Designer IG @biantailajiao #變態辣椒漫畫
33rd anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre
With the student protesters now well into their 50s, and children born since the killings being raised with scant knowledge of the event, the passage of time is helping the Communist Party erase memories.
#抹不走歷史 #六四屠城 #毋忘六四 #八九民運 #天安門屠城
33rd anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre
With the student protesters now well into their 50s, and children born since the killings being raised with scant knowledge of the event, the passage of time is helping the Communist Party erase memories.
#抹不走歷史 #六四屠城 #毋忘六四 #八九民運 #天安門屠城
#612三週年 #Canada #集會
// 人與極權嘅抗爭,就係記憶與遺忘嘅抗爭。//
// Resistance against totalitarianism, is a constant struggle to maintain the truth and fight against memories being forgotten //
On June 12, let's gather and remember our comrades still under oppression. Don't let the comfort of a peaceful life in Canada numb us to the harsh realities of our resistance and our identity. We cannot get used to this!
We shall not weary, we shall not rest
We shall not relent, we shall prevail.
Source: IG @vanactivistshk
// 人與極權嘅抗爭,就係記憶與遺忘嘅抗爭。//
// Resistance against totalitarianism, is a constant struggle to maintain the truth and fight against memories being forgotten //
On June 12, let's gather and remember our comrades still under oppression. Don't let the comfort of a peaceful life in Canada numb us to the harsh realities of our resistance and our identity. We cannot get used to this!
We shall not weary, we shall not rest
We shall not relent, we shall prevail.
Source: IG @vanactivistshk
#612三週年 #manchester #UK #連儂牆 #LennonWall
日期: 2022-06-12
時間: 中午12時至下午5時
地址: Manchester Picadilly Garden
Source: IG/TG/FB @hkersoverseas
日期: 2022-06-12
時間: 中午12時至下午5時
地址: Manchester Picadilly Garden
Source: IG/TG/FB @hkersoverseas