RT @cristianfergo: In a significant step toward affirming the rights of transgender people in Poland 🇵🇱, the country’s Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling eliminating the requirement for trans people to sue their parents in gender recognition proceedings.
📰 from @hrw: hrw.org/news/2025/03/13/land…
Human Rights Watch
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📰 from @hrw: hrw.org/news/2025/03/13/land…
Human Rights Watch
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Israel/OPT: UN report clearly exposes ‘devastating impact’ of Israel’s gender-based violence against Palestinian women and girls
‘The report exposes yet again the horrors of Israeli atrocity crimes in Gaza, and how they specifically impact women’ - Lauren Aarons amnesty.org.uk/press-release…
News From Amnesty
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‘The report exposes yet again the horrors of Israeli atrocity crimes in Gaza, and how they specifically impact women’ - Lauren Aarons amnesty.org.uk/press-release…
News From Amnesty
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Amnesty International UK
Israel/OPT: UN report clearly exposes ‘devastating impact’ of Israel’s gender-based violence against Palestinian women and girls
‘The report exposes yet again the horrors of Israeli atrocity crimes in Gaza, and how they specifically impact women’ - Lauren Aarons
La #CIDH realizó el 12 de marzo una consulta con sociedad civil y academia para recabar insumos para una próxima resolución sobre crimen organizado y #DerechosHumanos en las Américas, que contó con la participación de la Comisionada @AndreaPochak.
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Human Rights on Telegram by @HumanRightsTweets
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NEW: @KennedyCSIS analyzes how the Trump administration’s embrace of an illiberal foreign policy affects U.S. interactions with China, including the likelihood and impact of a potential deal between the two countries.
Read the full analysis from @CSISCBE: csis.org/analysis/united-sta…
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Read the full analysis from @CSISCBE: csis.org/analysis/united-sta…
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The United States’ Illiberal Turn Recasts a Potential Deal with China
Scott Kennedy analyzes how the Trump administration’s embrace of an illiberal foreign policy affects U.S. interactions with China, including the likelihood and impact of a potential deal between the two countries.
RT @amnistiamexico: 🚨 Colectivos de personas buscadoras de #Jalisco y #Tamaulipas localizaron fosas clandestinas con restos humanos en un país donde desaparecen 30 personas al día. 🧵
Amnistía Internacional Américas
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Amnistía Internacional Américas
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UPDATE: The family has been released! This is incredible news! Amnesty International USA will continue working hard to stop family detention, family separation, and arbitrary arrests and detentions from happening to anyone else in the U.S.
Amnesty International USA
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"This is a blatant and outrageous subversion of the law being used to target our immigrant neighbors and separate families that have already built lives in the United States."
Read our full statement below ⬇️
- Amnesty International USAAmnesty International USA
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The United States is experiencing the worst measles outbreak in 30 years. @CSISHealth expert @MorrisonCSIS discusses the need for immediate action to keep Americans safe.
Listen to the CommonHealth: csis.org/podcasts/commonheal…
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Listen to the CommonHealth: csis.org/podcasts/commonheal…
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Measles Outbreak Implications
In a special crossover episode with CSIS's The Truth of the Matter, Andrew Schwartz and Steve discuss the recent measles outbreak and risks associate with it.
March 18 | Join @CSIS_Trade for a conversation and book signing with Paul Blustein about his new book, King Dollar: The Past and Future of the World's Dominant Currency.
Register here: csis.org/events/book-talk-ki…
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Register here: csis.org/events/book-talk-ki…
Human Rights on Telegram by @HumanRightsTweets
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Book Talk: King Dollar with Paul Blustein | CSIS
Join CSIS for a chat with award-winning economic journalist Paul Blustein about his new book and the future of the U.S. dollar.
La adopción de una declaración política sobre la igualdad de género en la ONU supone una victoria para los #ddhh
Ahora los gobiernos deben garantizar que esos compromisos den lugar a cambios reales para las mujeres que sufren violaciones de derechos amnesty.org/es/latest/news/2…
amnistia . org
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Ahora los gobiernos deben garantizar que esos compromisos den lugar a cambios reales para las mujeres que sufren violaciones de derechos amnesty.org/es/latest/news/2…
amnistia . org
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#ddhh - Search / X
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La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la #CIDH, @TaniaReneaum, se reunió con el Embajador José Luis Sardón, Representante Permanente del @PeruOEA, el viceministro de Derechos Humanos y Acceso a la Justicia, Charles Napurí Guzmán, y el Director General de Derechos Humanos, Luis Fernando Domínguez Vera, para dar seguimiento a las recomendaciones de la Comisión Interamericana a #Perú. El diálogo fue constructivo y concretaron acciones para fortalecer la implementación de recomendaciones.
