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Wind causes Cargo Ship "Crimson Polaris" to Run Aground, Split in Half Off Japanese Port

Crimson Polaris, a dedicated wood-chip carrier operated by NYK, was swept away by a strong wind while anchored and resultantly ran aground off Hachinohe in Aomori prefecture at around 7:35 am (JST) on August 11.

Afterward, a portion of the ship's wood-chip cargo was lost from the damaged part of the hull, NYK is currently confirming the amount of cargo and the impact on the sea area at the site. Fortunately, no oil pollution has occurred. All crew members have been evacuated from the ship with the cooperation of the Japan Coast Guard, and those seafarers have been confirmed to be safe.

Yet another port closure in China "due to COVID" to further disrupt global shipping and container prices:

We recently discussed how already astronomical container shipping costs are set to rise even higher should China lock down one or more shipping terminals to contain the spread of the delta variant in provinces that have direct exposure to global commerce ("Shipping Rates From China To US Hit Record $20,000 With No Drop In Sight" and "Brace For Astronomical Shipping Costs As China Goes Into Lockdown Mode") with Goldman Sachs explicitly warning that "port closures or stricter control measures at ports could also put further upward pressure on shipping costs, which are already very high."

It now looks that this worst case scenario is in play after Chinese authorities on Wednesday closed a major container terminal at the Port of Ningbo after a dock worker tested positive for COVID, raising fears among traders that supply chain disruptions that occurred when Yantian terminal in Shenzhen reduced output by 70% for a month earlier this summer would be repeated.

#Shipping #SupplyChain #China
- Create globalized economy with China as hub
- Shut down ports willy nilly, disrupting worldwide supply chain - effectively throttling goods/commodities, conducting 4th generation siege warfare on everyone simultaneously

Languishing Walnuts Show How Shipping Crisis Is Hurting U.S. Farmers

The shrink-wrapped boxes of fresh California walnuts stacked almost to the ceiling in Don Barton’s California packing facility should be headed to Europe for holiday baking and to Asia for New Year celebrations.

Instead, newly cleaned and shelled nuts – about $10 million worth – are stuck at his processing plant near Sacramento, thousands of miles from their destinations, as the global supply chain crisis squeezes ports.

#Shipping #SupplyChain
Four major threats almost guaranteeing another challenging year for shippers

The fractious relationship between ocean carriers and their freight forwarder is seen as one of four key disrupters to the supply chain next year, by maritime consultant Drewry.

“We are starting to see that some ocean carriers are withdrawing from NVOCC relationships and others making it difficult for NVOs to offer carrier-like fixed-contract rates to shippers under preferential ‘named account’ terms agreed in advance with ocean carriers,” it said.

Several forwarding contacts have told The Loadstar they have been unable to secure rate agreements from the lines for January on the Asia-North Europe and transatlantic routes.

“Our account manager seems to have gone to ground – 18 months ago we couldn’t get rid of him, now he’s constantly unavailable and doesn’t reply to our e-mails,” said a director of one UK-based NVOCC.

Another forwarder said all he got back from his account manager was “excuses” for not quoting January rates, and that the stock answer from carriers was: “Let’s wait until after CNY.”

As a consequence, small, and even some mid-sized, forwarders and NVOCCs are unable to offer any guidance on next year’s freight charges to their shipper customers.

The fear from this situation is that it will force many smaller shippers to, at best, defer their orders or, in some cases, abandon their product orderbooks altogether, given the uncertainty in the market and the risk that lower-value imports will become unsustainable.

#shipping #SupplyChain
This is the “decarbonized future!” These people are insane.
Giant Kites That Drag Cargo Ships Across Oceans Go on Trial

Add ships being dragged along by giant kites to the list of things the industry is exploring in its quest to decarbonize.

At the start of next year, the Ville de Bordeaux, a 154-meter-long ship that moves aircraft components for Airbus SE, will unfurl a 500 square meter kite on journeys across the Atlantic Ocean. It will undergo six months of trials and tests before full deployment.

Shipping carries more than 80% of all goods traded globally but also accounts for almost 3% of man-made carbon dioxide emissions.

#AbsoluteZero #Shipping
Important to note the PORT is shut down as well — another wrench thrown into gears of global #shipping / #SupplyChain!

As well as the insanity of not being able to buy food...


Locked-down residents of Chinese city Xi'an struggle to secure food, turn to bartering

Residents of the locked-down Chinese city of Xi'an are being forced to barter for food and essentials, while a second city has been put under restrictions following the discovery of just a handful of COVID-19 cases.

Social media posts from residents of Xi'an, who have been confined indoors since December 23, show them swapping things like cigarettes and skincare products for food.

People living in the epicentre of the outbreak are not allowed to go out at all, and must have goods delivered to them.

"[We are] returning to primitive society," one person complained on Weibo. "I'm starving to death, there is no food, but my community won't let me go out, help me!" said another.

A video that went viral on Chinese social media shows a man trading a Chinese cabbage, a carrot and a tomato for two packs of cigarettes. "The most reliable hard currency in Xi'an now is the cigarette," a Weibo user wrote.

One resident offered a one-hour maths tutorial for three potatoes.

"Five eggs for a piano lesson," another posted.

Federal Reserve starts monitoring Logistics challenges

Above is the Federal Reserve Bank of NY’s new “Global Supply Chain Pressure Index”


Supply chain disruptions
have become a major challenge for the global economy since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Factory shutdowns (particularly in Asia) and widespread lockdowns and mobility restrictions have resulted in disruptions across logistics networks, increases in shipping costs, and longer delivery times. Several measures have been used to gauge these disruptions, although those measures tend to focus on selected dimensions of global supply chains. In this post, we propose a new gauge, the Global Supply Chain Pressure Index (GSCPI), which integrates a number of commonly used metrics with an aim to provide a more comprehensive summary of potential disruptions affecting global supply chains.

More here:

#Shipping #SupplyChain
Cargill, global farm commodities [FOOD] trader, has confirmed one of its chartered ocean vessels was “hit by a projectile” on the Black Sea. The vessel remained seaworthy [ie didn’t sink], but as you can imagine, no one will be exporting food through this passage at this point.

Indeed, Maersk has halted all port calls in Ukraine.

Bunge Ltd has suspended operations in its Black Sea grains port in Nikolaev, Ukraine.

Video report on effects on world food supply forthcoming - stay tuned @iceagefarmer .

#wheat #Ukraine #Russia #Shipping
BREAKING: Two more merchant vessels have been hit by missiles. In modern times, I refuse to believe this is an accident. This is an [yet another] attack on shipping.

#1 - Moldova-flagged chemical tanker Millennial Spirit, fired upon by a Russian Navy ship 12 nautical miles south of Ukraine’s Yuzhniy port. However Moldova's Navy then said "the source of the missile launch is unknown.”

#2 - 2020-built panamax Namura Queen, owned by Japan’s Nissen Kaiun, was presumably hit by a rocket at the anchorage of the Yuzhny port.

#3 - [ see previous post ] - Turkish-owned bulk carrier Yasa Jupiter was hit by a missile off the coast of Odessa. The ship is chartered now by Cargill, shipping foodstuffs.

More reports @iceagefarmer

#ukraine #Russia #Shipping
Russian ship seized in English channel for “violating sanctions”

A 416ft commercial ship bound for St Petersburg intercepted in English Channel. Again, this is not a military vessel.

The vessel, which was intercepted by customs officials, was transporting vehicles from Rouen, in France's Normandy region.

Captain Magnin said the boat is 'strongly suspected of being linked to Russian interests targeted by the sanctions'.

These NWO theatrics are destroying global shipping and the global food supply. Black Sea shipping has effectively been shut down yesterday after missile strikes hit three merchant vessels , and now, tit-for-tat, the French have seized a Russian ship.

