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#Italy: "After visiting all the main fruit-growing areas in Italy, I can say that in 2021 there will be even fewer kiwis in Italy than in 2020," said Pietro Cimatti, fruit-growing expert.

The situation in Emilia-Romagna is slightly better than last year, when the frost had impacted very heavily. This year the damage was patchy. "However, in other growing areas, such as Veneto and Piedmont, the quantities have more than halved. In some areas the temperature has dropped to 7-8°C below zero, so there is little left to save."
African Swine Fever confirmed in North Italy

The westward spread into central/western Europe is likely unavoidable, and will result in enormous culls of pig populations over the next decade, like what we’ve seen in China & S. Korea.

The risk of appearing in USA also grows…

A case of African swine fever has been detected in a wild boar in Italy, news agency ANSA said Friday, raising fears of a blow to the country’s meat industry.

Highly transmissible and fatal for pig populations, African swine fever (ASF) does not present a risk for human health but risks serious repercussions for pork producers.

Italy, with about 8.9 million pigs, is the seventh biggest pork producer in the European Union, representing an 8 billion euro (9.1 billion U.S. dollars) industry, according to the agricultural association Confagricoltura.

The events observed in the last six months confirm the global threat of ASF, which continues to spread with serious impacts on pig production systems, animal health and welfare, as well as the socio-economic impacts on livelihoods, national food security and international trade,” the report said.

#AfricanSwineFever #Italy #WarOnMeat
Italy: truck drivers declare force majeur due to EU gas prices -- deliveries stop MONDAY (and 84% of goods are delivered by road)

The sanctions are working … Europe is circling the drain. They haven't even bothered to eliminate VAT. Controlled demolition.

Starting from next Monday, March 14, the trucking companies will suspend their services nationwide 'due to force majeure' "and that is the explosion of fuel costs.

"The suspension of services has become inevitable - underlines a letter sent by Trasportiunito to the Prime Minister, the Minister and Deputy Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility and the President of the Guarantee Commission in Strikes - also to protect companies and prevent that the exasperated market conditions, determined by the record rise in fuel prices, translate into advantages for other subjects in the transport sector, or into charges for contractual obligations that the companies in the logistics chain are no longer able to guarantee ".

The protests in the transport sector called by some trade organizations could immediately lead to a further serious surge in retail prices. Codacons denounces it, commenting on the stop to transport services announced today by Trasportiunito. "The road transport block will have direct effects on the community, suspending the supplies of goods in the commercial sector and leading to a surge in retail price lists in shops and supermarkets - says the president Carlo Rienzi - An inevitable consequence, considering that the 85% of goods sold in Italy travel by road, and a further damage for consumers, exhausted like companies by expensive fuel ". "In this situation, a shameful immobility arrives from the Government, and it is not clear what awaits the executive to immediately cancel the VAT on petrol and diesel and reduce excise duties…

#Italy #EU #EnergyCrisis
100,000 Italian farms are on the verge of closure due to skyrocketing production costs brought about by the conflict in Ukraine, major farming association Coldiretti said in a report this week.

#WarOnFarms #Italy
Italy puts 25C limit on air conditioning as Ukraine crisis forces energy rationing

"Every drop of sweat saves a drop of Ukrainian blood" ?? (wtf?)

‘Operation thermostat’ initiative aimed at helping country avert shortages.

What better excuse than World War 3 to usher in the restrictions necessary to realize their decarbonization agenda.

#AbsoluteZero #Italy #EnergyCrisis
Italy launches a system similar to the Chinese regime that gives points to those who have ‘virtuous behaviors’

The first European social credit system is being developed in Italy, which is controversial because of its similarities to China’s infamous social credit system. This application, already operating in Rome, gives reward points to citizens who have ‘good behavior.’

The so-called “Smart Citizen Wallet” system will reward people with points for things like recycling, using public transportation, managing energy well, and anything else that the state deems worthy of rewards.

Those who use the application and have what they call “virtuous behaviors” will be rewarded with gifts, such as discounts on purchases and services, cultural activities free of charge, etc., which are then redeemed for the points obtained.

According to the local newspaper of Bologna, Corriere di Bologna, the application is voluntary. It will be launched this autumn in the northern Italian city while it is in its experimental stage in Rome.

#SocialCreditScore #cbdc #Italy
As Po dries up, Italy's food and energy supplies are at risk

Water is so low in large stretches of Italy's largest river that local residents are walking through the middle of the expanse of sand and shipwrecks are resurfacing.

Authorities fear that if it doesn't rain soon, there'll be a serious shortage of water for drinking and irrigation for farmers and local populations across the whole of northern Italy.

#Water #WaterWars #Italy #WarOnFarms
Italian onion harvest starts with lower yield due to drought

The onion harvest in the southern Italian province of Bari is underway and it appears that yields are already declining. "We are now in the middle of the harvest and we are trying to move up a gear to get ahead of any weather change. We needed rain in April and May, not now," said Vito Abrusci, director of the growers' association La Vera Cipolla Rossa di Acquaviva delle Fonti.

The losses are catastrophic in every direction. Italy: extreme drought

Massimo Saronni walks across his rice field, each step a loud crunch. This field should be flooded with water, flourishing with four-foot emerald green blades and golden rice panicles. Instead, the plants have taken on a yellow-brown tinge and the soil has hardened from lack of rain. Small patches of survivors dot the field, but they only reach his ankle.

“These crops are seriously damaged. They haven’t had water, so they’re not going to make it,” says Saronni, who has worked as a rice farmer for over 30 years. He cultivates different rice varieties, including carnaroli, a high-starch rice prized in Italian cuisine for the creamy risotto it makes.

Northern Italy is suffering from spiking temperatures and its worst drought in more than 70 years.

Italy is the biggest producer of rice in the European Union—accounting for over half of its total production—and importers of Italian rice will surely feel the pinch.

#eu #rice #italy #FoodPrices