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💌 По вашим просьбам (после проведённых tongue-twisters) я выбрала для вас несколько отрывков текста по уровням владения английским языком. Напишите в комментариях, на каком уровне вам стало сложно читать и где было больше всего незнакомых слов?

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(тексты сделаны шрифтом, на который если нажать, то можно скопировать к себе для разбора, работает с телефона)

1️⃣ Beginner
I’m a big fan of the Internet and of course I like it a lot. I would even say that there is not a single person among my friends that doesn’t like it.

2️⃣ Elementary
We can’t imagine our lives without the internet, computers and other gadgets, which unite all the users of World Wide Web. The internet is a very important source of information for people.

3️⃣ Pre-Intermediate
We've all done it, but now wilfing on the internet is becoming a real problem. Wilfing (short for 'What Was I Looking For') describes what happens when you spend a lot of time on the internet without doing anything in particular.

4️⃣ Intermediate
What can be done about information overload? One solution is technological there is now a computer program or app you can install called Freedom, which disconnects you from the web at present times. The second solution involves willpower. Switch off your mobile phone and the internet from time to time.

5️⃣ Upper-Intermediate
There are plenty of justifications for taking thing for free on the internet. In fact, when the government proposed punishing illegal downloaders with internet disconnection, a lobby group of artists and musicians actually campaigned against it saying that 'it would reduce the civil liberties of every one of us in this country.'

6️⃣ Advanced
Learning a second language can slow cognitive ageing, that is, the speed at which the mental activity of the brain ages, even if is learnt in adulthood, according to new research. Previous studies have shown that being bilingual could delay the onset of dementia by several years.

@i_like_eng #reading