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🚨20 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

We are all in this together. Mo’s quote reminds us of the moments we experienced in 2019 during the fight for freedom. Will athletes, broadcasters & people with influence speak up for the silenced like Mo and his peers during the @Beijing2022? @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp

Share this post and take a minute of silence for all political prisoners and freedom fighters.

Post by IG @students4hk
#AthletesWanted #NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #NoRightsNoGames #StopUyghurGenocide #TogetherForASharedFuture #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
#CCP #China #Beijing2022
🚨19 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

It is heartbreaking to see what has been happening to our Uyghur and Tibetan friends, while witnessing the collapse of our beloved Hong Kong. But we have faith — the darkest nights will pass.

Let's join @jeffreychngo of @dc4hk to call on broadcasters @nbc_news and @bbcnews to #BoycottBeijing2022 & highlight #CCP's human rights abuses during the #Olympics.

✊🏼 Action for the day: Share this post and tag your broadcasters below!

Post by @wethehongkongers @students4hk @internationalfccp

#NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #NoRightsNoGames #StopUyghurGenocide #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #evilCCP #Beijing2022
🚨18 days #CountdownToBeijing2022
Remember how we started the fight. We are fighting for basic human rights that every human being deserves to have. We want our right to self-determination — the freedom to determine our homelands' future.

We know this is a long fight but we will never give up. That's right, the bloody tyranny CCP do not deserve the right to host the #Olympics. Let's join Typhoon from @speal_cornell in speaking up for the oppressed, and fight on until the day we get the freedom we deserve.

Post by @students4hk @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp
#humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
🚨 17 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

Ethics > Medal! The Chinese Communist Party has always been trying to silence every dissenting voice. But we must not be silenced. As Chris from @hksamboston says, your voice matters! Will athletes be our hero by speaking up for those oppressed and silenced by the CCP tyranny?

Post by @students4hk @internationalfccp @wethehongkongers

#humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
🚨 17 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

Ethics > Medal! As Baggio from @hkliberationcoalition says, this is a chance for you to do something right in history. We must not let China’s abuses carry on. We need to stand up for something bigger – humanity. Will athletes be our hero by speaking up for those oppressed and silenced by the CCP tyranny?

Post by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk

#humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
🚨16 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

When people say broadcasters and journalists should not take sides or act on the boycott call because of their “neutrality”, they forget that broadcasters have already taken a stance by sponsoring and endorsing the Olympic Games. As a journalist, Frances Hui @huiwingting from @wethehongkongers is calling on broadcasters and journalists with conscience to boycott the #Beijing 2022. Do you agree with Frances? #DropYourSponsorship

Post by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk

#humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
🚨15 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

A common struggle unites us. We’ve connected with many allies and friends, and Beijing 2022 is only one of many fights. Alex from @nyuhksag says we need to keep listening, sharing, and showing up for each other in meaningful ways.

Post by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk

#humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
🚨14 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

This week, we will be featuring political prisoners in Hong Kong who were persecuted for following their conscience.

Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) former convener Figo Chan is currently serving 30 months in prison for organizing several peaceful protest marches in 2019 and 2020. He stated his belief in civil disobedience in court.

Post by @students4hk @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp

#humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
🚨13 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

The Chinese Communist Party thinks they can suppress our movement by putting everyone in jail. But Chow Hang-tung, who is serving 25 months in prison for commemorating the June 4 Tiananmen Massacre, is certain that such political suppression will only fuel further resistance amongst Hongkongers.

#StandWithHongKong #humanrights #鄒幸彤 #支聯會 #煽動顛覆國家政權 #打壓異見 #散播恐懼 #毋忘六四 #天安門屠城 #光復香港

Post by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk
🚨12 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

For justice, so many young Hongkongers had their youthful years taken away from them. Tony Chung (#鍾翰林), just 20 years old, was sentenced to 3 years and 9 months in prison for social media posts advocating Hong Kong independence. His short but powerful speech in court highlights the courage that remains in these young Hongkongers’ hearts in face of tyranny.

