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This global joint campaign involves 163 associated cities from 7 countries across the globe.

#姊妹城市 協議原意旨在促進兩國之間的經濟合作和文化交流。然而,這種外交策略現在卻淪為中共 #外交滲透 的工具。

The establishment of the “sister city” agreement was supposed to be a diplomatic strategy to foster economic engagement and cultural exchange between two nations. However, this diplomatic strategy is becoming a manipulative tool for the Chinese Communist Party regime to expand the influence of its dictatorship around the world.

因應2020年多個瑞典城市與中國脫離「姊妹城市」關係,全球多個抗爭組織現 #聯合發表聲明 促請各地市政府重新審視他們與獨裁政權的密切關係,反對與漠視人權、自由和民主的的中共建交,並透過終止與中國的「姊妹城市」關係來 #捍衛人權 和遏止其滲透。

Following the de-twinning of Swedish cities from China in 2020, Hong Kong activist groups around the globe hereby make a joint statement, prompting the local authorities to cut ties with this totalitarian regime that neglects the value of human rights, freedom and democracy by terminating the twin city relationship with China.

#sistercity #支共禍患 #NeverTrustCCP #evilCCP
In light of the aggressive Chinese military maneuvers around 🇹🇼, we once again call on everyone to sign & share the global petition to sever the sister relationship with China!

Petition: https://linktr.ee/severchinacities

Source: IG @hongkongersingermany
#Petition #Germany #姊妹城市 #boycottchina #CCPVirus #聯署 #SisterCity #NeverTrustCCP
831活動 - 有誰願意走下去?
Source: IG @nottsstandwithhk

Thank you all for coming today.

As an overseas Hongkonger, we treasure the freedom we have. We should stay united in this difficult time and keep reflecting on ourselves. We are looking for new ways to sustain the social movement and support the Hongkongers who are still under siege.


We continue our calls to Nottingham city council to de-twin with the Sister city Ningbo by sending petition letters. For who did not join us today, you can find the template in the google form we provide in our social media.

我們繼續以寫信致諾定咸區議員,呼籲諾定咸市盡早與寧波脫離姊妹城市關係。希望大家繼續關注支持,若未填寫,可於本Facebook所提供的Google form索取請願信內容範本。

Petition letter template:

#Nottingham #毋忘831 #抗爭三年 #SisterCity #Ningbo #姊妹城市 #寧波 #petition
伯明翰將於10月1日舉辦遊行集會活動 (現正向有關政府部門申請中),活動詳情稍後公佈。

Birmingham will hold a procession and rally event on October 1 (applications are currently being made to the relevant government departments), and the details of the event will be announced later.

主題 Theme:
Say no to Dictatorship
Cut sister city relationship with China

Date: 1 October 2022
Time: 14:00-16:00 hrs

合力籌辦 Jointly organised by:
Birmingham HongKongers
Good Neighbour Church England 英倫好鄰舍教會
Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會
丘文俊、許鋭宇 - 前沙田區區議會議員

#Birmingham #遊行 #集會 #姊妹城市 #反極權 #Dictatorship #sistercity #saynotoccp #賀佢老母 #UK #外國港人勢力
Important update - Global Detwin with China Campaign❗️

自2022年7月1日發起全球斷絕中共姊妹城市聯合行動,我們現正式發佈官方網站及社交媒體, 以提供更全面的資訊及更新予公眾及傳媒。我們亦繼續邀請全球更多組織和人仕加入,以斷絕民間與中共的外交關係為目標,杯葛這個邪惡政權。

Following the announcement of the "Sever sister city relationships with China Campaign" (Global Detwin with China Campaign) on 1 July 2022, we are officially launching our website and social media to provide more detailed insight into this campaign. Hereby, we continue to invite more groups and individuals to join our call to terminate twin relationships with the brutal Chinese regime.

