政府亂封佐敦資訊混亂 記者被困受限區域唔准採訪
#獨立媒體 :
獨媒記者留疫區被禁足 警尾隨阻採訪、警告或票控
#佐敦封區 林鄭唔覺擾民:已經相對重視俾居民有一定活動
*不同意「封區」做法擾民 ——「我哋喺香港做抗疫已經係相對重視俾呢個城市、俾居民有一定活動。」
*指市民唔覺難受 ——「我都問佢覺唔覺呢兩日好難受,佢哋都話可以接受。」
*封區「唔係做一次」,將檢討公佈時間 ——「係咪下次當市民一收到風,就要稍為早啲公佈行動細節?」
*抗疫一年盡心盡力,不會因抨擊而氣餒 ——「從來唔會因人哋覺得我哋做得唔好而氣餒,因為咁樣會影響軍心。」
#武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #禍港正苦 #柒婆落地獄 #林鄭死全家 #港共死清光 #WuahnVirus #WuhanCoronavirus #Lockdown #UniversalTest #CompulsoryVirusTest #CovidTest #HKPolice #PressFreedom #CarrieLam
#獨立媒體 :
獨媒記者留疫區被禁足 警尾隨阻採訪、警告或票控
#佐敦封區 林鄭唔覺擾民:已經相對重視俾居民有一定活動
*不同意「封區」做法擾民 ——「我哋喺香港做抗疫已經係相對重視俾呢個城市、俾居民有一定活動。」
*指市民唔覺難受 ——「我都問佢覺唔覺呢兩日好難受,佢哋都話可以接受。」
*封區「唔係做一次」,將檢討公佈時間 ——「係咪下次當市民一收到風,就要稍為早啲公佈行動細節?」
*抗疫一年盡心盡力,不會因抨擊而氣餒 ——「從來唔會因人哋覺得我哋做得唔好而氣餒,因為咁樣會影響軍心。」
#武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #禍港正苦 #柒婆落地獄 #林鄭死全家 #港共死清光 #WuahnVirus #WuhanCoronavirus #Lockdown #UniversalTest #CompulsoryVirusTest #CovidTest #HKPolice #PressFreedom #CarrieLam
#答問大會 轟港台極需改善、要撥亂反正
立法會今早(4 日)舉行特首答問大會,建制派趁機狙擊港台,特首林鄭月娥回應提問時,批評港台是極需要改善。她認為香港電台在不足兩年間,被通訊事務局裁定七宗投訴成立,情況難以接受。她又不點名指,正等待廣播處長梁家榮就報道問題表達立場,「我期望呢位總編輯(梁家榮)對住(被投訴)報道事件有一個立場,但我仲等緊。」
#港台 #柒婆 #林鄭死全家 #NabelaQoser #LeungKaWing #DirectorOfBroadcasting #PressFreedom #FreePress #CivilServant #Complaint #ShortTermContract #LegCo #PoliticalPersecution #PoliticalRetaliation #CarrieLam
立法會今早(4 日)舉行特首答問大會,建制派趁機狙擊港台,特首林鄭月娥回應提問時,批評港台是極需要改善。她認為香港電台在不足兩年間,被通訊事務局裁定七宗投訴成立,情況難以接受。她又不點名指,正等待廣播處長梁家榮就報道問題表達立場,「我期望呢位總編輯(梁家榮)對住(被投訴)報道事件有一個立場,但我仲等緊。」
#港台 #柒婆 #林鄭死全家 #NabelaQoser #LeungKaWing #DirectorOfBroadcasting #PressFreedom #FreePress #CivilServant #Complaint #ShortTermContract #LegCo #PoliticalPersecution #PoliticalRetaliation #CarrieLam
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
After 32 years, the #CCP has finally extended its claws onto the tiny island that lights candles for the victims of #TiananmenMassacre on #June4th. Indeed there were no one but the police in the vast and empty #VictoriaPark last night, but light were flickering all around Causeway Bay, all around #HongKong, and ALL OVER THE WORLD. How can this joke of a regime not realize that every time it bans something, it only gets repeated and more loudly and more widely? So well done, #XiJinping and #CarrieLam for reminding global citizens of the thing that never happened by not letting #HongKongers talk about it.
Many members of the #TiananmenMothers have passed away without seeing justice done, at the same time in the global commemorative assemblies yesterday, many school-aged children attended with their parents. The truth will live on.
Many members of the #TiananmenMothers have passed away without seeing justice done, at the same time in the global commemorative assemblies yesterday, many school-aged children attended with their parents. The truth will live on.
Created by IG @ah_to_hk
🙏 願那些犯「反人類罪行」的政黨早日GG
#支共暴政 #共匪 #中共極權 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡 #CarrieLam #Afghanistan #阿富汗
🙏 願那些犯「反人類罪行」的政黨早日GG
#支共暴政 #共匪 #中共極權 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡 #CarrieLam #Afghanistan #阿富汗
Change in the time of Carrie Lam
Credit: twitter @AFP
Losing faith in the courts.
Hong Kong's most prominent democracy activists have disappeared from view as their prosecution under a security law drags into its second year
Full article:
#CarrieLam #撕裂 #柒婆 #禍港正苦 #攬炒之母 #不尋求連任 #特首 #愛国者治港
Credit: twitter @AFP
Losing faith in the courts.
Hong Kong's most prominent democracy activists have disappeared from view as their prosecution under a security law drags into its second year
Full article:
#CarrieLam #撕裂 #柒婆 #禍港正苦 #攬炒之母 #不尋求連任 #特首 #愛国者治港