Post by @students4hk @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp

#NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #NoRightsNoGames #StopUyghurGenocide #TogetherForASharedFuture
#FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
🚨11 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

Imagine being sentenced to 5 years and 9 months in prison for doing nothing but chanting slogans publicly. This is the absurdity that Hongkongers are facing right now. Yet Ma Chun-man still promises to continue dedicating his life for his dream of Hong Kong liberation. We applaud Ma's courage and ask everyone to remain persistent standing for freedom.

#馬俊文 #美國隊長 #煽惑分裂國家 #國安法 #光復香港時代革命 #NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #NoRightsNoGames #StopUyghurGenocide
#FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom

Post by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk
🚨10 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

Freedom of press is crucial to a healthy society, as it allows people to be informed while keeping the government accountable to the people. Yet in Hong Kong, the arrest of Jimmy Lai, the founder of prominent pro-democracy news outlet Apple Daily, blatantly demonstrates the Chinese Communist Party’s contempt to crush Hong Kong’s freedom of press. Now, as Apple Daily, Stand News, Citizen News, and more media outlets are forced to shut down, it has become more of a challenge for us to know the truth.

Posted by @students4hk @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp

#NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #UyghurGenocide #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #Beijing2022
🚨9 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

The saying “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes a duty” resonates with many of us.

The Hong Kong government ignored the voice of more than 2 million Hongkongers -- we had no choice but to take to the streets, to regain our power of discourse. Many protesters, including 26-year-old Andy Kan, have been sentenced to jail for their participation in the protests. But they have done absolutely nothing wrong. Because, there are NO RIOTERS, ONLY TYRANNY.

Post by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @bauhiniasforfreedom

#NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #Beijing2022
🚨7 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

Let's not forget Hong Kong’s athletes who had to sacrifice their athletic career for the future of Hong Kong? Kwong Yuk-ming, a martial arts world champion, could have gone to the 2022 Asian Games to win medals for Hong Kong. Yet his athletic career could be over because he decided to defend Hong Kong’s freedoms and was sent to prison.

Posted by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk

#humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #NoBeijing2022 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
🚨6 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

During the 2021 summer Olympics, Hongkongers were very excited to watch Hong Kong athletes, especially after fencer Edgar Cheung won the first fencing gold for Hong Kong. Hongkongers wanted to celebrate a victory that belongs to us, Hongkongers, not China. Yet, even enjoying sports and cheering as Hongkongers were not allowed. A Hongkonger was arrested simply for booing the Chinese national anthem and chanting “We Are Hong Kong” while watching the medal ceremony in a shopping mall.

Posted by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk

#NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #UyghurGenocide #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #Beijing2022
🚨5 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

The legendary human rights salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos in the 1968 #Olympics is a remarkable moment that all Americans today would recall. Today the raised fist continues to be a sign to show solidarity with the Black community. Despite knowing that their action would face suspension from the IOC, Smith and Carlos carried through the struggle with their strength and courage. Their action demonstrates that athletes can make a difference using their influence with their own voice and platform.

Posted by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk

#humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #NoBeijing2022 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
🚨4 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

@drewneilsonsbx, a 2-time Olympian of @teamcanada called out on the International Olympic Committee for its complicity with China to #sportwash its human rights abuse. Athletes shld consider using their influence to speak up for victims under #CCP's rule.

Posted by @wethehongkongers @students4hk @internationalfccp

#NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #NoRightsNoGames #StopUyghurGenocide #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #Beijing2022
🚨3 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

Timothy LeDuc, @TeamUSA’s first nonbinary Winter Olympic pairs skater, has bravely spoken up for the Uyghurs who have been held in internment and labor camps. Yet they also admitted that athletes can feel powerless, as they might think, “What can I do?”

Posted by @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp @students4hk

#BoycottBeijing2022 #NoBeijing2022 #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #NeverTrustCCP #ConcentrationCamp #SayNotToChina #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom