Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧
5.03K subscribers
1.57K photos
26 videos
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We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aid and empower Hongkongers in Britain.

It is the first Hongkongers expat/diaspora and community-building group set up in the UK after 2019.

Disclaimer: https://www.hongkongers.org.uk/disclaimer
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Forwarded from 曼城小書僮
今年六四時期, 曼城有7個活動:
2024年6月1日 - 《小燭光》兒童故事班1pm - 2pm
@ 思家士多, Altrincham WA14 1BDhttps://forms.gle/mdgrHZ6ptVQyypxq8
2024年6月1日 - 《幸彤在監獄》曼城(Salford)社區放映會5:30pm
@ Church of Ascension, Salford, Manchester, M7 1AG由 留散聚 主辦
3.2024年6月2日 - 曼徹斯特讀戲劇場《5月35日》(已爆滿)
11:45am (已爆滿) / 4:30pm (已爆滿)@ Stretford Public Hall, M32 0LG
由 Trafford Hongkongers CIC 呈獻承蒙 六四舞台 授權演出
4.2024年6月2日 - 曼徹斯特六四展覽(免費入場)
1:15pm - 4:30pm@ Stretford Public Hall, M32 0LG
由 Trafford Hongkongers CIC 呈獻承蒙 港書館 借出珍貴六四書籍供公眾閱覽
12pm - 6pm@ Saan1, M4 1ET
《從天安門母親 到 香港、圖博(西藏)、維吾爾及台灣的女兒》展覽 By Team6.4
天安門廣場大屠殺三十五週年6pm - 7pm
@ 曼徹斯特 St. Peter's Squarehttps://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=765871149066271&set=a.403100745343315
2024年6月4日 - 曼徹斯特六四35週年悼念7pm - 8:30pm
@ 曼徹斯特 St. Peter's Square
🚦Next Station 兒童日營|第四站 Horsham】

Next Station Daycamp 第四站嚟到West Sussex



香城生活大歷險👩‍💼👨‍💼 透過模擬社會遊戲等小朋友可以嘗試唔同嘅職業,探索未來出路。

社區規劃師📝 📐創作社區設施嘅模型、攤位遊戲,建立小朋友對社區嘅歸屬感


活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date :08/06/2024、15/06/2024、22/06/2024(逢星期六 / Weekly Saturday)
時間 / Time : 13:00-16:00pm
地點 / Venue : 8/6、15/6 Horsham Library(RH12 1PJ)
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
名額 / Capacity : 15
報名方法 / Registration : 填妥此報名表格。Please complete the registration form.  ( https://forms.gle/SLr9gVVub45EhE2z9 )
合辦機構 / Co-organisers : Kongtinue、City Life Church
查詢 / Enquiries : Isaac Cheng 地區外展主任 ( 英格蘭東南區 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (South East England) isaac.cheng@hongkongers.org.uk
Media is too big
Founder of Hongkongers in Britain's comments on TRT World: Hong Kong court finds 14 pro-democracy campaigners guilty of conspiracy to commit subversion

TRT World 訪問:香港法院裁定14名支持民主的活動人士密謀顛覆罪名成立 僑會創辦人回應批政治打壓
2024 倫敦同志遊行HKB隊伍參加者招募🌈

2024 年 LGBTQ+ 驕傲月,英國港僑協會 (HKB) 期待再次與你一同慶祝愛、平等和多元!我們深信不論性取向或性別認同,所有人都應該能自由地過屬於自己的生活。2024 年倫敦 LGBTQ+ 驕傲遊行將於 6 月 29 日舉行,誠邀你與我們一起和 LGBTQ+ 社群並肩同行,為消除歧視而發聲。請於 6 月 16 日前報名加入我們的隊伍。名額有限,額滿即止!

活動詳情 / Details :

日期 / Date : 29/6/2024 (星期六)
時間 / Time : 12:00pm - 6:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : London
語言 / Languages : 廣東話及英語 / Cantonese and English
參加者費用/ fees : £15 (包括一件 T-shirt / a T-shirt is included)
報名 / Registration : https://forms.gle/DhszxZrqDaaPFp7v6
截止報名時間 / Deadline for Registration : 16/6/2024 (星期日 / Sunday) 11:59pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
協辦 / Co-organisers : HK Rainbow in UK CIC
查詢 / Enquiries : Jason Chao jason.chao@hongkongers.org.uk
嘩嘩嘩!申偉強同潘璧雲嚟曼城讀戲呀,唔講以為成個香港搬咗過嚟英國曼城!劇本仲要係郭永康寫嘅《原則》,倫敦 Kingston 已經冇晒飛添!喺香港睇開舞台劇話劇嘅你,文青嘅你,想睇讀戲嘅你!仲唔快啲去買飛?得兩場咋!
場次:2:30pm, 5:30pm地點:Ball Room, Stretford Public Hall, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0LG
票價:£6 + VAT + 平台手續費
2:30pm 場次:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/926249084947
5:30pm 場次:
【免費入場|Kongnection Festival @Eastbourne🥳


