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Montana Dept. of Agriculture advises people to use caution when planting seeds!

This is the continuation of the “gardens and seeds are dangerous” idea that began with the “Chinese mystery seeds” psyop (and "poisonous courgettes” trend): Amazon banned international seed sales, and I’d said in my report (“MYSTERY SEEDS: Chinese Bioterrorism, or False Flag to Control Seeds?") “Just watch — soon it will be illegal to plant anything but seeds from certain LICENSED companies.

And now, less than two years later:
MISSOULA, Mont. — Montana Department of Agriculture officials urge people to make sure seeds and plant materials are sourced from licensed dealers and nurseries.

— This is a dangerous attempt to rewrite reality so that “seed saving” and heirloom varieties become dangerous,” and ultimately, illegal. No one in their right mind would believe this, but then, most people are not in their right mind…

UK: Brit shoppers 'face fruit, veg and cheese shortages' after P&O ferry cancellations

Brits could face shortages in supermarkets with vegetables, fruit, cheese and wine among products not arriving after P&O suddenly cancelled services. After the firm axed 800 of its staff fresh fears have emerged that thousands of sheep may also have to be slaughtered.

Edward Adamson, a sheep farmer from County Antrim in Northern Ireland, said he may have to kill some sheep if the ferry crisis continues.

"There is no route to the UK mainland for us otherwise. We produce more animals than we need you see and we can't just keep them," he said, reported The Sun.

#WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms #SupplyChain #UK
100,000 Italian farms are on the verge of closure due to skyrocketing production costs brought about by the conflict in Ukraine, major farming association Coldiretti said in a report this week.

#WarOnFarms #Italy
Lab-grown meat and insects 'good for planet and health'

The BBC not even bothering to decorate the propaganda, echoing nearly verbatum the the EAT-Lancet commission. “Food is the single strongest lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability on Earth.”


Dining on the likes of lab-grown meat or ground-up insects could lead to big savings in carbon emissions and water, as well as freeing up land for nature.

Scientists say pressures on the planet could fall by more than 80% with such foods, compared with the typical European diet.

They say switching meat, dairy and other animal products for alternative foods could reduce these impacts by more than 80%, while providing a more complete range of essential nutrients than a purely vegetarian or vegan diet.

#WarOnMeat #WarOnFarms #Propaganda
Amish Farmer Faces $250K Fine, Jail Time And Losing His Sustainable Farm For Processing His Own Meat

A federal judge told Miller to cease and desist all meat sales, and sent armed U.S. marshals to search his property, farm store and freezers. They took an inventory of all his meat to make sure he doesn’t sell any or slaughter anymore animals.

Last summer, the judge also ordered Miller to pay $250,000 for “contempt of court,” and said he will also have to pay the salaries of the USDA investigators assigned to his case, $50,000 of which was due last week as a “good faith” payment to avoid jail.

#WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat #FoodWars
New rules will effectively shut down U-Pick farms in NSW Australia — read more here and sign the petition if you are in the area:

“They currently have a proposal underway to deciminate all the Pick your own farms in NSW and want to put unrealistic limitations on the number of visitors per day that attend these farms. The current proposal they have is to only allow 50 people per day to attend the farms and a maximum of 10 days per year that these farms are allowed to open for PYO.

#WarOnFarms #Australia
As Po dries up, Italy's food and energy supplies are at risk

Water is so low in large stretches of Italy's largest river that local residents are walking through the middle of the expanse of sand and shipwrecks are resurfacing.

Authorities fear that if it doesn't rain soon, there'll be a serious shortage of water for drinking and irrigation for farmers and local populations across the whole of northern Italy.

#Water #WaterWars #Italy #WarOnFarms
Dutch farmers protest government's decision to cut chicken flocks by 30% for "nitrogen savings"

The War on Meat continues...

The Netherlands, the world's second-largest agricultural exporter, is one of the top greenhouse gas emitters in Europe -- especially of nitrogen -- with much of this blamed on cattle-produced manure and fertiliser.

Farmers say they are targeted while big business and industry slide, with many vowing to resist any plans to scale down or close farms.

"It's not normal, what's being done to the farmers
," 74-year old protester Jan Poorter told AFP. ""You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

#WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat
"The future of farmers is being destroyed"

Some of the signs from the Dutch protest (see previous post) are pretty spot on. Where is the public support? People too distracted by media's putin-rhetoric

"You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

#WarOnFarms #eu