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故事分享 from @hkcropcircle
#自我審查 #紅線 #批鬥 #極權 #暴政
金發局調查:4成年青專業人士計劃離港 當中一半認為行業前景不確定

報導:光傳媒 Photon Media www.photonmedia.net


#金發局 #專業人士 #移民 #人才流失 #支共攬炒香港
When Hong Kong’s government tries to silence a song, the world should listen

If the court agrees, the companies should reply with «no.» Meta, Google and their peers admittedly find themselves in a tortured position.

In Hong Kong, this dispute is itself more evidence that the city is approaching a tipping point — that the «one country, two systems» model affording Hong Kong its autonomy from mainland China is atrophying. Two of the remaining bulwarks against autocracy in the nation were judicial independence (which China has disavowed) and a free internet (in contrast to China’s Great Firewall); a victory for the government in this case would mean the diminishment of both. This, in turn, would be a signal to companies who prefer to do business without betraying their values that the city is no longer a friendly hub for foreign investment.

#願榮光歸香港 #禁制令 #GloryToHongKong #香港國歌

Artist: 甘員外小文
#夜巿 #愛国者治港 #黑警治港 #忠誠廢物 #攬炒香港經濟 #禍港正苦
2019.8.25 荃葵青大遊行
荃民上街 葵手抗爭 青剿暴政

- 水炮車首次出動
- 黨鐵荃灣及葵芳站提早落閘
- 荃灣晚上有穿著 I LOVE 香港T裇社團從二坡坊一帶出現

#毋忘2019 #遊行 #荃灣 #青衣 #葵涌 #葵芳 #對抗暴政 #水炮車 #黨鐵 #二坡坊
Artist: 變態辣椒 @remonwangxt


#日本水產 #brainwashing #ChineseVirus #洗腦教育 #盲目忠誠 #無腦效忠

IG @ldlu_official — // 🇺🇦🏴 To mark the 4th anniversary of Hong Kong Way, our activists at the frontline and their sworn brothers wish to express solidarity with all Hongkongese freedom-seekers oppressed by the hostile regime of the Chinese Communist Party.

The latest persecution development in Hong Kong showed that the CCP regime fears any manifestation of Hong Kong's freedom while trying to silence even those who keep fighting from exile. But history teaches that an oppressor always fails. //

加油! We connect!

#ukraine #StandWithUkraine #PrayForUkraine #WeConnect
日本昨日開始排放處理後的核廢水,中國及香港官方主旋律齊聲譴責,各大傳媒亦有跟進報道,其中《有線》昨日播出報道,引述日本及各地官方數據,指福島核廢水氚排放量上限,比大亞灣等核電站低,又引述浸大學者指,雖然福島核廢水因接觸過核反應堆芯,會帶有放射性,但按日本方式處理,加上海洋無限稀釋風險不高,唯相關報道在播出後數小時下架刪除,在 google 輸入關鍵字仍能找到搜尋結果,但連結已失效。

ReNews 向《有線》查詢報道下架原因,是否因學者意見不符合官方論調,有線回應指,新聞內容編排乃新聞部的編採部決定,集團不作評論。

有該報道在昨日中午前後播放,並有在《有線新聞》fb 等推送,但到傍晚已全面刪除下架。該報道引述日本官方指,福島核廢水每年液體氚排放量,上限是 2.2 太貝可,而根據各核電站披露,大亞灣去年排放的冷卻水,排放的氚約 40.9 太貝可,陽江核電前年排放約 112 太貝可。


報導: @renews_hk
#福島核處理水 #日本水產 #政治正確 #下架 #一言堂 #盲目忠誠 #無腦效忠 #新聞自由全失
Yu人搶鹽圖(造型來自伊藤潤二老師) 日本核電廠污染了中國的海水,導致大量中國人變異,成為半機械半喪屍的Yu人,喪屍化之後的Yu人智商嚴重下降,也失去了判斷力,ta們除了跟隨老喪屍搶鹽和攻擊正常人類,什麼也不會。

Art by 变态辣椒 @remonwangxt

#肓搶鹽 #福島核處理水 #盲目忠誠 #無腦效忠 #支那病毒 #ChineseVirus

Recent news highlights struggling businesses in Hong Kong eateries, emptier malls, and quieter nights. One cause is more residents heading to the Shenzhen and the rest of the Greater Bay Area. In July, over 4.68 million Hongkongers visited the mainland, spending around HKD 4 billion.

#大灣區 #北上消費
香港製造嘅圖像資訊,鍾意嘅話可以Follow @explainerhk