Website: www.globaldetwinwithchina.com
IG @globaldetwinwithchina
FB: fb.com/Global-Detwin-with-China-110852618427630
Twitter: @DetwinChina

#姊妹城市 #SisterCity #反極權 #Dictatorship #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
Our visions 我們的方針與目標:

Website and English content:

📌 遊說當地政府重新評估與中國的外交關係
📌 為想要參與的團體或人仕提供支援
📌 搜集和記錄中國操縱姊妹城市協議的證據
📌 作為一個平台,宣傳各斷絕姊妹城市活動的最新進展


Instagram: instagram.com/globaldetwinwithchina
Facebook: fb.com/Global-Detwin-with-China-110852618427630
Twitter: twitter.com/DetwinChina

#globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithChina #姊妹城市 #SisterCity #反極權 #Dictatorship #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
🇬🇧 10.1 UK Detwin with China Joint Action

Online petition:

English article:


(1) 提倡英國政府成立獨立咨詢委員會,為本地城市外交提供指引
(2) 建議推行全國公眾咨詢,調查中共有否利用城市合作進行經濟及文化滲透



✍🏻現時參與英國城市 Participating UK cities:
📍 Birmingham
📍 Edinburgh (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿)
📍 Exeter
📍 Glasgow (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿)
📍 Guildford
📍 Kingston
📍 Leeds
📍 Liverpool
📍 Newcastle
📍 Nottingham
📍 Perth (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿)
📍 Reading
📍 Sheffield
📍 Sutton

IG @globaldetwinwithchina
Twitter @DetwinChina

#globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithChina #姊妹城市 #SisterCity #反極權 #Dictatorship #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
🇬🇧 10.1 英國聯合行動-斷絕姊姊城市活動
🇬🇧 10.1 UK Detwin with China Joint Action


On the 73th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, several Hong Kong activist groups across the UK cities launched a UK Joint Action of severing sister city relationship with China to resist this totalitarian regime. There are 14 participating cities.

Source: @globaldetwinwithchina
#姊妹城巿 #Petition #聯署 #支共禍患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #賀佢老母 #TakeDownTheCCP #sistercity
China’s Manipulation on City Diplomacy - Confucius Institutes
中國對城市外交的操縱 - 孔子學院

Credit: www.globaldetwinwithchina.com
Instagram @globaldetwinwithchina
Twitter @DetwinChina

#孔子學院 #姊妹城巿 #sistercity #滲透 #共諜 #支共禍患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP
Newcastle City Council unanimously passed motion to detwin with Taiyuan, China

Full article: fb.com/photo?fbid=427403159576903
IG @newcastlestandswithhk

#紐卡素 #Newcastle #UK
#globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #姊妹城市 #SisterCity #反極權 #Dictatorship #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
11.12 Global Detwin in UK 🇬🇧

Online petition: https://linktr.ee/severchinacities


A UK joint action will be launched on 12 November 2022, in which a paper petition will be circulated, collecting signatures nationally and will be presented to a Member of Parliament so this issue can be debated in the House of Commons.

We urge the Parliament to provide guidance to local diplomacy to mitigate risks of espionage activities and review current partnerships with China.

Source: @globaldetwinwithchina
#globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #姊妹城市 #SisterCity #反極權 #Dictatorship #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
唔洗postcode, 用email注冊account就ok🙏

聯署: democracy.sheffield.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?id=10266

Sheffiled Council 的官方聯署網站簽名支持Sheffield與鞍山成都立即斷絕姊妹城市關係!

#Sheffield #聯署 #petition #賀佢老母 #姊妹城市 #globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #SisterCity #反極權 #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
Global Detwin in UK
Birmingham HongKongers’ Action Plan

Protest Stall :
Date : 19.11.2022 (Sat)
Time : 12 am - 2 pm
Location:Broadgate, Coventry, CV1 1LL

Source: @birminghamhkers
#Birmingham #請願 #姊妹城市 #globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #SisterCity #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
20221112 Sever the sister city relationship with China

Posted on IG @exehkersaction


We connected many cities across the country for this petition, hoping that the UK government will face up to the objective effect that maintaining sister cities is supporting the CCP. Newcastle has successfully de-twined, and we look forward to more cities de-twin from Chinese cities.

#exeter #globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #SisterCity #姊妹城市 #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
感謝抽空出席於Lord Street的“全球斷絕中共姊妹城市英國聯合行動”的同路人義工!

Thanks to all those who attended our “12.11 Global Detwin in UK” event yesterday.
LHKA will also be setting up stalls in the next couple months to collect signatures for the petition.
#liverpool #姊妹城市 #globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #SisterCity #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP

Source: LHKA (linktr.ee/LHKA)