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The sponsors of the Beijing Olympics stand as bystanders to the genocide China is committing against Uyghurs. It is important to know the brands and corporations who are supporting the games even while China continues its torture on Uyghurs. Boycott of Beijing Olympics extends to its sponsors as well.

Posted by IG @freeuyghurnow
#genocidegames #boycottbeijing2022 #freeuyghurs #beijing2022 #uyghurs #cocacola #airbnb #toyota

Source: 沈旭暉
#歐盟 #WTO #立陶宛 #US #Australia
Designer IG @ah_to_hk

#動態清零 #躺平 #拜年 #出入平安
防疫措施再收緊 進入「處所」須接種滿3針



Source: @businessfocus.io
#疫苗通行證 #苛政猛於疫情 #暴力清零 #鐵腕清零 #抗疫為名 #武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #禍港正苦 #港共落地獄
美心旗下屯門市廣場新店 — 「&tmR」&「吉谷舍」

冇錯… 又係美心… 又係屯門市廣場… 係悶啲㗎啦… 但佢地係咁開新嘢,唔講又唔係 👉👈(另外,新年俾我抖下啦😅

Credit: #和你FC @fcwithyou
#藍店 #美心 #Maxims #andtmR #andbtR #吉谷舍 #東海堂 #元氣壽司 #GenkiSushi #屯門 #抵制 #罷食
Join us as Hong Kong artist, Percy Lam, opens up is piece “Use PEZ Wrapper to Make a Word.” This powerful art instillation is meant to speak on the revolution in Hong Kong.

The event will be held at Hyde Park Art Center (5020 South Cornell Avenue Chicago, IL 60615) and an opening ceremony on Sunday February 6th, 2022 at 2:00pm CST. The event is free to attend with proof of vaccination.

Posted by IG @chicagohker
#US #chicago #海外活動 #藝術展覽 #時代革命
SF Team Tibet along with alliance nation organized NO TO WATCH 2022 BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS Protest starting walk from Golden Gate Bridge to SF Chinese Consulate.

Posted by IG @sfrtyc
#海外活動 #BoycottBeijing2022 #NoBeijing2022 #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #NeverTrustCCP #ConcentrationCamp #SayNotToChina #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom