HodlAda Stakepools
45 subscribers
9 photos
4 links
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Epoch performance overview for HODL₳:

Epoch 245 / 246:
Active stake - 63.8m / 59.1m ₳
Blocks Produced - 47 (All time High!) / 40
ROS - 5.68% / 5.07%

Upcoming Epoch 247:
Active stake- 50.7m ₳
Estimated Blocks- 44

Lifetime blocks- 375
Lifetime ROS- 5.41%

Happy Hodling!
Epoch performance overview for HODLA:

Epoch 245 / 246:
Active stake - 2.9m / 3.3m ₳
Blocks Produced - 0 / 4
ROS - 0% / 8.14%

Upcoming Epoch 247:
Active stake- 3.4m ₳
Estimated Blocks- 6

Lifetime blocks- 6

Happy Hodling!
HODL₳ / HODLA Epoch performance :

Epoch 247:
Active stake - 50.7m / 3.3m ₳
Blocks Produced - 44 / 6
ROS - 6.17 / 12.39 %

Current Epoch 248:
Active stake - 45.8m / 3.4m ₳
Estimated Blocks - 35 / 3

Lifetime blocks - 420 / 12
Lifetime ROS: - 5.37 / 0.00 %

Happy Hodling!
Wow! Epoch 250 has been absolutely actioned packed, what a time to hodl!
At HODL₳ we have just passed 1200 delegators and produced over 500 blocks!
$ADA has also hit it's all time high, and starting next Epoch #Cardano will enter its Mary hard-fork combinator event.

This highly anticipated update will bring NFT's and native assets to the blockchain.
Along with these amazing new features the network's k parameter will be increasing from 500 to 1000. What this means for our delegators is that a pool's maximum stake is now 32m from 64m.

With this change in mind, if [HODL₳] is saturated and you like how we run our pool; please re delegate to our second pool [HODLA] to continue to hodl with us.

To accompany this change we will also be re-balancing our pledge amounts to 3.2m and 7.5m respectively to encourage new hodlers to the ecosystem. [HODLA] will be extending our 0% variable fee till April to celebrate.
Poll time delegates! We are currently working on a special project to create unique handcrafted Cardano physical collectables
What would be a reasonable amount you would consider investing on a Cardano themed physical collectable that had a limited run?
Anonymous Poll
USD 20-50
USD 50-100
USD 100-200
>USD 200
Hey HODLA stakepool delegators, we've been working hard on the backend to develop and build on the cardano ecosystem. So far we have developed a number of physical collectable prototypes and are also in the development of a virtual game environment that will allow you to gain in-game assets based on how long you've been delegations to our pools.
These collectables will have the ability to HODL your ADA and will also unlock in game NFT assets in the virtual world
More news to come soon! Stay tuned.

Some concept art we've received from our artists!
Would you be interested in participating in testing for Cardano Kingdom game for balancing and early access perks?
Anonymous Poll
Whoa! Here are some more concepts from our creative director on Lord Byron Bison!
Which do you like best?
Anonymous Poll
The Djed pillar and orobourus will feature as a core mechanic within the game. I hope you guys like the art style! We are very focused on ensuring the game is cardano lore rich!
Core game loop is being worked on with our talented game designers!
Sir Hodl Horse will be one of the NFT characters who'll be in your party to raid the labyrinth for loot.

Working hard in the background!
Introducing Lord Byron Bison!