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"Your Worship, we know as a matter of fact that we are no foreign agent, and nothing has emerged in this year long ordeal that proves otherwise. To sentence us in such circumstances is about punishing people for defending the truth."



"Sir, sentence us for our insubordination if you must, but when the exercise of power is based on lies, being insubordinate is the only way to be human."




#不服從 #不認命 #鄒幸彤 #国安處 #支聯會 #ChowHangTung #打壓異見 #毋忘六四 #国安法 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #荒謬法治 #莫須有
聯署 SIGN NOW: https://chng.it/9tZVdt9D5b

Source: IG @ngodeiorg 我地 NGO DEI

我地 (NGO DEI) 對香港警方的行動深表關注和憤怒,警方以「煽動顛覆國家政權罪」為藉口沒收象徵民主和人權的「國殤之柱」,這令人深感不安,並對香港藝術自由狀況嚴重質疑。

NGO DEI (我地) expresses our deep concern and outrage over the actions of the Hong Kong police, which saw the seizure of the "Pillar of Shame" monument, a powerful symbol of democracy and human rights. The fact that the police used the pretext of an "“incitement to subversion”" case to justify their actions is deeply troubling and raises serious questions about the state of artistic freedom in Hong Kong.

#returnthepillar #PillarOfShame #國殤之柱 #國安法 #藝術自由 #高志活 #聯署 #petition #天安門事件 #毋忘六四 #抹不走歷史




#國殤之柱 #高志活 #国安法 #毋忘六四 #國安處 #消失的香港 #消失的民主自由

報導: @hkladyliberty
我地(NGO DEI)嚴正聲明
Solemn Declaration of NGO DEI
// IG @ngodeiorg

2023年5月6日, 香港特別行政區新聞公報中保安局就警務處昨日檢走國殤之柱一事對某組織作出指控「有關組織企圖混淆視聽,假借藝術自由為名,要求歸還有關證物,並對警務處的合法執法行動作出無理譴責和惡意抹黑」這樣的指控不僅是荒謬而且是對藝術自由的威脅和侵犯...

May 6, 2023, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued a news release about the Police operation on the seizure of the Pillar of Shame yesterday in which the Security Bureau accused an organization of attempting "to make misleading comments and request for the return of the exhibit under the guise of artistic freedom" The accusation is not only absurd but also a threat to artistic freedom and an infringement on it...

#PillarOfShame #ReturnThePillar #國殤之柱 #高志活 #国安法 #毋忘六四 #國安處 #消失的香港 #消失的民主自由
Source: 陈维明 twitter @CHENWEIMING2017

#自由雕塑公園 #US #鐵鏈女 #六四屠城 #天安門事件 #毋忘六四
Opening ceremony of the in #berlin . It was an annual tradition to paint the pillar orange in Hong Kong. We are touched to witness the tradition of painting the pillars orange again in Germany. // @hongkongersingermany

#Germany #PillarOfShame #國殤之柱 #國安法 #藝術自由 #高志活 #天安門事件 #毋忘六四 #抹不走歷史