Eastbourne嘅朋友,你哋嗰區終於有市集啦!今個星期六我哋將會聯同 Kongtinue、Hongkongers in Brighton 同埋 East Sussex County Council 舉辦Kongnection Festival。


🥟 UNCLE E 阿茂:港式點心、老婆餅
🍯 蜜蜜BEE:英國製作嘅蜂蜜
🍪 華南行 為我哋提供香港糧油雜貨
🍲 友湯同享:湯包同海味
🛒 港式生活館 :勁揪體同埋手足不散嘅靚靚商品🥰


活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date :29/06/2024 (星期六 / Saturday)
時間 / Time : 12:00-04:00pm
地點 / Venue : Leaf Hall Community Art Centre BN22 7NB
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
報名方法 / Registration : 填妥此報名表格。Please complete the registration form. ( https://www.tickettailor.com/events/kongtinuecic/1297209)
合辦機構 / Co-organisers : Kongtinue、Hongkongers in Brighton
查詢 / Enquiries : Isaac Cheng 地區外展主任 ( 英格蘭東南區 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (South East England) isaac.cheng@hongkongers.org.uk
【萬勿錯過】星期六日Brighton & Hove 免費講座

香港商匯再次與Brighton & Hove City Council 及 Business & IP Centre Brighton & Hove 合作,舉辦兩個免費商業及就業講座,歡迎居於Brighton & Hove,並有意在英國創業、營商或就業的香港人參加!

🔸星期六 | 英國商業架構、會計及稅務講座


地點:Jubilee Library, Brighton, BN1 1GE
講者:英國執業會計師 Mr. Thomas Fung

🔸星期日 | 英國就業、求職及勞工權益講座


地點:Jubilee Library, Brighton, BN1 1GE
講者:英國就業專員 Alex Mak 及 香港勞權監察成員Lloyd

【免費入場|Kongnection Festival @Horsham



今個星期日我哋將會聯同 Kongtinue、City Life Church Southampton 同埋 Citizens Advice in North and West Kent 舉辦Kongnection Festival!


🥟 UNCLE E 阿茂:港式點心、老婆餅
🥮 Manna :港式糕點同烘焙產品
🍯 蜜蜜Bee :喺英國製作嘅蜂蜜
🍲 友湯同享 :湯包同海味
🛒 What The Shop 港式生活館 :勁揪體同埋手足不散嘅靚靚商品


活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date :30/06/2024 (星期日 / Sunday)
時間 / Time : 12:30 - 04:30pm
地點 / Venue : Blackbridge Community Centre, RH12 1RS
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
報名方法 / Registration : 填妥此報名表格。Please complete the registration form. ( https://buytickets.at/kongtinuecic/1298309)
合辦機構 / Co-organisers : Kongtinue、City Life Church Southampton、Citizens Advice in North and West Kent
查詢 / Enquiries : Isaac Cheng 地區外展主任 ( 英格蘭東南區 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (South East England) isaac.cheng@hongkongers.org.uk





講座平台 : Google Meet
合辦:Kongtinue, City Life Church

活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date :02/07/2024 (星期二 / Tuesday)
時間 / Time : 20:00-21:30pm
平台 / Platform : Google Meet
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
報名方法 / Registration : 填妥此報名表格。Please complete the registration form. ( https://www.kongtinue.org/events-1-Hhdjm/101)
合辦機構 / Co-organisers : Kongtinue、City Life Church Southampton
查詢 / Enquiries : Isaac Cheng 地區外展主任 ( 英格蘭東南區 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (South East England) isaac.cheng@hongkongers.org.uk
Media is too big

HKB founder Simon Cheng recently shared the latest experiences with "Hong Kong Perspectives," (in Cantonese) covering the following topics:
1.) The implications of the UK General Election for Hong Kong people: How it affects my and other Hongkongers' future plans in the UK.
2.) The alliance of Hong Kong's democratic struggle: Journey to Tokyo for a Democracy Alliance, aimed at establishing a global civil society network for Hong Kong.
3.) Trip to The Hague: The alliance between artists and democracy activists, and the opening of the "Ngo 我地 NGO DEI Gallery" – details about the new gallery and my trip to the Symposium on Hong Kong in Exile.
4.) Upcoming trip to The Hague: Attending the Court of the Citizens of the World.
【Simon Cheng's Keynote Speech: Imagination, Exile, and Home: Merging Art and Activism in The Hague】
Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧
【Simon Cheng's Keynote Speech: Imagination, Exile, and Home: Merging Art and Activism in The Hague】
【Simon Cheng's Keynote Speech: Imagination, Exile, and Home: Merging Art and Activism in The Hague】 Ladies and gentlemen,

Today marks a profoundly symbolic moment as we gather to celebrate "The Art in Hague" – an event that merges art and activism, organised by 'Art & Culture Hong Kong', and serves as the inauguration of the exiled pro-democracy gallery 'Ngo Dei' here in The Hague, a city renowned for its international courts. This convergence of art and law signifies a powerful statement about our collective aspirations for justice and freedom.

