The CCP has turned Hong Kong's elections into a joke. Hongkongers should not vote in this fake election. We are joining
@hk_watch 's call for the release of the #HK47 activists and politicians.
Post by twitter @BauhiniaFreedom
#ReleaseMyCandidate #StandWithHongKong #立法會選舉 #假選舉 #垃圾會 #完善選舉制度 #公我贏字你輸 #永續港共極權
@hk_watch 's call for the release of the #HK47 activists and politicians.
Post by twitter @BauhiniaFreedom
#ReleaseMyCandidate #StandWithHongKong #立法會選舉 #假選舉 #垃圾會 #完善選舉制度 #公我贏字你輸 #永續港共極權
Post by IG #眾論我城
#releasemycandidate #民意所向 #假選舉 #垃圾會 #立法會選舉 #完善選舉制度 #公我贏字你輸 #永續港共極權
Post by IG #眾論我城
#releasemycandidate #民意所向 #假選舉 #垃圾會 #立法會選舉 #完善選舉制度 #公我贏字你輸 #永續港共極權