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Return of Mao-Era Coal Coupons Show China’s Crisis Isn’t Over

A local government in China is resurrecting coal coupons -- a relic of Mao Zedong’s planned economy days -- to ensure its citizens have access to heating fuel as they brace for a bitter winter.

Shuozhou, located in the heart of coal country in Shanxi province, has distributed coupons to 47,000 families to help them purchase the heating fuel, the official China Youth Daily reported on Wednesday. Each coupon is good for two tons of subsidized coal, enough for each household to last through the winter and early spring.

#EnergyCrisis #China
China throws yet another wrench on the gears of food supply chain:

New China import rules bring headaches for food and beverage makers

China's customs authority published new food safety rules in April stipulating all food manufacturing, processing and storage facilities abroad need to be registered by year-end for their goods to access the Chinese market.

But detailed procedures explaining how to get the required registration codes were only issued in October, while a website for companies allowed to self-register went online last month.

"We're heading for major disruptions after Jan. 1," said a Beijing-based diplomat from a European country who is assisting food producers with the new measures.

Major news as “de-dollarization” continues to accelerate — these are now PUBLIC deals cutting the USA out. Turning the page on the entire Bretton Woods system …

Kremlin reveals new independent Russian-Chinese financial systems

Russia and China will develop shared financial structures to enable them to deepen economic ties in a way that foreign states will be unable to influence, the Kremlin has announced following talks between the countries’ leaders.

The move appears to be a response to a series of warnings that Western nations could push to disconnect Russia from the Brussels-based SWIFT financial system as a form of sanctions.

The payment platform underpins the vast majority of international transactions. During the talks on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping called for increasing the share of national currencies in mutual settlements and expanding cooperation to provide Russian and Chinese investors with access to stock markets, said Yuri Ushakov, Putin’s foreign policy advisor.

#Russia #China
China has not been subtle about stockpiling as much of everything as they can get their hands on over the last year and change.

Their actions are what one would expect to see in advance of a complete collapse in the global supply chain and food supply.

China hoards over half the world's grain, pushing up global prices

Less than 20% of the world's population has managed to stockpile more than half of the globe's maize and other grains, leading to steep price increases across the planet and dropping more countries into famine.
The hoarding is taking place in

COFCO Group, a major Chinese state-owned food processor, runs one of China's largest food stockpiling bases, at the port of Dalian, in the northeastern part of the country. It stores beans and grains gathered from home and abroad in 310 huge silos. From there, the calories make their way throughout China via rail and sea.

China is maintaining its food stockpiles at a "historically high level," Qin Yuyun, head of grain reserves at the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, told reporters in November. "Our wheat stockpiles can meet demand for one and a half years. There is no problem whatsoever about the supply of food."

Chinese residents ‘starving’ as world’s strictest COVID lockdown bans them leaving home

Residents under strict lowdown rules in one of China’s largest cities say they are facing starvation after they were banned from going outside to get food. Before the severe measures were introduced, one member from each household was allowed out once every two days to buy food.

Xi’an residents took to social media to call for help, saying they were “starving” and asking neighbors to provide supplies for them.

“I’m about to be starved to death,” wrote one person on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Facebook. “There’s no food, my housing compound won’t let me out, and I’m about to run out of instant noodles… please help!”

“I don’t want to hear any more about how everything is fine,”
said another. “So what if supplies are so abundant – they’re useless if you don’t actually give them to people.”

[ IAF: Grow your own food. ]

Important to note the PORT is shut down as well — another wrench thrown into gears of global #shipping / #SupplyChain!

As well as the insanity of not being able to buy food...


Locked-down residents of Chinese city Xi'an struggle to secure food, turn to bartering

Residents of the locked-down Chinese city of Xi'an are being forced to barter for food and essentials, while a second city has been put under restrictions following the discovery of just a handful of COVID-19 cases.

Social media posts from residents of Xi'an, who have been confined indoors since December 23, show them swapping things like cigarettes and skincare products for food.

People living in the epicentre of the outbreak are not allowed to go out at all, and must have goods delivered to them.

"[We are] returning to primitive society," one person complained on Weibo. "I'm starving to death, there is no food, but my community won't let me go out, help me!" said another.

A video that went viral on Chinese social media shows a man trading a Chinese cabbage, a carrot and a tomato for two packs of cigarettes. "The most reliable hard currency in Xi'an now is the cigarette," a Weibo user wrote.

One resident offered a one-hour maths tutorial for three potatoes.

"Five eggs for a piano lesson," another posted.

China’s latest covid lockdowns are again affecting global supply chains

China’s aggressive pursuit of covid-zero has revved into high gear against omicron, locking down whole cities for weeks, closing factories, and throttling ports, raising concerns that China’s efforts to control omicron’s runaway transmissibility will prolong or worsen manufacturing and shipping delays for the battered global supply chain.

