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ICYMI: The UK *really is* going door to door gassing people’s chickens. Here was my report from March after receiving a FOIA response indicating this was NOT fake news:

They’re Coming for your Animals — UK confirms gassing chickens

Governments are moving rapidly to remove your right to raise animals completely.
The UK has confirmed via FOIA the gassing of people’s backyard chickens around a poultry facility in Kent. Colorado’s PAUSE act will destroy their meat industry. And livestock registration is rolling out around the world. There is a war on Animal Agriculture. Yes, factory farms are abhorrent, and we must rapidly move to a decentralized, regenerative food system–but rather than support this, governments are pointing at disgusting CAFOs and saying, “We must END ALL ANIMAL AGRICULTURE.” They are precluding the solution, so that they take total control of food production. Christian breaks it down AND explains why we cannot allow this to happen.

#WarOnMeat #AnimalAg #BirdFlu #GermTheoryWeaponized
Rolling out the sewage for crops. Disgusting.

“In the UK, not only are farmers scrambling for animal compost, but many are even trying to get their hands on treated sewage sludge containing human excrement, or biosolids.


“The market for manure — from pigs, horses, cattle and even humans — has never been so hot, thanks to a global shortage of chemical fertilisers.”

… and THIS is part of why they want to eliminate animal agriculture!

“Just ask Andrew Whitelaw, a grains analyst at Thomas Elder Markets based in Melbourne, Australia, who runs a commercial pig farm in his spare time. Whitelaw said that he has completely sold clean of animal waste, as farmers hunt for alternatives to the more commonly used phosphate- and nitrogen-based fertilisers that are vital to boosting crop yields.

“We don’t have any left,” he said. “In a normal year, you’d probably get a couple phone calls a year, not a couple of phone calls a week.”

The demand for dung is playing out globally. In Iowa, manure is selling for $40-$70 per tonne, up about $10 from a year ago and the highest levels since 2012, according to Daniel Anderson, assistant professor at Iowa State University and a specialist on manure.

In the UK, not only are farmers scrambling for animal compost, but many are even trying to get their hands on treated sewage sludge containing human excrement, or biosolids.

#AnimalAg #fertilizer
‘Perfect storm’ of issues behind latest price hike causing pain at the supermarket checkout
It’s an essential item that most Aussies consume daily – and it just got a whole lot more expensive, with even more pain on the way.

Dairy is becoming more expensive to make, with farmers slugged by skyrocketing prices when it comes to things like grain and fertiliser.

We also have fewer cows in Australia in the wake of the drought of 2018-19, which saw many farmers cull their livestock to get through that tough period.

#WarOnDairy #AnimalAg #Australia
Law set to go into effect that could cause egg shortages in Massachusetts - 90% eggs to become unavailable

Anyone in Massachusetts who still enjoys bacon and eggs for breakfast may be forced to opt for a healthier meal as of the new year. [IAF: subtext: animal source foods aren't healthy? relentless, untruthful propaganda!] That's unless state lawmakers reach a last-minute deal to prevent new restrictions that could prohibit the sale of most eggs and pork products in the state.

A ballot question overwhelmingly approved by Massachusetts voters in 2016 tied humane treatment of chickens and hogs to the sale of eggs and pork products, beginning in 2022. Few farms meet those standards.

The egg industry predicts chaos, as 90% of available eggs in Massachusetts may become unavailable come January 1 if the law is not amended before then.

"I don't want Massachusetts families to have to pay upwards of $5 per dozen of eggs come Jan. 1," said State Sen. Becca Rausch (D-Needham), one of six members of a committee appointed to negotiate a compromise. "That will be unaffordable to droves of Bay Staters."

Even if a last-minute deal is reached, changing the law while lawmakers are meeting only in informal sessions would require no objections from any member of either body.

#AnimalAg #WarOnMeat #FoodPrices
California's New Lab-Grown Meat Facility Is the “Most Advanced in the World”

Building the WEF’s “Post-Animal Economy”

The initial cells are obtained through “a variety of methods,” the site says, including “biopsies from living animals, eggs, fishing, and recently slaughtered animals who were already a part of the food system.”

We feed the cell a range of nutrients (amino acids, sugars, trace minerals, and vitamins) normally found in food and compositionally similar to what develops organically in animal body, just in a different format,

“We're committed to completely detaching our production process from animal slaughter,” the company says. “Our aim is to bring animal component-free products to market as soon as we can.”

#AnimalAg #WarOnMeat
I can’t even share the constant stream of “[product] without [animal].” Here’s another $25 mil thrown at some “Mozzarella without cows”: 🤮investment round led by ADM, the biggest animal feed company in the world. Doesn’t make sense, unless you recognize this is an agenda, the post-animal economy, and they are funding its implementation:

ADM, Kraft & Dr Oetker back bovine-free mozzarella maker New Culture in $25m round

US alt-dairy startup New Culture has raised $25 million in Series A funding to bring its bovine-free mozzarella product to market.

Founded in 2018 by CEO Matt Gibson and chief scientific officer Inja Radman, New Culture is using precision fermentation technology to produce casein – the key protein in bovine-derived dairy products that helps give mozzarella and similar cheeses their characteristic stretch, melt, and "mouthfeel.