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Human Rights on Telegram by @HumanRightsTweets
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Mr Rodrigo Roa Duterte, suspected of murder as a crime against humanity allegedly committed in the #Philippines, will appear for the first time before the #ICC on Friday 14 March at 14:00 (CET). How to attend, watch online and more info ⤵️ icc-cpi.int/news/mr-rodrigo-…
Int'l Criminal Court
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Int'l Criminal Court
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RT @UN_News_Centre: Governments everywhere are “letting children down instead of lifting them up” as conflict, hunger, poverty and #ClimateChange hold back child development, @UNHumanRights chief @volker_turk told @UN_HRC on Thursday news.un.org/en/story/2025/03…
UN Human Rights Council
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UN Human Rights Council
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RT @childreninwar: In 2024, children were affected by multiplying & escalating conflicts marked by a complete disregard for child rights - @childreninwar Virginia Gamba presenting her report to #HRC58
She called on States to rally behind the Convention on the Rights of the Child #ProveItMatters
UN Human Rights Council
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She called on States to rally behind the Convention on the Rights of the Child #ProveItMatters
UN Human Rights Council
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In June 2023, Russian troops deliberately destroyed the Kakhovka dam in southeast Ukraine, highlighting an alarming trend: Water resources are facing increasing pressure from armed violence worldwide.
Listen to more from @CSISFoodWater: csis.org/podcasts/hidden-dep…
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Listen to more from @CSISFoodWater: csis.org/podcasts/hidden-dep…
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Introduction: Water Conflict and Cooperation
In June 2023, Russian troops deliberately destroyed the Kakhovka dam in southeast Ukraine, highlighting an alarming trend: Water resources are facing increasing pressure from armed violence worldwide.
El auténtico propósito del enjuiciamiento de Mark Kislitsyn es castigar a un activista de #ddhh por su postura antibelicista
La implacable persecución y los malos tratos sufridos, incluida la negación de la atención médica así lo demuestran amnesty.org/es/latest/news/2…
amnistia . org
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El auténtico propósito del enjuiciamiento de Mark Kislitsyn es castigar a un activista de #ddhh por su postura antibelicista
La implacable persecución y los malos tratos sufridos, incluida la negación de la atención médica así lo demuestran amnesty.org/es/latest/news/2…
amnistia . org
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On Wednesday, March 19 at 4 pm ET, CSIS's @ACKisling moderates a conversation with Frank Lavin, who served as White House Director of Political Affairs under President Reagan, on his new book, "Inside the Reagan White House."
Register: csis.org/events/inside-reaga…
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Register: csis.org/events/inside-reaga…
Human Rights on Telegram by @HumanRightsTweets
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Inside the Reagan White House | CSIS
Please join CSIS on Wednesday, March 19 at 4:00pm EDT for a conversation with Frank Lavin on his new book, Inside the Reagan White House.
RT @FairSentencing: Human rights advocates call on Maryland to do better by giving children the opportunity to grow and thrive. @EmilyVirginOK Read more here: hrw.org/news/2025/03/12/mary…
Human Rights Watch
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Human Rights Watch
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Today's UN report, which concludes that Israel has systematically used sexual, reproductive and other gender-based violence against Palestinians since October 2023, must prompt the international community to take urgent action to protect the rights of Palestinian women and address gendered crimes being committed against women and men. amnestyusa.org/press-release…
Amnesty International USA
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Amnesty International USA
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Amnesty International USA
UN Report on Israel’s Gender-Based Violence and Genocidal Acts Against Women’s Health Facilities Must Spur Action to Protect Palestinians
A new report by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel concludes that Israel has systematically used sexual, reproductive and other gender-based violence against Palestinians since October…
#Perú 🚨: Expresamos nuestro rechazo por la reciente aprobación del dictamen que modifica la Ley de Creación de la Agencia Peruana de Cooperación Internacional (APCI), el cual incrementa el control indebido de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y abre la puerta abierta a restricciones arbitrarias, discrecionalidad y censura.
Lee nuestro comunicado: amnesty.org/es/latest/news/2… #NoNosCallarán
Amnistía Internacional Américas
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Lee nuestro comunicado: amnesty.org/es/latest/news/2… #NoNosCallarán
Amnistía Internacional Américas
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#Perú 🚨: Expresamos nuestro rechazo por la reciente aprobación del dictamen que modifica la Ley de Creación de la Agencia Peruana de Cooperación Internacional (APCI), el cual incrementa el control indebido de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y abre la puerta a restricciones arbitrarias, discrecionalidad y censura.
Lee nuestro comunicado: amnesty.org/es/latest/news/2… #NoNosCallarán
Amnistía Internacional Américas
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Lee nuestro comunicado: amnesty.org/es/latest/news/2… #NoNosCallarán
Amnistía Internacional Américas
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#Perú - Search / X
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