Already, companies are seeing production delays. This week, Toyota said that operations had come to a halt at its factory in Tianjin, the Wall Street Journal reported, after the city imposed mandatory testing after detecting two cases of the omicron variant [just two]. Volkswagen also closed a plant there as well as in the port city of Ningbo, where a small outbreak occurred, the Journal reported.

Hong Kong-listed Shenzhou International, a supplier for Nike, Adidas, and Uniqlo, said in a disclosure to the stock exchange that it had to suspend operations at several production sites in Ningbo from Jan. 3, and that operations had not fully resumed as of Monday (pdf).

#SupplyChain #China

China attempting to setup a bio-fermentation plant in North Dakota as they continue their attempted takeover of US food system:

Fufeng Group Limited is reportedly building a behemoth corn processing plant in North Dakota where it will manufacture products like corn starch, animal feed and pharmaceuticals.

China announces “We are more than happy to buy Russia’s wheat.” Bear in mind they already have more than half of the world’s stocks, and are now reinforcing their own food security by cozying up to Russia.

On Thursday, China’s customs agency approved imports of wheat from all regions of Russia, giving Putin an alternative to Western markets that might be closed under possible sanctions.

Russia is one of the world’s biggest wheat producers but has been shut out of China until now due to concern about possible fungus and other contamination.

The two governments announced an agreement Feb. 8 for China to import Russian wheat and barley after Putin became the highest-profile foreign guest to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics.

#Wheat #China #Russia
Lots of voices speculating about Xi will move on Taiwan (or not).

won’t speculate, but I will observe that big funds dumped nearly $2bil of Taiwanese equities yesterday alone. Money talks, and this would seem to speak volumes… we will see.


Ukraine Invasion Unnerves Global Funds Bracing for Taiwan Risk

The conflict in Ukraine is sparking renewed jitters about tensions between China and Taiwan, and the worries are showing up in the island’s assets.

China’s threats to use military force to stop Taiwan from declaring formal independence have dogged the island’s markets for years, and the standoff in Ukraine provides a snapshot of the risks if tensions escalate. Global funds dumped the equivalent of $1.91 billion of Taiwan stocks on Thursday, the biggest one-day withdrawal in a year.

#taiwan #china
Merchant ships hit by missiles; Grain/fert exports STOP in Ukraine/Russia

Ukraine & Russia grains--30% of world global exports--are no longer moving as three merchant ships have been hit by missiles in the Black Sea, including one chartered by Cargill to move grains. Brazil is frantic after fertilizer imports from Russia are threatened. The global food trade is coming to a screeching halt and food prices are exploding even further as the conflict escalates. Christian breaks down the developments from just the last 48 hours in this Ice Age Farmer special report.

#Russia #Ukraine #China #wheat #FoodShortages #WarOnFarms #iafvideo

China ag minister says winter wheat condition could be worst in history

The condition of China's winter wheat crop could be the "worst in history", the agriculture minister said on Saturday, raising concerns about grain supplies in the world's biggest wheat consumer.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the country's annual parliament meeting, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian said that rare heavy rainfall last year delayed the planting of about one-third of the normal wheat acreage.

#wheat #China #GrandSolarMinimum
BEIJING, March 25 (Reuters) - China’s pig farmers, suffering record losses due to surging feed costs and weak hog demand, are switching to lower quality grain from pricier soymeal and even selling off assets in a bid for survival.

The pain across the world’s largest hog market, however, could last until next year, said analysts, shrinking incomes across China’s rural economy and likely reducing imports of soybeans and meat by the world’s top buyer for a second year.

#WarOnMeat #China
China's corn planting facing delays as lockdowns leave farmers stuck in cities

Planting of corn in one of China’s major producing areas could be delayed as many of the region’s millions of farmers struggle to return home from temporary city jobs because of strict coronavirus lockdowns.

Any delay to planting could hit output in the world’s No. 2 corn producer, where corn prices are already hovering at record levels, and government support for soybeans also threatens to reduce growing of the grain.

China’s northeastern provinces, its bread basket, have endured weeks of restrictions on movement, with the toughest measures in Jilin province where COVID-19 cases soared in early March.
With the critical time for sowing grain fast approaching, some farmers remain stuck and are getting increasingly worried, despite recent government pledges to tackle the issue.

“I need to tend my land immediately, but I can’t go back. I am so anxious,” a farmer surnamed Wang told Reuters on Tuesday from Changchun, the capital of Jilin.

The problem highlights the challenge for China in balancing its strict zero-COVID policy with its high priority on food security.
Fertiliser supplies to the region have also been disrupted by the transport curbs, and farmers are already facing record prices of the crop nutrient as well as diesel and other costs.

#china #corn
Wow: Shanghai’s backlog of ships is quite literally off the chart, even compared to the disturbances last year.

US and global supply chains are about to go from “severely strained” to “completely broken.”

Need it? Buy it now. And buckle up…

#SupplyChain #china