#WarOnDairy #AnimalAg #PostAnimalEconomy
Israel Bird Flu: A fifth of wild cranes in Israel thought to be infected with fatal bird flu - farmers blamed - egg shortages expected

Authorities expect to have to clear 25 to 30 tons of crane carcasses after H5N1 virus spread from northern moshav, where farmers failed to report poultry deaths on time

One in five of the wild cranes living in or migrating through Israel have been infected with the fatal H5N1 bird flu virus, with authorities expecting to have to remove 25 to 30 tons of carcasses, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) said Thursday.

The virus is believed to have spread from Moshav Margaliot on the Lebanese border, where 244,000 laying hens were housed in 60 coops, supplying six million eggs monthly, out of the 200 million eggs Israelis consume each month.

According to the Agriculture Ministry, the farmers there failed to report in real-time the rising numbers of poultry deaths, leading to the virus spreading rapidly.

Many of the chickens were dead by the time ministry inspectors arrived, and the rest were culled. In one coop, only 70 chickens were found alive out of 2,000.

Agriculture Minister Oded Forer described crowded chicken coops as “a ticking time bomb” that needed to be moved from communities to isolated breeding complexes with strict biological safety levels.

#Israel #BirdFlu #WarOnMeat #AnimalAg
Australian supermarket Coles starts rationing meat (purchase limits) as even asymptomatic workers not allowed to work!

Supermarket giant Coles is introducing purchase limits on meat products across NSW, as staff shortages cause major issues in supply chains.

Customers will be allowed to buy a maximum of two packets of mince, chicken breast, chicken thigh and sausages.

Australian Meat Industry Council CEO Patrick Hutchinson said supply chains were being disrupted by workers getting sick at the same time, contributing to increasingly bare shelves in supermarkets and meat shortages.

"We're seeing abattoirs and processing facilities on the eastern seaboard, either working at next-to-no staff or closed and that's now causing gaps in our supply chain," Mr Hutchinson said.
"It's all food that's being affected here … farmers will be the ones who suffer."

He said the crisis in the industry meant demand for meat on Australia Day may not be met.

The Meat Industry Council called on the government to allow employees to ask asymptomatic close contacts to come back to work — the same isolation conditions as healthcare workers.

#WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms #AnimalAg #FoodShortages
KFC to launch plant-based fried chicken made with Beyond Meat nationwide

KFC restaurants nationwide will add Beyond Meat’s plant-based chicken to its menus, starting Monday for a limited time.

The launch comes after years of testing from the Yum Brands chain and Beyond Meat to create a meat substitute that mimicked the taste and texture of whole muscle chicken, like chicken breast, rather than the ground-up consistency of nuggets.

Nearly a year ago, Beyond Meat announced a formal partnership with Yum to make exclusive plant-based substitutes for Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and KFC. Chipotle Mexican Grill rolled out plant-based chorizo Monday at its restaurants nationwide. It also is targeting customers who are trying to eat less meat in 2022.

[IAF: Now it’s clear why they rebranded as “KFC” — there is no more chicken!]

#WarOnMeat #AnimalAg #PostAnimalEconomy
Pope declares that pet owners are “selfish” for squandering resources instead of using them on children.

The key point here is that it establishes we are somehow competing for limited resources with animals. Just like the media narrative about China using too many soybeans to feed their pigs.

They are making animals into “the other” and villianizing them, following the classic genocide-justifying script.

And this is a blatant part of the WEF-driven agenda to move to a #PostAnimalEconomy, and end #AnimalAg.

Hong Kong orders mass-euthanasia of small mammals

After “several hamsters tested positive,” Hong Kong officials have ordered the mass killing of 2,000 hamsters and “other small mammals” at pet stores.

I hope people are starting to see this trend of separating humanity from animals and God’s creation, towards their transhumanist future.

Hence this narrative that “animals are dirty and dangerous,” and bird flu, swine fever, rabbit ebola, deer with c19, and on and on… and yes they are coming for your pets.


Environmental samples taken at the shop's warehouse, where other species of small animals are held, also confirmed traces of coronavirus, officials said. The hamsters at the pet store were imported from the Netherlands in two batches -- on December 22 and January 7.

On Tuesday, authorities seized all the small animals in the shop, including hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas, to be tested and euthanized -- regardless of the test result -- citing a health hazard to the public.

All pet stores selling hamsters in the city have been ordered to hand the animals over to be put down, with similar orders for anybody who bought a hamster in the lead-up to Christmas, beginning December 22.

#WarOnPets #PostAnimalEconomy #AnimalAg
Bird Flu confirmed in South Carolina

Guidance issued for bio security includes “keeping poultry inside.” As I’ve covered before, the UK and other countries also use this as an excuse to cull backyard flocks and free range operations.

“These three positive samples tell us that high path avian influenza is currently present in the American Atlantic migratory flyway,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “While this virus is not a food safety issue, anyone with commercial or backyard flocks of poultry need to implement strict biosecurity measures. These measures include keeping your flock inside.”

#WarOnMeat #AnimalAg #BirdFlu
Food Supply Shutdown : Deer, fish, pigs euthanized; crops not planted

An observing alien species would ask itself, "Why is humanity destroying ALL of their food sources?" In this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian has a candid conversation about the overwhelming number of attacks on our food supply and animals. With crops unplanted and with more food facilities burning down, the media runs stories about "food fire conspiracy theories." And it's not just chickens -- the state is also killing deer and fish in the name of stopping diseases. Start growing food now.

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#FoodWars #fire #AnimalAg #PostAnimalEconomy #BirdFlu #iafvideo