The Russian embassy in France is seeking explanations from the French authorities.

#Russia #Shipping
WSJ / western media now reporting exactly what I’d said yesterday - this is a shutdown of the shipping arteries that carry global food and fertilizer supplies.

Now western media can blame Putin for food shortages. Sure, it’s not the Grand Solar Minimum, or insane C19 policies, etc..

This doesn't need to become nuclear -- it is enough to be a cover story for why there is no food.


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine throttled exports from one of the world’s largest grain suppliers after the country’s ports went quiet and traders halted operations. 

At stake is the 13% of global corn exports and the 12% of wheat that flow from Ukraine. In threatening those flows Moscow risks disrupting supplies to China while setting off a scramble among customers in fragile Middle Eastern economies at a time when food inflation is already high. 

An ocean vessel chartered by one of the world’s largest food suppliers, Cargill Inc., was hit by a projectile off the coast of Ukraine in the Black Sea on Thursday. Minnesota-based Cargill, which operates an export terminal in Ukraine, said the ship is seaworthy and no one was injured.

If the situation on the ground escalates to a position where farmers can’t apply pesticides or fertilizers to their wheat, which will start in March, that could reduce the yield by up to a third, presuming they can harvest in July, Mr. Lee said.

#Ukraine #Wheat #Corn #Shipping #SupplyChain
Maersk, biggest shipping company in the world, SUSPENDS all container shipments to Russia.

This is complete dismantling of the global supply chain. It’s even more insane than flattening the curve.

It’s not virtue signaling - it’s not sanctions. Its not a war between nations… It’s a war on ALL the people of the world.

Shippers Cut Off Russia - Wheat Price Explodes - Cyberattacks on Shipping

As Major shipping companies are cutting service to Russia and UK bans shipments from Russia, the disruption to global food supply is now a lasting one. What effect will cutting out the breadbasket of the world have, and--more importantly--who benefits from doing so? Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

via @iceagefarmer


#iafvideo #russia #ukraine #wheat #shipping #SupplyChain
Two more merchant (civilian) vessels have been attacked this week in the Black Sea. It's safe to say grain shipments are not going to resume any time soon:

A Bangladeshi cargo ship was hit by a missile, killing one of the crew.

An Estonian vessel was sunk outside Odessa, Thursday, possibly after hitting a mine, and four crew members are missing.

#ukraine #shipping #SupplyChain #FoodShortages

Nearly 25 million tonnes of grain stuck in Ukraine, says UN food agency

Nearly 25 million tonnes of grains are stuck in Ukraine and unable to leave the country due to infrastructure challenges and blocked Black Sea ports including Mariupol, a U.N. food agency official said on Friday.

It’s an almost grotesque situation we see at the moment in Ukraine with nearly 25 mln tonnes of grain that could be exported but that cannot leave the country simply because of lack of infrastructure, the blockade of the ports,” Josef Schmidhuber, FAO Deputy Director, Markets and Trade Division told a Geneva press briefing via Zoom.

Schmidhuber said the full silos could result in storage shortages during the next harvest in July and August.

Head of the WTO announced, “It would really help the world if we could evacuate this grain (from Ukraine),” — Earlier this week, the head of the World Trade Organization told Reuters she was “seriously worried” about spiraling food prices and seeking solutions alongside other partners.

#SupplyChain #shipping #wheat #ukraine
Trucker Strike In South Korea Sparks Economic Turmoil, Risks Global Spillover

The epicenter of the next global supply chain snarl could be in South Korea as a nationwide trucker strike broadens and is hindering domestic economic activity, which may spill over to the rest of the world.

Bloomberg reports that the Cargo Truckers Solidarity Union entered its seventh day of strikes on Monday, causing $1.6 billion in disruptions for auto, petrochemical, steel, and other top industries.

#SupplyChain #Shipping #SouthKorea