food Rationing: Aldi has begun limiting purchases of cooking oil in German stores.

This follows palm oil and other oilseeds hitting record highs, and now the cut off from Ukraine’s sunflower oil.

How long until we hear policymakers/media calling for digital IDs to enforce the rationing? Nevermind the vx passport, now a food passport. Digital rationing.

Translated from link below:
Aldi Süd even limited the sale of its own brand to four bottles per customer in response to the cooking oil shortages .”

Russia responds to Biden, blocks ALL exports to certain countries. Massive impact to food supply confirmed.

Within hours of Joe Biden announcing a far-reaching ban on all US imports of Russian oil - while warning Americans that gas prices are about to "go up further" - Vladimir Putin is reported to have signed his own counter-measure decree.

Russia's RIA news agency is reporting that the new decree blocks all exports and raw materials from Russia "of certain materials" - with state media reports noting the specific list will be made public in two days.
Rumors that BASF’s Ludwigshafen plant will shutdown due to energy crisis. The plant provides vitamins used for animal feed -- its closure would paralyze animal feed producers.

Between this and the grains shortage, animal feed is in trouble. And the WEF may soon have their “post-animal economy.”

#PostAnimalEconomy #EnergyCrisis
This biolabs narrative can go a number of ways — and I don’t like any of them …

Stay focused on what you can do to improve the world! Planting seeds is only one way to invest in a better tomorrow.

Russia confirms ban of fertilizer to hostile states, mulls temporary ban of grain exports even to EEU (Eurasian Economic Union = Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan)
Food rationing has started in #Russia.
Italy: truck drivers declare force majeur due to EU gas prices -- deliveries stop MONDAY (and 84% of goods are delivered by road)

The sanctions are working … Europe is circling the drain. They haven't even bothered to eliminate VAT. Controlled demolition.

Starting from next Monday, March 14, the trucking companies will suspend their services nationwide 'due to force majeure' "and that is the explosion of fuel costs.

"The suspension of services has become inevitable - underlines a letter sent by Trasportiunito to the Prime Minister, the Minister and Deputy Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility and the President of the Guarantee Commission in Strikes - also to protect companies and prevent that the exasperated market conditions, determined by the record rise in fuel prices, translate into advantages for other subjects in the transport sector, or into charges for contractual obligations that the companies in the logistics chain are no longer able to guarantee ".

The protests in the transport sector called by some trade organizations could immediately lead to a further serious surge in retail prices. Codacons denounces it, commenting on the stop to transport services announced today by Trasportiunito. "The road transport block will have direct effects on the community, suspending the supplies of goods in the commercial sector and leading to a surge in retail price lists in shops and supermarkets - says the president Carlo Rienzi - An inevitable consequence, considering that the 85% of goods sold in Italy travel by road, and a further damage for consumers, exhausted like companies by expensive fuel ". "In this situation, a shameful immobility arrives from the Government, and it is not clear what awaits the executive to immediately cancel the VAT on petrol and diesel and reduce excise duties…

#Italy #EU #EnergyCrisis
Netherlands: Transport ban due to bird flu affects many poultry farmers

Bird flu was diagnosed yesterday at a poultry farm near Lunteren. Because there are many poultry farms in the region, a transport ban for poultry has been announced for a large area. As a result, at least 228 companies are affected, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

There are another 46 other poultry farmers within a radius of 3 kilometers from the infected company. Samples are taken from them to determine whether animals are infected. [IAF: note they are using the PCR test!]

#netherlands #BirdFlu
Germany: rationing of cooking oil began several days ago, and now also staples (rice, flour, milk, sugar).

This is a Rewe near Frankfurt.

#Germany #FoodShortages
UK: The National Farmers’ Union has warned of a huge drop in UK-grown crops, including a drop of up to 50% in the amount they can afford to grow due to explosion of prices of gas used to heat glasshouses.

producers are saying the number of cucumbers that will be grown annually could fall from 80m to 35m, while pepper production could halve from 100m. She also added that inflation was leading to dramatic rises in other areas, citing the example of the cost of raising a chicken increasing by 50% in a year for farmers.

#uk #EnergyCrisis
How To Grow Lots Of Food In A Grid Down Situation Even If You Have No Experience, Are Older, Or Out Of Shape

If you enjoyed our interview, Marjory Wildcraft is hosting a FREE webinar TODAY -- SATURDAY, March 12 — including her take on:

- Status of global food shortages
- How long the crisis will last
- How much space you need to grow food
- Easiest, highest calorie foods you can produce
- A complete plan for producing all the food you need
- How to get started today.

Check it out here:
Ukraine war could lead to global food shortage, escalate prices

A prolonged war in Ukraine could impact the production of grains and reduce food supplies in Europe, Africa and Asia.
Russia has decalred that it would suspend grain exports to neighbouring ex-Soviet countries until the end of August to further strengthen its food security. Heatwave has already destroyed one-third of the country's wheat and other grains in the country.

Russian wheat exports have fallen by 45 percent since the start of the current July-June season due to smaller crop and grain export taxes and export quotas from 2021 to curb food inflation in Russia.
Russia and Ukraine combine for nearly a third of the world’s wheat and barley exports. Egypt and Turkey are heavily dependeent on wheat from Russia. 

“Global food supply is decreasing”

Note that they have the audacity to blame Putin and climate change. ( No mention of #GrandSolarMinimum ;) )

How grows your garden?

The end of the shortages, price hikes, and low supply problems at grocery stores and supermarket chains may not be gone anytime soon, as the global food supply is still suffering. In fact, experts are saying that these issues may not go away… for years.

The world's food industry was seeing problems arise two years ago, even before the pandemic, thanks to climate issues. Fast-forward to now, and issues like inflation and politics are only wreaking more havoc on an already shaky operation.
Massive fire engulfs Walmart distribution center near Indianapolis

Yesterday it was a giant fire in the largest warehouse for the largest grocery store chain in Taiwan. The spontaneous combustion of our food supply / supply chain continues at breakneck speed.

CBS 4 in Indianapolis reported the smoke was so thick it was being picked up on weather radar.

There was no word on if there were any injuries or what may have caused the fire to start at the facility located at 9590 Allpoints Parkway.

See the #Fire hashtag ! #SupplyChain