Our main theme, "imagination," captures the essence of this event. When we break it down – "imagine" the "nation" – we discover a shared vision that this event vividly showcases. This vision unites art and law, reflecting Benedict Anderson's concept of the "Imagined Community" from his 1983 book. Anderson posits that a nation is imagined through common arts and cultures, rather than through science, biology, or "pure-blooded" ethnicity. Governing a nation, therefore, should be rooted in laws that reflect these shared human values.

Yet, while art and law find commonality in the event and our society, they inherently embody tension. Art is not merely a conduit or tool; it encapsulates the spirit of humanity, challenging the status quo and serving as a cradle for societal progression. Artists stand with activists, advocating for social justice and the oppressed. Art is natural, spontaneous, and autonomous.

Conversely, law represents the rigidity and formality of the status quo that art often challenges. Law maintains social order, unity, and security, often lagging behind the progressive visions art strives to achieve. It is a product of political dynamics and historical struggles, reflecting conservative views on "what should be now" rather than envisioning the future. Law often needs amendment to symbolise new eras.

I deeply appreciate the robust debates and detailed discussions on social justice during the mock trial against the CCP dictators, who abuse citizens' rights, including those of Chinese, Tibetan, Uyghur, and HongKonger dissidents. Law students, trainees, and lawyers have rightly noted that law is a double-edged sword: domestic law can be corrupted and oppressive, while international law often lacks the strength to hold power abusers accountable effectively.

This oppressive environment has led many of us to imprisonment. Activists in jail are also artists, performing a powerful form of resistance. Their bodies may be confined, but their spirits remain unbroken. A totalitarian regime can only control physical bodies, but it cannot touch the resilient human spirit and intellectual mind-power if we remain unyielding in our hearts. Our greatest enemy is not the regime, but the fear within ourselves. Mental resilience is key.

To Loretta Lau, our courageous organiser and artist-advocate: your achievements, even under threat from Hong Kong and China's secret police, are commendable. As I once suggested, "Being hunted by secret police, under a one-million-dollar bounty, is a life-long honour. If the government deems the quest for democracy and freedom a crime, we embrace the charges to reveal the genuine face of social justice, unyielding to authority." Law must go beyond mere due process; it must embody legitimacy and justice, much like art does.

Our second theme, "HOME: Hong Kong in Exile," resonates deeply. We call it "house" because of its physical structure, but "home" because of the emotions and memories it holds. Although we are distanced from our physical homes, we remain spiritually close when in exile. As Thomas Mann, exiled from Nazi Germany, declared, "Where I am, there is Germany." Similarly, Yu Ying-shih said, "Where I am, there is China." Home is where we uphold our values, even in adversity, standing with the vulnerable and dissenting voices. We embody the engine of change, leaving a legacy for future generations.

In exile, welcome home.

Simon Cheng
British Hong Kong exiled pro-democracy activist,
Founder of Hongkongers in Britain,
Advisor to NGO DEI.
Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧 pinned «【Simon Cheng's Keynote Speech: Imagination, Exile, and Home: Merging Art and Activism in The Hague】 Ladies and gentlemen, Today marks a profoundly symbolic moment as we gather to celebrate "The Art in Hague" – an event that merges art and activism, organised…»
Forwarded from The Hong Kong Scots

The Hong Kong Scots 已去信新任 #蘇格蘭事務大臣 Ian Murray及 #蘇格蘭選舉事務專員 Dame Sue Bruce,並要求安排會晤反映BNO港人未能於剛過去(7月4日)之英國國會大選被拒投票之情況。故此,我們希望於會晤前更詳盡掌握港人被拒投票詳情,誠邀閣下填寫以下個案紀錄。

The Hong Kong Scots‘ record on Hongkongers being denied from voting in GE2024

The Hong Kong Scots addressed the issue of BNO Hongkongers having their votes in the general election denied to the new Scottish Secretary Ian Murray MP and Electoral Commissioner with responsibility for Scotland Dame Sue Bruce, and request for a meeting. Therefore, we would like you to fill this form before we meet them.

Fill-in now 立即填寫

請注意:提防個人資料被不當使用或最終未有向當局反映意見,敬請只向可信機構及相關人士提供被拒投票狀況。ONLY PROVIDE your situation on voting denials to entities which will handle your personal data and reflect your opinion properly.